Years ago
Lin to Rockets looking likely
Looks like Lin will be going to the Rockets unless the Knicks pull something out of their hat. Thoughts??
Years ago
Looks like Lin will be going to the Rockets unless the Knicks pull something out of their hat. Thoughts??
Rockets paid too much, although they waived Scola not amnesty - guess they are saving that for Lins 3rd year?
Years ago
If he goes for 16+, 5+, 5+ then he will be worth every single cent they paid. Will come down to his first year there really.
Knicks won't go for him now they have Felton. No point having 3 PGs who can all play major minutes. Knicks could possibly even go after Howard now with a Amare or Melo trade... If only!
Years ago
It's done. Lin will be a Houston Rocket next year. He's said his goodbyes to Knicks fan on twitter.
Years ago
I'm sure there's been more than Lin contributing to this, but the Knicks' parent company (Madison Square Garden Inc) lost enough in value last Monday to have paid for Lin's full contract instead.
I think the Rockets did it to gain the huge Asian following back.
Years ago
A couple of articles here downplaying the effect of Lin on MSG's bottom line:
Years ago
Is Jeremy Lin the most overrated player of all time? I say yes.
Overrated, put it this way, I enjoyed watching the four games I watched with Lin playing in more than I have had watching the Knicks play in the last 15 years.
Years ago
How much money will the Rockets make if people in Asia buy a Lin jersey? If he is even half the player he was in his time at NY he will be a marketing dream.
Camel 31
Years ago
Aw , come awn now Brad Newley and Diamon Simpson .
Years ago
Good move by the Knicks. It would've cost them close to over 40 million to pay for Lin's third year with the taxes/luxury taxes that would've been on his 15 million dollar base salary. He has played a total of 26 games as a starter, averaging around 15 and 6. Far from a world beater if you ask me. Plenty of people in the league can replicate what he did on the court. He was hyped simply because of his demographics and his story coming out undrafted from Harvard. I'm not convinced that he wanted to go to Houston either, no doubt that he was using that contract as a way to speed up the process to be guaranteed a NBA contract. He's got a great contract for him, but the Rockets have severely overpaid. Amnestying Scola had nothing to do with acquiring Lin; they are still pursuing Dwight Howard, although I think it's not a matter of if, but when Dwight Howard will be introduced as a LA Laker.
Juror 12
Years ago
The Rockets get virtually the same $ from Lin jerseys sold whether he plays for Houston or the Knicks as jersey sales are divided evenly among all 30 teams (except for those sold in your actual arena - which would be minimal compared to worldwide sales).
How do you know that regarding jersey sales? It is totally different in the AFL
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