Marcus Camby
Years ago
Restricted Free Agency.
I'm trying to explain the concepts of Restricted and Unrestricted Free Agency to a friend foreign to the NBA. We are discussing Linsanity's offer from HOU.
On the surface, it is pretty simple.
However, taking the NYK-Lin-HOU dynamic, I have one question regarding restricted free agency.
NYK is offering $25m over 4 years.
HOU is offering $30m over 4 years (backloaded).
I understand that NYK have a right to match the offer, but does Lin have to take it?
Seems pretty critical yet I could not answer.
If Lin has to stay in NYK for the matched offer, I think the RFA model is flawed.
It assumes money is the ONLY driver for signing with another team.
There are no consideration for things such as (not saying they apply to Lin @ NYK) more playing time, better team dynamics, favoured coach, being at home state etc.
Your comments would be greatly appreciated.