It's just a bit of a bubble. Sad, but true.
The Opals will continue to do well - but they always do. If they're in a gold medal game, that will be fantastic. If they win it, they maybe couldn't have done it in a better year, given the Australian medal drought - so much more attention on them. That will be brilliant for womens basketball, particularly participation, but not going to bring on some second golden age in general for the sport in Australia, unfortunately.
On the mens side - I'm in London and that game winner was actually given a decent run as a highlight here - but we all know what's about to happen next. If they play tough/gritty/never-back-down (which they definitely will) and if they manage to keep it respectable (possible) and/or make a decent chase of it for some time, and thus have people staying tuned in for a long time (incl. Ch.9 themselves), hopefully it at least earns Australian basketball a lot more respect, if not that respect translating to a noticeable increase in popularity at any level. Again, because of the drought and because of their heroics leading in, there's more of a spotlight on them now than ever before. If they do as well as they did against the US in 2004 there will be far more attention paid to it than there was in 2004, where it was a bit of an also-ran event. In 2004 it was a bit like: "Here's something you don't see every day, but we'll be going back to something where Australia have a chance in a minute...", while in 2012 the build up is far more significant. I mean, there *is* a build up. That in itself is different. It's great timing for them.
Of course, if the men beat the US all bets are off and I'm surely destined to spend 12 of the following 18hrs in a London police station.