Years ago

Gold Coast Blaze look to move to Carrara Stadium

According to the Gold Coast Bulletin the Blaze are close to changing to the community model (same as the Hawks & Taipans), local council are also giving them free rent for their front office etc so they can stay in the league.

Another key point is moving the team to the old Carrara Stadium (for free). Apparently they only need 500k to stay alive..

Topic #28692 | Report this topic

Years ago

One of the best things about the Blaze was their location, in the heart of Broadbeach in a modern comfortable stadium with modern amenities and convenient undercover parking. It attracted people who would go out in Broadbeach or Surfers after a game. Most sports venues around the country are a fair way from any decent nightlife, where as the Blaze were across the road.The fact that they had trouble filing it was NBLs and the Blaze failure to adequately market the game. The one advantage the Blaze had over other sporting franchises (besides being a better sport) on the GC (Titans, the Suns, GC United Football) was its convenient and appealing location and stadium.

I certainly wont be making the hike out to a stadium i didn't want to play U/12 at because it was old, in the middle of no where and parking was a bitch.

Reply #369196 | Report this post

NBL Fan  
Years ago

So Lance, you would rather the Blaze die than going to a stadium?

Reply #369198 | Report this post

Years ago

I haven't been to Carrara Stadium since 1999 but i used to attend a lot of Rollers games as i had family that lived in QLD at the time.

From memory the place stunk, it was old, the roof leaked, it was either freezing cold or like a boiler room (as were most NBL stadiums in those days).
Has it changed since then?

Reply #369199 | Report this post

Years ago

This is all well and good if they manage to get past these latest finance issues, but are they going to have any sort of a team?

Reply #369202 | Report this post

Years ago

You didnt want to play there in under 12's beacuse it was too old. You dont love the game, i feel sorry for you.

Reply #369203 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL Fan, is this just going to kill them more slowly though? Made the play-offs last year with a decent squad but struggled to build crowds. Changing to a less convenient location and almost certainly an inferior team will hardly help that.

I guess it comes down to how much they can rein in costs, but also how many people in the area want to support that community-style team. Wollongong don't get monstrous crowds, but they have a brilliantly located stadium and the people are really supportive of the club.

Reply #369205 | Report this post

Years ago

A team that pays its bills is better than nothing.

Reply #369209 | Report this post

Years ago

Carrara makes much more sense, it gives them a chance to make money on every game. 2000-2500 at Carrara will be a much better result in the short term than the 3000-3500 they were getting in town.

If they really are getting it for free then it's a no-brainer. If they get to the point where they are more sustainable they can look to go back to Broadbeach

For now, with some of the money they save on rent and players they could split costs with the council to fix some of the more pressing issues at Carrara.

Reply #369213 | Report this post

Years ago

Being based in Melbourne, it's always hilarious to read about convenience of location. I've stayed just across the road from the Convention Centre, and had to drive past Carrara on the way to do things. It was something like 10-15 minutes drive. That's practically next door in my book. I'm sure they'll be able to build a loyal following there.

Reply #369215 | Report this post

Years ago

So I just did a quick google and looked up Carrara Stadium and apparently it is getting knocked down soon and is to be replaced with a new "leisure center" which will play host to badmitton at the 2018 Commonwealth Games?

Not sure if it is being built on the same site or a different site so this one can stay open until the new one is finished but this may be an issue soon?

One step at a time I guess,get the Blaze back into the NBL first.

Reply #369216 | Report this post

Years ago

Cairns made a profit last season under a community model. And that's without making the playoffs where they would have made more due to home finals etc. Pretty impressive. It can be done.

Reply #369217 | Report this post

Years ago

If they make it cheap enough and market if well properly with trying to get a partnership with the Gold coast suns and titans. And get a decent public transport plan like they have for those games with tickets covering transport they could get a decent fan base. Maybe even have a double header night, go see a blaze game then a suns game or vice versa since the stadiums are right next to each other.

Reply #369227 | Report this post

Years ago

That's a bit hard Fletch when the seasons don't overlap.

Reply #369230 | Report this post

Years ago

Assume they can stay in the league

what could the team look like

something like this perhaps

import SF/SG
bj anthony
import (Hudson)

team would be on a budget but would be pretty competitive

Reply #369234 | Report this post

Years ago

Rub Braswell off that list, he's already committed to a team.

I'd love to see Gynes stay in the league, underrated junkyard dog!

Reply #369235 | Report this post

Mr bEn  
Years ago

Carrara is downright terrible, even the Goldie state league team didn't want to play there.

@ nat: not a thing has changed since 99

Whilst I would love the Blaze to stay in the league, it's perhaps to their detriment if they play out of Carrara

Reply #369236 | Report this post

Years ago

where is Braswell going? Hawks, Tigers, Breakers, 36ers? teams i can think of who would want a import guard

Reply #369243 | Report this post

Years ago

He's not an import anymore, he's a (new) naturalised Kiwi which means he will play in the NBL as a local.

Reply #369247 | Report this post

Years ago

Guess we'll find out in 7 days time. Question though - where is the $1mil guarantee coming from ?

Really hope they can pull it off - if the people of GC want an NBL team, they will support it regardless of where it plays or who is on it.

Funny how people on this forum ridiculed the Taipans model 3 years ago - Matt Campbell stood tall and copied the model and the Hawks fly again, now the Blaze need to follow it to survive. Taipans / Hawks had months to prepare, find sponsors, secure $1mil guarantees, change governance models, appoint board members etc. Blaze are trying to do his in 7 days - good luck to them and I hope we see the Blaze (regardless of whether its a top $ team) grace the NBL next season.

Reply #369249 | Report this post

Years ago

Does anyone know how to get in touch with Owen Tomlinson. If the Blaze only need $500k i might be able to help and if the council are offering free rent for the front office and stadium it could be a no brainer depending on the length of terms. its similar to the jets in the Q Cup. the council offered us very cheap rent for 5 years and we have been making profits for 4 of those past 5 years. I will call BA and see if they can put me in touch.

Was at Carrara last year and it doesnt seem to be much better then the last time i went in 94.

Reply #369253 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't see the Blaze in the NBL next season. Not sure if that's a bad thing though. The Gold Coast doesn't really have a big following for sport apart from the Titans, where NRL rules above all bar surfing. Carrara Stadium is a dump. Having a team play at such a poor venue would surely not be good publicity for the NBL.

If you are going to have a team up there, it needs to be done the right way. Carrara Stadium is not that way at all.

Reply #369255 | Report this post

Years ago

[email protected]
02 8396 5522
Scott Derwin

Best point of contact at the moment.

Reply #369256 | Report this post

Years ago

wow you can contact the ceo direct, imagine if demetriou in afl just had his number ot publically.

I hope blaze survive, we need more than 8 teams.

this team could be ok budget wise:

cheap aussie big / qbler
Petrie / Anthony
Seabl import / college returnee
Goulding / Dillon
Import / Gleeson

Reply #369259 | Report this post

Years ago

well done sitiveni, hope you get on board with the club and let it survive. you a business owner?

Reply #369260 | Report this post

Years ago

Does KK do a good Scott Derwin impersonation?

Reply #369265 | Report this post

Years ago

Carrara was one of the reasons the Rollers were booted out. Nothing since 1996 has changed in respect of venue since then. NO AIRCONDITIONING for starters.

Reply #369266 | Report this post

Years ago

Sitiveni, if you are serious send me an email on [email protected] and I'll help you out with contact details

Reply #369281 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree Mr bEn..

The point is it shouldn't have to get to a stage where basketball fans and Blaze supporters are asking which is better they remain a club or play in a terrible stadium...oh and what that map doesn't show you is how much a pain in the ass it is to be stuck in traffic on a friday night on the Ross Street bridge trying to get to see an average team play in a crappy stadium, really isn't a winner in my book.
A pro sports franchise isn't just about Basketball, yes the community needs to be involved (frankly they weren't involved enough with the blaze) but it is also a a brand and it competes not with other basketball comps like QABL but with other ENTERTAINMENT providers..that is on a Wednesday, Friday or Saturday they are competing for my discretionary income just like many other forms of entertainment will..hey kids do you want to go see the blaze play in an old shed in an inconvenient locale, or would you rather spend the money an go to movies, restaurant, bar, wet n wild, sea world, dreamworld etc....for non die-hard supporters you have to make it easy, attractive, appealing and convenient, none of this will happen moving to Carrera, maybe food poisoning on some carny food.
The NBL and its clubs need to realise they are not just selling basketball but is hardly a step forward to be playing in Carrera.

Reply #369282 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't read anywhere that states that they will be playing the games there?

only states that they will have free access to the site instead of paying for it like they did last year

Reply #369290 | Report this post

Years ago

"It can also be revealed the club is in negotiations to play matches at Carrara Stadium which would erase exorbitant costs imposed at the Gold Coast convention centre."


(Isaac can you make that look pretty?)

Reply #369293 | Report this post

Phobos 40  
Years ago

Carrara/Ashmore is the heart of the Gold Coast and for that reason alone it could work.

I believe the NBL needs to step back from thinking we are as big a sport as we use to be and playing out of a smaller stadiums could go hand in hand with marketing ourselves as the cool "underground sport" that is only accessible to the lucky (obviously cool) few.

Create the demand and step up slowly, won`t help with the bottom line of clubs to start with but being sold-out every game could help in other ways like with the crowds of people missing out will effectively become disciples of the sport spreading the word of basketball, making others who may not be otherwise exposed watch at pubs, clubs, their house, your house.

TV ratings jump and hopefully then head office can negotiate bigger and better deals for the rights which is the only way this sport will ever compete with the big boys again.

Reply #369348 | Report this post

Years ago

I think it all depends on the club. Going smaller has worked well for Perth and Melbourne, but Perth are definitely ready for a bigger stadium now while Melbourne think they are.

NZ are also ready for more games in a big stadium, while Sydney and Adelaide do ok in a bigger stadium despite being ugly to watch on court. If they get their act together they might get some really good crowds.

But if a club is struggling to fill a bigger stadium and the rent is exorbitant they should definitely be encouraged into a smaller venue. With crowds going from 3500 to 4300 in four years and likely to be between 4500-5000 this year I dont think that should be a widespread policy.

Reply #369360 | Report this post

Years ago

Let the players who play in the NBL, play in an unsafe work environment. NO.
Let the GCCC make it a decent and safe facility in the first instance then by all means start off small.
All of the offers are meaningless if by next Friday no serious investors come forward anyway.

Reply #369375 | Report this post

Years ago

Sitiveni - havnt heard from you yet - send me a mail if you are serious - the Tomlinsins would love to hear from you!

Reply #369403 | Report this post

Years ago

Blaze need a lot more than $500k.
Carrara isnt part of the solution either. It will never meet any NBL stadium criteria, in the forseeable decades.

Reply #369405 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks nat and everyone else. some big decisions are about to be made and i think the blaze might just be back next season. there is alot of misinfo out there but things are looking better then even a week ago. fingers crossed people, if i can give any further news i will.

Reply #369681 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard that the Blaze in some form or other have resigned two of the players "released" from their old contract. If this is true then that must be a vote of confidence that there is light at the end of the tunnel

Reply #369687 | Report this post

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