Jack Toft
Years ago
R13 ABL Action - Let the Accountants Party!
Women: The current form of North should send a shiver down the spines. This could be a taxing game for Sturt with North scoring freely. If North climb any higher, they may go into orbit just like our taxes!
Men: Top of the table clash. Sturt reeled in an 18 point dis-advantage last round and North rounded off a 5 game streak with plenty of chalk left on the cue. By all accounts Sturt fans get a dozen complimentary oysters with their Pinot Noirs if Sturt crack a win tonight. Better airfreight 'em over from Coffin Bay and start shucking.
Women: Every win matters for the Eagles as they jockey for position behind the Lightning Flames. With the T-birds playing Sunday, West can only hope that Carla keeps munching apples on the bench. Forestville and wins go together like a swing and a broken arm.
Men: This would have to be the joint MOTR. West has the split by 1 and with both teams destined for finals, this game is more important than getting your tax return correct. No red carpet for the Eagles this week. This will be watched more intensely than a helicopter over Maslins Beach. Apart from dropping a set against Sturt, West appear to have made their home court the House of Pain, but the Eagles seem to be able to drink poison and get away with it. That's why they shouldn’t expect West to give them any hot showers after the match.
Women: Top v Bottom in what should be a training session for Simon’s girls. Minor premiership already in the cabinet, so there’s plenty of scope the clear the bench early and let those young Flamettes burn. You’ll know if it’s a slow game if the bench does origami with the scoresheet.
Men: South have gone from finals contender to nuisance value. They could make it hard for the Flames to secure 5th spot, but just remember the ATO motto: Screw us now, we'll screw you later! Despite a 6 game losing streak, reckon South might just be the party pooper this round.
Women: This is the battle for 5th spot. If the Mavettes drop this, then their season is over. If they win by 9 and get the split, they stay in touch with the 5. The only home court loss for the Tigeresses has been against the Lightning Flames and even with Tess back, the Tigeresses should secure a final 5 spot with a win.
Men: Season over for both teams, so why not throw caution to the wind and try something different. Millard has upped the ante, but The Tigers should hold on home safari.
Women: The Warriors were humbled and the reigning COTY cleared his bench to rest his stars last time these teams met. Even with the dodgy fluoro lighting of the St Clair rollerdrome, the Warriors will find a win as hard to get as Lara Bingle finds finishing a jig saw puzzle.
Men: Both teams fighting for 5th spot with Norwood, so this will be a very interesting game indeed. A loss to either team means another season’s expectations flushed away down the lavatory of broken dreams, but Woodville have a game in one hand and the crapper chain in the other. Will they leave the seat up?