Years ago
White knight to save Gold Coast?
THE mystery white knight, who could not provide the funds to save the Gold Coast Blaze two weeks ago, has resurfaced and will meet the Tomlinson family this morning in an 11th hour development which could save the club.
Last night the club still did not have the funds to continue next year. The meeting with the investor, believed to be a mining magnate, will be the final chance for the club.
Mrs Tomlinson last night confirmed the club received a shock call from representatives from the original investor seeking a meeting.
"We have been contacted and asked to meet with the investor again, his representatives did not indicate what the meeting was about," she said.
Tomlinson said the shock meeting had provided a "flicker of hope."
It is believed the club needs just $500,000 more to operate next year after they reached an agreement with Gold Coast Basketball which would see the two entities share resources.
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