Years ago

Fed Gov gives 1mill to local soccer for upgardes

Makes me wonder when Bsketball will get some $ to upgrade the stadiums that are nearly 40 years old in some cases

Topic #28722 | Report this topic

Years ago

Sports minister just cut funding to basketball via SASI, what do you think?

No confidence in current leadership

Reply #369696 | Report this post

Years ago

Why does the Gov give soo much money to soccer!?
I just don't get it...

Reply #369721 | Report this post

Years ago

because when the socceroos play Iran in aus they get 100,000 people there. basketball would only get 10 - 20 odd thousand may be more if the full strength AUS played iran.

Reply #369760 | Report this post

Point guard  
Years ago

Anon.. I would give Kristina Keneally a chance, we are in good hands, she just put her feet under the desk. I am pretty sure with her political connections and understanding of the political landscape, $$ will come BA's way

Reply #369763 | Report this post

Years ago

Kristina will do a brilliant job and her good looks will make progress.

Reply #369766 | Report this post

Years ago

People on here really need to stop making comparisons in funding between soccer and basketball in Australia. As of now, soccer simply is more popular than basketball. More popularity increases numbers, increased numbers equates to more money funding it.

Once basketball australia gets their shit together (if they ever do), they'll receive more funding. That funding however will not be at the expense of soccer or any other sport.

Reply #369797 | Report this post

Years ago

Chewy I don't think soccer is more popular in the general public. It's more popular in the media and Lowry and his advertising dollars is a big reason for that.

Reply #369811 | Report this post

Years ago

If you want to get shirty about government funding for sport at least get shirty about the right issues.

Fed and state and local government funding a reasonably minor facilities extension together like they are here is not unusual or unfair. not is it overtly pro soccer. Its the swings and roundabouts of public funding.

These things happen all the time, in all sports. The recently opened State Basketball/soccer Centre in melbourne tuned in some 31 million in funding from all levels.

The decision by the Federal Government to fund major training facility developments for multiple AFL clubs (professional sports businesses after all...) is far more concerning.

and even worse, the ALP's decision to openly support the "operations" of the new West Sydney Football franchise flies in the face of EVERYTHING federal governments have said for years about how they will fund sport. Likewise the funding support to establish the W league.

Sorry, but the SA issue here is probably not about basketball versus soccer and almost certainly NOT about BSA's competence etc. It may be about a well executed local campaign by local sports groups to deliver funding to a project that has got support at every level, but that happens in basketball too.

Knox, Tamworth, Perth... all have received significant funding recently for basketball, to the tune of probably 50-60 million. Someone told me recently there are 30+ courts under construction in Melbourne at the moment.

Reply #369813 | Report this post

Years ago

HO you fail to understand how the basketball system works in SA.

Knox run their venue, run the local competition and build the sport in the local area.

No SA Club does that.

Basketball SA run 6 local venues. Private companies (CASA, YMCA, Sport for all) run others. We are not like any other state.

The failure to attract Local, State or Federal funding for local basketball venues is 100% due to Basketball SA and their incompetence.

Reply #369816 | Report this post

Years ago

It's not rocket science to create paradigm shifts in basketball structure. COuncils and schools would be willing to invest $$$$ in basketball pathways and district clubs if they understood what was in it for them. IE more enrollments or more rate payers! District programs don't have to be self sustaining and can make a loss because they would merely be value adds to those customers enrolling into a school or moving into a council area, the latter 2 being where the real money is, not in sports programs.

An extra enrollment in a private school equates to at least $10,000 per year. FEes to play in a district club is only $600. If a district club can integrate with a school, value add to students and the school environment, then you will find schools willing to invest to develop the district program beyond the $600 per year that is generated by basketball fees.

THe first step is to get councils and schools to build competitions and affiliate those competitions to BA/BSA. WHy affiliate? What is the value in it? The value is your participants get access to training and development, but most importantly they get access to a pathway.

If you go to Federal/State GOvernment and can demonstrate:
1. A vision and plan
2. Participation growth
3. Links to national and state peak bodies
4. Growth in participation rates
5. Ability to attract new enrollments/rate payers

They will invest the funds.

Reply #369822 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon #369811

Australian Bureau of Statistics - 4156.0 - Sports and Physical Recreation: A Statistical Overview, Australia, 2011
LATEST ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 20/12/2011

These are the numbers that drive these sorts of decisions. Bear in mind, these are physical attendances. Adding TV ratings to these just widens the popularity gap between basketball and soccer, I suspect.

Table 5.2 Spectators at selected sporting events(a), By sex - 2009-10

Sport Number('000) Attendance rate(%)
Australian Rules football 1,660.8 19.3
Horse racing 1,015.3 11.8
Rugby league 969.1 11.2
Motor sports 966.2 11.2
Soccer (outdoor) 584.0 6.8
Cricket (outdoor) 488.2 5.7
Rugby union 366.1 4.2
Harness racing 221.8 2.6
Dog racing 183.5 2.1
Tennis (indoor and outdoor) 122.4 1.4

Australian Rules football 1,171.1 13.2
Horse racing 925.0 10.4
Rugby league 594.7 6.7
Motor sports 456.8 5.2
Soccer (outdoor) 354.8 4.0
Rugby union 209.3 2.4
Cricket (outdoor) 190.5 2.2
Harness racing 190.2 2.1
Tennis (indoor and outdoor) 171.3 1.9
Netball (indoor and outdoor) 123.0 1.4
(a) The top 10 ranked sports for males and females in terms of total attendances in 2009-10.
Source: Spectator Attendance at Sporting Events, Australia, 2009-10 (cat. no. 4174.0)

Reply #369823 | Report this post

Years ago

Do you think grassroots infrastructure grants should be based on Spectator numbers?

Are you one of those that defend the State Governments decision to spend $550M on Adelaide Oval? Money spent on two sports capable of obtaining their own funding. Money spent to provide a better venue for spectators to watch sport, rather than spending money on facilities to help more people actually play sport. Spending money on better venues for participants in turn saves governments money in hospitals and heath services?

The ABS numbers are flawed anyway.

"Spectators at selected sporting events"

It's like producing participation numbers that say basketball doesn't have the numbers of another sport. But in the fine print it only includes participants over 15 years of age, which rules out over half of basketball's numbers in SA.

Stats will tell you whatever you want them to if manipulated. And you're naive if you think the ABS numbers for every survey they create aren't manipulated.

Reply #369824 | Report this post

Years ago

369823, you've missed the boat completely champ. What about Govt $$ spent on per capita participation??

Reply #369835 | Report this post

Years ago


Actually I have a pretty good understanding of all that.

Your comment about how Knox run their business is pretty irrelevant to be honest. I would suggest that Knox is one of the most poorly run of the Victorian Associations to give its irrelevancy some context.

There is an argument to be said that the structure and fragmentation of the sport in SA is not the best for attracting local support for funding, but that would belie your "100%" argument wouldn't it?

Is there a chance you could be more absolute in your reasoning?

Reply #369877 | Report this post

Years ago

Five million dollars was given to basketball last year for construction.

The WHOLE amount was sunk into the only development with plans and on the table.

That was the Levre Community Centre at Osborne.

Take the drive down to Outer Harbour and feast your eyes on the biggest white elephant since million dollar school toilets were approved by the Federal Government.

Reply #369881 | Report this post

Years ago

HO my point is local assocations drive the relationship with Local, State and even Federal governments for funding of infrastructure, sponsorship, programs etc.

In SA the clubs are merely participants in the District competition. BSA run Elite, District and local competitions.

BSA manag facilities.

It's up to BSA to obtain funding for the sport at competition and facility level.

Knox was only one example. There are many examples in Meblourne of Local Associations building bigger venues for their use, their management, their competitions.

In SA that role is solely on Basketball SA. And they've failed, massively.

Absolute enough for you?

Reply #369883 | Report this post

Filthy Mexican  
Years ago

Basketball would need 10s of millions to get up to scratch, 1 million would not upgrade 1 basketball stadium to any standard close to what it needs to be. Maybe 1 million can provide care taking and maintenance to 30 to 50 soccer fields, why throw good money after bad that will help 10% of the basketball community when you can directly affect 50-70% of the soccer community with the same money

Reply #369926 | Report this post

Years ago

Filthy, you need to get to Perth! 73 million invested in a state of the art basketball, athletics and rugby venue...

SA people are such small thinkers!

Reply #369933 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #369934 | Report this post

Years ago


By your own acknowledgement BSA only manage 6 facilities, and others are managed by other parties.

So you've confirmed that the structure of the sport is the issue, not BSA then?

Reply #369959 | Report this post

Years ago

Only 6 venues?

How many do you think we have?

Reply #369966 | Report this post

People Power  
Years ago

The right question is Who is currently lobbying the State and Federal Government with a concrete proposal to build a major new stadium for SA basketball? Who is working with newspapers, talkback radio and local politicians to get the funding? Who is working to push this case everyday day in day out ? Who is working with clubs to get parents and players to call their local MP and council member ? With out this it will NEVER happen.

Reply #369973 | Report this post

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