Years ago
who are the top teams in year 10 basketball
i was just wondering who are the teams to watch out for in year 10 basketball
Years ago
i was just wondering who are the teams to watch out for in year 10 basketball
Twisted retro bball playa
Years ago
One of the top teams in year 10 basketball this year is Blackfriars priory school. As you all know our open team won the championship last year beating the might Pasadena high.Our year 10 group have real depth and talent with good outside shooters and great post players. Overall they have got the firing power to play with the best schools of basketball here in Adelaide.
Watch out lol
Years ago
im in the yr 10 team this year and we play black friars first game who have they got that plays district
Years ago
i play for year 10 blackfriars, i can tell u know we aint that good lol. i play club for under 18s div 2 and there is lyk onli 1 or 2 more club players in my team. the rest havent touched a ball so yer 2b honest u wouldnt hav much competition playing us.hmm pretty embarassing
Years ago
Pasadena and Black Friars are quite easy, it is schools like Sacred Heart, Glenunga, Cabra, Mercedes which are the strong ones
IMO probably about 2 or 3 people on this forum would be interested in this. I also think that the person who started this thread is just trying to glorify themselves.
For your info anon, the question was asked to find out what other teams are in the comp this year. And if you arent interested in this question then go somewhere else. A question was asked no harm in that.
anon.......give the kids a break !!
Shows that you have no idea about basketball, and how enthusiastic our juniours are. Let them have there say for gods sake !!!! Its where our future is. I have two daughters that play. And if they took on board your disgusting attitude, theyd be devastated, and wouldnt play !!!
My eldest was made Captain of her High School team. Its given her a boost. Let them be you stick in tha mud !!
anon 32492m your obviously a rookie here, so i'll explain this to you nicely. Before all these kids found this forum (school holidays kill me now), this entire forum used to be a great place to come on here and talk basketball, lots of civilised people giving informed opinions etc etc. Now all these kids are jumping on, we have to wade through the mess of dribble they post to find the sensible replies. Isaac has removed these junior threads to make make it easier for us, but it is still work he shouldn't have to have done. I also think it is great that they are passionate, but they've also got to show some respect.
Here's an analagy for you.
There is a great relatively unknown camping site that i frequent. I dont mind if other people camp there, it is public property, but when others do camp there, they need to leave it how they found it, not leave their rubbish everywhere. This website, is my campsite, got it?
Years ago
If people start threads about school basketball in the School category, then we have no problem. "Best under 18 dunker" and stuff like that goes under School too.
school sports
Years ago
This is a public forum, if you do not like the topic that is listed don't read it. I am interested in year 10 basketball, so I only want to read about year 10 basketball instead of people like anon who only want to critise those who write. concentrate on your own topics and allow others to discuss thiers.
Therefore, year 10 basketball this year will be dominated by Mercedes and Unley who are coming off huge seasons last year and who played in the grand final of the BASA tournament. I predict a similar result this year.
Anon#32505 "but they've also got to show some respect"
how about you show some respect for other as well.
The students posting on here have just as much right as what you have, so grow up.
Years ago
I think people have forgotten Unley. They had a good strong yr 8 team last year, who came second in the statewide knockout comp, and their yr 10 team which one the yr 10 KO had some yr 9's in it too.
If your gona list schools, the ones u got so far seem right so far to me, but u choose who u think is the top schools, i mean each team has a different match up so it may be easy to beat one team and not another.
Years ago
you can laugh at if you feel it neccesary,but i used to go to wirreanda a few years ago when somehow we would actually beat a few teams and we really weren't that good.but how are the trees looking now-a-days?
Years ago
i am the one who started this post i just forgot to put my name on it and who eva said im glorifying thats crap i just wanted to know who are the teams to watch out for this year in the comp
so who have mercedes and unley got
trinity this year have a retty good team im not saying it just because im in the team im just saying what i think we hav all div 1 and 2 players from 18's with an awesome coach we got jumpin jye for our school coach this year which will help us even more
Unley's 10 ko team should be pretty good this year they already have a couple of guys in the open team and in 9/10 ko last year 3 of the strating 5 was year 9
Years ago
in yr 10 st micks have a good team but the st micks open A' R THE ONES TO WATCH OUT FOR they beat aderlaide high by over 100 points and they got a few aly oop dunks
how hard is it to dunk when you are 6 foot 6 and beating a team by 100 points
number 50
Years ago
im not bragging but who ever said black friars was the team to beat in year 10 was joking or in need of serious help we just played them on sat and we beat the 118-13 it was embarrassing for the other team and if they are the team to beat then wat are we
Years ago
well it is hard we u r dunking it on sum1 who is 6 foot 4 or 5
who beat the blacks
number 50
Years ago
trinity did we absolutely slaughtered them why what team do u [play for
Years ago
all except one and but hell be droped soon so it all good
Years ago
naa west di2 18's played sturt2 and beat them by about 10
Years ago
st micks 10 a's beat aderlaide high by 15 and opens beat aderlaide by about 100
number 50
Years ago
yeah st michaels may hav a good team but when we play you its gonna b a good game
st micks have no standouts in year 10...just alot of average players...........prepare to lose this year
(Mod : Watch your mouth kiddo.)
Have St Micks entered into the basa tournament which is on this thursday? And if Mercedes and Unley are supposed to be the temas to beat, sacred heart beat mercedes in the 1st round of schoolball
mod - why do you feel as tho you have to speak down to these people. Just coz they are younger than you doesn't mean you are any better than them.
Dont need to talk like your sh!t dont stink.
(Mod: The moderator in question deleted language which was inappropriate for the forum. Read the forum guidelines. I'm sorry that you were personally offended by being called "kiddo" but if you don't swear, the mod won't call you that.)
that's great. good to see the mod censoring the forum, but there is no need to express him/herself with that connotation.
Years ago
im from st mics in yr 10 weve bet every GOOD team trinity, merc,glenungA UNLEY ADELAIDE HIGH THESE TEAMS ARE GOOD DONT GET ME WRONG BUT DONT WRITE US OF! WE DOMINATE
number 50
Years ago
im from trinity 10 A's how can u say u beat us we have not played you yet your full of crap we dont play for you till next term or something
statue of liberty
Years ago
well said mod:P
Think you were being a bit generous with kiddo!
Years ago
im not full of shit we drilled you guys last yr if your got new players mate we'll see ya in term3!!!! i didnt say wat yr we bet ya!! question no.50 who have you played so far and wat were the scores?
Years ago
has anyone played scotch???? how good are they?
Ps Sacred Heart were looking foward to the rematch soon!!!! i thought we were gonna play you in yr 9
Years ago
Our cabra teams whooped scotch two weeks ago. Our seniors had a KO game vs them, and it just got boring. Scotch dont have a 10'B's team, so their numbers are small.
Scotch are not that good, but if someone thinks they are, Cabra is just alot better.
Scotch just gave up once we got on top of them. Good luck for your game.
Years ago
is the yr 10 cadbra team any different for last years year 9s
number 50
Years ago
we gavnt lost a game yet
black friars we beat by 95
pedare we beat by 40 sumfin
and st peters we beat by 2 or sumfin we played wif no point guard and wif 4 players and still one what about you joe
wow u must be heaps number 50, please keep letting us know how awesome ur team is, were really enjoying it
number 50
Years ago
hey im only replying to what joe asked me i am not trying to talk ourselves up im answering the question if you think im bragging thats up you
look at post #36176 he asked me so i answered
its me
Years ago
diko just stop talkin ok your team is good but u dont get on that is why they win
(#36553your team is good but u dont get on that is why they win
So are you meaning because the team (number 50's team) dont get on that is why they are always winning.....doesnt make sense to me or do you mean the other teams are winning because number 50's team dont get on!!! and that doesnt make sense either.
The team work well together and that is why they are winning.
And to all t he others why cant he talk his team up, everybody else on the here talks their own team up, so why cant they.
Anon your an idiot. 'its me' was sayin that number 50's team is good because number 50 doesnt get on, not the whole team doesnt get on. Fool
I think he means the team is good because number 50 does not get on the court.
number 50
Years ago
so the team is good because i dont get on the court
so how can i score 20 point a game when im on the bench figure that one out smart ass
no offense 'number 50' i dnt kno u dnt kno ur team but i think u should drop this whole thing because its damaging whatever reputation u have, and making u seem a little big headed
number 50
Years ago
"making me seem a little big headed"
im only asking questions im not coming on here talking myself up if people ask me a question ill answer it. if u define it as talking myself up then that is your choice
Years ago
sorry no 50 I havent been on for a while we beat st peters by 20 pac 101 to 30 and adelaide high by 15 scotch didnt have a team
#44 St MIcks
Years ago
St Michaels is by far the best team in year 10 going undefeated in our entire history as a team.. All black Fries has to offer is some sick ass teachers who (love the people they work with) tell us your the best when you beat us.. THat is... Never
Years ago
matty u serious we thought they were their b team half our a"s were told not to go it was me and two a players and bs vs them 60+ win
Years ago
UNLEY ARE MAD!! they have 3 people over 6'4, two of which are 6'5 and they both play 18 1's. Not to mention their quick and unstoppable guards. they have the most skillful, all round players in the competition and can not be stopped. cabra, mercedes...pft...they are going down by 20 to this team.
Years ago
unley cool but dat other one isnt good and the other two dont play sumtimes if they do our team has to play abit harder. do ya reckon them to are worth 40 points
number 50 is shaun scott... btw st ignatius arnt that good
mercedes went down by 15 without their u16 state center and no subs
Some other guy
Years ago
Unley Vs Mercedes
Shocking organisation - The umpires were running a half hour late, didn't start 10 b's until 9, had to shorten the game so the A's and the opens could start on time. This isn't fair, most of the b's players only play that game and for it to be shortend I would be really annoyed. Unley won all three games easily.
Years ago
can someone post a table of games and results for this season so far! The proof of the pudding is in the eating, not the bullshitting.
Years ago
number 50 is not me Anonymous #37386
i havent said anyhting about ignatius and do not rate us as a top team in the state.
to quote "50"
we gavnt lost a game yet
black friars we beat by 95
pedare we beat by 40 sumfin
and st peters we beat by 2 or sumfin we played wif no point guard and wif 4 players and still one what about you joe
ignatius lost to pedare by 2...
not me, ok ty.
what teams are going through from each KO group for the boys comp? has any of it been decided yet?
Years ago
our team is average. not too many stars or well known players.
weve lost to pedare by 2. beat scotch by 35 and beat some other gimpy team by about 30.
we have trinity this week so we should get taught a lesson.
im in the trinity team you are playing this week yeah you will get taught a lesson depending on if we come to the game awak unlike are last home game we had 3 players get there just as the game started it took us till half time to actually start playing like a team and that was against pedare and we won by 40+
Alex and mike are the maddest playaz in da league. They play for unley and no one can stop them. they are both quick, strong, skillful and can shoot the lights out. alex had=s the maddest hops he can windmill at 5'10!!! watch out for these cats!
i wish u unley boys would stop talkign urselves up
Anonymous #38808
not only did you beat pedare by 40 but you sound like a complete tool! good job mate keep it up
Years ago
yer i know that mike guy is unreal.i just couldn't stop him he did everything.and ive never seen alex have a bad game they will make unley near unstoppable.i feel sorry for anyone who will have to guard one of those to
unley yr 10s woo!
Years ago
lol you are so pathetic. Your only kidding yourself, everyone else thinks your a complete tool. Why arnt you two playing opens then?
Jarryd is the only one with talent from unley 10s and he can back it up in his game.
Mike the little short small guy who playes for Unley/ he's heeps good not
Some other guy
Years ago
Without Jarryd on saturday, a lanky 6 foot 4 player dominated, scored 26 and stole the game away from Sacred Heart, he surely can't be that bad.
bobby jones
Years ago
what do people think of the year 10 team at trinity
im not in the team i saw them play last saturday against st ignatious and they absolutely killed us
so what are your opinions on them
Mike Shortt
Years ago
thanks for the support dayman! haha, i only wrote that with a mate coz we were bored and just discovered the site. its all good i know im sh!t. but seriously...watch out for me...lol.
Mike Shortt
Years ago
and who wrote that "Mike the little short small guy who playes for Unley/ he's heeps good not" coz i wanna bash them with my amazingly proporsioned body and chisled abs.
bring it on mike. nice to see your friends are arround the same hight as you. Dayman just shut up
Mike Shortt
Years ago
oh no, a height joke...not used to them or anything. that cut me deep man. i was clearly joking about everything, take a chill. and dayman is the man
someone just posted that jarryd is the only talent on our year ten team?? wtf? what about bryce whitaker...6'6, state player, 18 1's for sturt. not to mention hayden grimmer who is the ""lanky" player that dominated sacret heart. he is awsome, then there is a bloke called matt smith who is an absolute nutcase.
Years ago
who ever said that jarryd Fildes is the only descent player in the unley year 10 team has got 2 be crazy. and even if he is all you other teams must be sh*t if 1 player is dominating and still beeting ur year ten teams by over 20 points every game. And the unley team still beet Sacred heart with out jarryd and bryce. so that proves that jarryd isnt the only talent in the Unley year 10 team.
Westminster beat St Michael's (year 10) today by 1. Good game, St Michaels only had 3 left on the court cos of fouls, although Westminter were kinda depleted too.
Open A's lost by 21.
What are Adelaide High like?
Harry Einarson
Years ago
The games Merecedes have lost this season have all been when two of their district players were coaching or injured, wath out for knockout! Merecdes vs Unley in the knockout grand final!
It goes to show who has and hasnt played Saint Mics, can anyone still vote unley for the win after watching a Saint Mics game?
up top
Years ago
iv heard a lot about how good st. micks are but no proof. i play for trinity n we beat them by 14 and wernt even at our best.
jimmy de bas
Years ago
anonymous, sacred heart were missing a pretty big part of their team as well in that shc vs unley game. so don't get too cocky.
What about Faith?????? richie medhurst the greatest ball carrier in SA! danny Gogoll sexiest bballer in SA! tom kowald wat a ladies man. joshy O hottest man in rundle mall!!
soo faiths open centre is still in year ten comp??
Years ago
All u fools keep saying nothin about the team coached by the legendary AL GREEN! Westminster only lost to Mercedes, sacred heart and unley lost by under 5 pts for every game. stop hatin and start lovin the greatest duo of Tom Seb and Roscoe, coz we'll be there to shut u down!
yeh roscoe is awesome hes the best player ever he can dribble with his right hand and sometimes score layups...potential nbl!
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