Pick a core focus
Years ago
Funny The BASA monster
BASA has become a monster unto itself. All the clubs pay fees to BASA through registrations, nominations, court hire, entry into games, game fees etc.
Clubs/parents pay BASA up to $50 - $70 K each per year.
The clubs should start up a new central administration body. In this day and age why do we need offices? The staff for this body could work from home and be networked via their PCs. You could probably employ 3 fulltime staff for the new BASA. 2 staff that work solely on dealing with the clubs, administring the rules for clearances etc and setting the draws. The 3rd staff member could work with umpires rostering, training, recruitment etc. and help out with admin.
The state champs should be run by a club each year same as National Junior tournaments.
The clubs should be responsible for marketing district basketball, aussie hoops, running domestic comps etc. KPIs should be set for each club and agreed to by the Presidents. If the club does not reach their KPIs, the presidents can vote for them to lose their member status (IE no Div 1 teams) and while remaining independent with their own name, day to day running, funding, coaches etc. they could effectively come under the administration by another club (preferably the next closest club) until they can hit their KPIs. A club under administration loses their Executive Management and the administring club board takes over. At AGM time the members of both clubs have voting rights with the members only been able to nominate 1 - 2 members to the "joint executive board". When under administration the administrating member club is effectively the district club and the club under administration is their domestic club. Players can move into div 1 from the club under administration by transferring to their member club. The goal would be to help get the club under administration back on its feet eventually and some reward structure should be in place for the administring club that helped them do this.
The club fees to BASA could be reduced and all clubs could use the money they save in BASA costs to employ part time staff to get on with developing basketball at the grass roots level.
Clubs should setup their own domstic comps, negotiate with councils / schools / government to funded stadium development and have more ownership and say into their facilities. Councils / schools / government are more likely to fund stadiums in the community interest than BASA who also have to make enough money to fund to National League teams.
The clubs are in a better position to run domestic comps because if more funds are available to them they will have a better understanding of basketball in their area, be more appealing players starting out who want to link in with district club, be able to use their older/former district players to coach and umpire the domestic comps etc.