Years ago

Keneally quits politics to become the BA CEO

Basketball Australia will announce a "Significant" front office move tomorrow morning (Saturday 23/6/12)

Word is Kristina Keneally has quit politics to take over as BA CEO.

Topic #28579 | Report this topic

Years ago

old news?

Reply #367360 | Report this post

Years ago

No anon, this is new.

Reply #367363 | Report this post

Years ago

hopefully we can now get our fair share of govt funding.

Reply #367365 | Report this post

Years ago

Checks Calendar - nope not April 1st?

Reply #367366 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

Best appointment in the history of Australian basketball. She could be earning a hell of alot more money doing something else but she is very passionate about the support.

Reply #367367 | Report this post

Years ago

Good signing but basketball in aus needs to move away from the Americanisation.

Everything from carfino, players among others.

Reply #367371 | Report this post

Years ago[tt_news]=2523&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1&cHash=3d2632ad4e

Reply #367372 | Report this post

Years ago

While Keneally has a profile in politics, basketball is a totally different arena.

I would of preferred someone who have played basketball in Australia and are intouch with the basketball community and has maintianed a profile in the basketball community.

Unfortunately like everything politics are always around and these days basketball doesnt need politics it need PASSION! PASSION, from the top BA,NBL down to our juniors who are the future of basketball.

The questions i would like answered are;

1) How is Kenally going to increase the profile of basketball?

2) What will she put in place for the juniors to reconnect with the NBL?

3) How is she goimg to convince the NBL owners she can improve basketball in
Australia with ZERO basketball experience?

4) Why didnt any of the other sporting leagues who clearly could have offered Keneally
much more money put her in a Senior position?

Finally, if putting Keneally new position doesnt work, the NBL must seperate itself from BA to regain its identity.

Your thoughts..and please NO politically correct answers.

A PASSIONATE Basketball Fan

Reply #367373 | Report this post

Years ago

While Keneally has a profile in politics, basketball is a totally different arena.

I would of preferred someone who have played basketball in Australia and are intouch with the basketball community and has maintianed a profile in the basketball community.

Unfortunately like everything politics are always around and these days basketball doesnt need politics it need PASSION! PASSION, from the top BA,NBL down to our juniors who are the future of basketball.

The questions i would like answered are;

1) How is Kenally going to increase the profile of basketball?

2) What will she put in place for the juniors to reconnect with the NBL?

3) How is she goimg to convince the NBL owners she can improve basketball in
Australia with ZERO basketball experience?

4) Why didnt any of the other sporting leagues who clearly could have offered Keneally
much more money put her in a Senior position?

Finally, if putting Keneally new position doesnt work, the NBL must seperate itself from BA to regain its identity.

Your thoughts..and please NO politically correct answers.

A PASSIONATE Basketball Fan

Reply #367374 | Report this post

Years ago

Commander I believe she's Canadian not American

Reply #367375 | Report this post

Years ago

The aus public will see her as American.

Also I was hoping scott Darwin would get the gig long term.

Reply #367376 | Report this post

Years ago

Scooter derwin**

Reply #367377 | Report this post

Years ago

Scott derwin**

Damn ipad auto correct.

Derwin has proven to bE a great leader over a long period.

Reply #367378 | Report this post

Years ago

Who will be the chairman now?

Reply #367379 | Report this post

Years ago

Actually she was born in the US and moved to Australia in the later 90s and renounced her US citizenship becoming a naturalised aussie.

I guess this is why BA went with her rather than someone within BA

"the Board felt Kristina presented a complete package to BA: demonstrated leadership skills; strong understanding of community, government and the private sector; and excellent communication abilities."

I agree with the above comments, if basketball in australia is going to survive & grow it will need to reconnect and grow junior basketball & community programs dramatically, raise the profile of the NBL not just through exposure and media coverage, but also by creating stars out of NBL players..the game desperately needs personalities, players that fans buy jerseys of and players fans love to hate.

Reply #367380 | Report this post

Baseline shooter  
Years ago

To say the Keneally has zero basketball experience is wrong. According to reports in the Australian she was a high school star and played for Notre Dame at college. On the matter of her being American so what? As long she does the right thing for the sport it shouldn't matter where you are originally from.

I feel it will be a good move.

Reply #367381 | Report this post

Years ago

It doesn't matter if the person played basketball or not or whether they are American or not.

1) They need to make people care about the Boomers and Opals - make them a recognisable brand like the Wallabies/Socceroos/Australian Cricket Team/Netball Team.

2) Increase the exposure of the NBL - more bums on seats.

Reply #367385 | Report this post

Wildcat Fan  
Years ago

A good decision in the end, and a nice boost for the credibility of the sport by getting someone with some political clout. I suggested Vlahov for the position in an older post, but it's better to see a non player take the position.

Regarding the "too American" suggestion, so what? She's more known for being NSW premier than being American. Though I agree that the commentators should be Australian and Carfino needs to be shown the door from anything public, that's a different matter entirely.

Good luck KK, let's get the sport back to the top!

Reply #367386 | Report this post

Years ago

Commander I agree with you carfino needs to go, old voice unprofessional etc but to get away from the Americanisation as a whole is a very odd comment. The nbl needs to feed off the nba and all that league represents for basketball worldwide. Imports make our leave exciting. Plus the nbl isnt in a state to be knocking back any help or publicity at this point. Having said that I reiterate carfino must disappear

Reply #367387 | Report this post

Years ago

I want to be an Nbl commentator and am Aussie, who do I apply to? Seriously...

Reply #367388 | Report this post

Years ago

I for one am amazed by this. Not because Keneally is considered worthy of the job, I certainly think she is. But because of the way it has been handled.

People have been screaming here about the Anstey/Gleeson thing.

So, lets look at the scenario.

Keneally becomes Chair of BA.

Within months of taking the reigns, she (and her board) push Larry out.

Lets make no mistake about the resignation - Larry was "asked" to resign.

In isolation, nothing has been done wrong

a) BA needed a high profile quality chair and they got one
b) BA had a poorly performing CEO (by all accounts) and they needed decisive action on that
c) BA pushed the CEO out
d) BA advertise for a new CEO
e) A new CEO is appointed

In combination however this is tawdry and questionable, and has amazing similarities to the Melbourne Tigers matter.

I am sure people will accuse me of being negative, they always do when I question something. Don't get this wrong, she is an outstanding appt in my view, but, do the means justify the end?

Reply #367389 | Report this post

Years ago

It was rumoured Larry was asked to quit over the whole second Melbourne NBL side fiasco and the special treatment his mates got in becoming the preferred bidder for the franchise.

It is about time the good old boys network has been shaken up a bit.

This is a very good appointment for BA.

Reply #367394 | Report this post

Years ago

Wildcat Fan
09:51 23 Jun 12

Reply #367386

re: Keneally quits politics to become the BA CEO

Regarding the "too American" suggestion, so what? She's more known for being NSW premier than being American.

Known as the worst pefroming NSW Premier EVER...!!

Reply #367396 | Report this post

Years ago

The CEO keeps changing but BA doesn't improve. May be if they took out that tier just below them, they may finally see some improvement.

Reply #367399 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Kristina Keneally was born in Los Vegas

Reply #367400 | Report this post

Years ago

#367396 - She took over government deep in their final term who had been in power since 1995. The 'it's time' factor was huge and she did an outstanding job considering the circumstances.

Her personal polling has always been strong fwiw.

Reply #367404 | Report this post

Years ago

Does it really matter where she was born? If she can do the job well, i don't care if she's a one eyed monkey who talks in pig Latin!

Reply #367406 | Report this post

Years ago

Just says no high profile Australian gives a rat's about the sport

Reply #367409 | Report this post

Years ago

pretty sure shes an aussie or she woudnt have been premier. stop being racist.

Reply #367410 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, I don't think racist is the word you want here.

Reply #367413 | Report this post

Years ago

Best looking CEO ever!

Reply #367414 | Report this post

Years ago

She is hot and has great legs. Great appointment

Reply #367415 | Report this post

Maxine Fowle  
Years ago

To the ANON who said

"I would of preferred someone who have played basketball in Australia and are intouch with the basketball community and has maintianed a profile in the basketball community. "

Thats been tried and failed many times over, time for some fresh outside blood to push this sport we all want to succeed forward.

What was Larry's prior experience in leading?

Reply #367417 | Report this post

Years ago

Actually Maxine Fowle I would challenge that. Other than interim type CEO's such as Dick Butler, which BA CEO of the last 20-30 years meets the criteria and has played etc other than Larry?

Reply #367421 | Report this post

Years ago

i just hope she has a farrrrrrrrrking big broom and exercises her right to use it on all those who keep this sport from prospering in so many different ways !

Reply #367425 | Report this post

Years ago

Her first move should be to enforce the Gold Coast Blaze to put up a $1 mill bank guarantee if they want back in. If they cannot come up with it then boot them out

Reply #367437 | Report this post

Years ago

So BA decide to bring in arguably the worst NSW Premier in a long long time as their CEO. SMH, just another one in the long list of stupid decisions made by Basketball Australia.

Reply #367438 | Report this post

Years ago

couldnt be worse than the clowns theyve had up until today

Reply #367444 | Report this post

Years ago

Chewy 316, the two premiers before Keneally were clearly worse than her.

Reply #367450 | Report this post

Years ago

basicly, for thoes who want someone whos been in australian baskeball. sorry thatsa rather small and unikmaginative list of people who have yet to avchieve anything, yet to show any guts at all kineally has already shown guts. and id do her any night... and shes probably twice my age, what of it?

Reply #367452 | Report this post

Years ago

Lot of small minded ignorant comments here about her. Fact is she did make Premier - anyone who commented lay claim to that ?

As chairperson, she had a clear strategic intent and touched many of the weak or non-existent abilities of BA. Government funding is one, connection between the National / NBL teams and grass roots Bball, recognition by advertisers/sponsors that basketball is one of the largest participation sports in Aus (comments previously that NBL is small time compared to say NRL are misleading - but thats due to a failed marketing and communication strategy with corporate australia. The media are also to blame but thats another thread).

Its a great appointment as she isn't part of the old boys club, has fresh ideas and energy and above all, can rise above the negative dribble that keeps popping up around the place - especially this forum.

Reply #367455 | Report this post

Years ago

Very positive for the sport I think. Fairly high profile women running the show will bring publicity no doubt. The extent of her influence will be judged years from now I guess but it does seem that she is somewhat passionate about the game and that helps. BA really has to establish some kind of main stream identity to grow. You would think basketball as a sport sells itself which is backed by the participation numbers it gets but our main stream media does not do anything to enhance its profile except for the WNBL of course. Mad props for the ABC for that but screw One HD for fucking everything up. They really were on a good thing with the free NBA coverage, how often would someone speak to you about the NBA when it was on TV but now no one gives a shit. The power of TV is really fucked up.

Did you guys notice how many views the youyi games got? for something you have to actively search for 20,000 views within a week for game one with little to no advertising is pretty positive maybe something to build on.

Reply #367466 | Report this post

Years ago

I am assuming that is views in the iiNet freezone? If so they are good numbers.

Reply #367472 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Pleased to see the story all over the news services
all day . Impressive CV . A return to politics is possible mentioned.
Sengstock - The NBL remains at 9 teams - certainly seems odd.

Reply #367473 | Report this post

Years ago

personally thinks its a great appointment, someone with no apparent ties to the "old boys club" and someone how can fight for exposure has gone through the pressures of winning and losing and now wants to take on what is commonly regarded as the basket case of Australian sport.

i say good luck to her and hope she does what the rest have failed to do, as someone said she could have easily got a private sector job earning at least 5x times more then what shes getting here,

no money to chase in BA, so she must be in it for other reasons, hopefully the betterment of the game

best of luck KK

Reply #367475 | Report this post

Years ago

thomo - ridiculous statement. this job is a 350-450k role, well ahead of what she was earning as a pollie.

sorry, she would not have landed a 1.5 - 2 million $ job anywhere.

Reply #367479 | Report this post

Years ago

HO - former politicians of Kennealy's standing are worth a lot of money to the private sector, either as direct employees, consultants or board members.

To suggest that she is earning her full potential with BA, is not something I agree with.

Do we know how much the BA CEO role is paying? Is it relevant?

Reply #367481 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree, she could have earned some very good money in the private sector in a variety of consultancy and advocacy roles.

Reply #367490 | Report this post

Years ago

Firstly, as the Tomlinson's still own the Blaze licence, I don't think the new CEO can now make them cough up the $1 million when already officially excused from it. Wish she could.
Surely someone/the board approved it in the first place. Could it have been another Sengstock blunder?
The license never went anywhere, they were never in liquidation. Derwin saying they were considering all this, was absolute rubbish.
I'm interested in whether the clubs who put up the surety for their teams, can get to be on equal footing with the multi millionaire owners and have it removed.
No NBL club put up their own surety from the club coffers, rainy day account, so there were private backers involved, surely. Make the Blaze find one like everyone else if the owners refuse to do it from the family funds.
Welcome comments and corrections to this post.

Reply #367493 | Report this post

Years ago

that is not what i suggested doc.

I said she would be earning much more as BA CEO than as a pollie.

I also said that if, as rumoured, the salary range was 350-450 then there is no way she could have walked out of parliament into a job worth 1.5-2 mil.

thomo said she could be earning "at least 5x what the BA role is paying..."

Reply #367495 | Report this post

Years ago

No way it's a 350 to 400 job 100-150 I would have taken a guess at

Reply #367498 | Report this post

Years ago

It's a $350k -400k job.
It has to be, it's time to be dinkum.

Reply #367500 | Report this post

Years ago

Apologies HO.

I think the point Thomo was trying to make, is that she has chosen the BA role over better paying private sector gigs. This is probably the key point.

Reply #367507 | Report this post

Years ago

Every CEO is hailed as the saviour and just ends up being a very naughty boy. Only difference is the gender and I doubt a failed premier will improve much other than the scenery.

Reply #367508 | Report this post

Years ago

To those doubting her ability and influence, she had Abbott at the Opals game, Gillard tweeting about her, etc. We need that influence to pull back the money being thrown away at soccer and to re-gain some Hoops profile.

Reply #367538 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac, having Gillard tweet about her and Abbott being at the Boomers game is hardly having any "influence." Seriously, the only thing that is going to influence government funding is the $$$ the sport can generate in the NBL. Until they increase that number drastically, the NBL will always be behind other sports in the pecking order.

Reply #367592 | Report this post

Years ago

Only implying it was a start. I don't remember Gillard doing the same for Sengstock. Have you seen the disparity between money pushed by government in to soccer/football and basketball?

I get the impression that club owners are pretty happy with the appointment. What are you going on?

(Still shocked that the NBA Finals didn't go to 6-7 games?)

Reply #367605 | Report this post

Years ago

The gig is paying $350k
Interesting that BA didn't interview anyone for the role despite their media pronouncements that they had a great field of candidates and Drewy saying KK went through the same process as all candidates.
Fact is as soon as KK said she wanted the gig the search process stopped.
Will she be any good ? Time will tell.
Great profile, great public speaker which is terrific for the sport.
My question is if KK is at the steering wheel who's working on the commercial engine ?

Reply #367629 | Report this post

Years ago

The reason football gets more money than soccer is because it has a more stable organisation running it with members who have a proven track record of business success. When your organisation is being run by the man who set up Westfield, you know you're on a good wicket. 10 or so years ago, basketball had everything at its feet in Australia. Then one year if I remember correctly, they slashed the salary cap by a long way (might have been over 500k), introduced the point system and ultimately the league spiralled downhill into something that a lot of sporting fans in Australia deem irrelevant. The NSL 10 years ago was a joke. But the difference there was that the crowd numbers were low and the league has a whole wasn't anything special due to the clubs being ethnic based. When Lowy first joined the FFA, the first thing he wanted to stamp out of the sport was the ethnic problems with it. The establishment of the A-League has been a success in becoming a feeder league for young Australians to develop their skills before attracting moves overseas to bigger European clubs. Then you consider the success the Socceroos had with world cup qualifying, the FFA moving into the AFC and it's clear that soccer is on the up in Australia.

The problem is that you can't say the same about basketball. The main problem with basketball in Australia is that for so many years the administrators would shoot themselves in the foot and find many ways to ruin the NBL. They have to go back to what they were doing 10-15 years ago when the league was running well, analyse what they were doing right back then, and use that as a marketing blueprint to attract fans back to the game. The fans were there 10-15 years ago, but not as many are now. It's untapped potential that BA have to go into if they are ever going to be taken seriously in Australian sport again.

As for the NBA Finals, it was over after game 4.

Reply #367631 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm actually very surprised that the role would pay that much!
Shouldn't a salary be based on how much money is generated for the business?
Just about every NBL side is making a loss and I don't think that BA is making millions either.
Not sure why people would say take the Americanisation out of the sport...the NBA is struggling isn't it???
The AFL are becoming more "American" every day and they are making an absolute killing!
Every change they have made to the game has almost followed the changes the NBA have made.
They are basing free agency on what??? AMERICAN SPORT!
I would love to see trades happening in the NBL, would make things very interesting.
People whinged about Larry Sengstock since day one, let's see what this girl can bring.
All I hope is she can organise some funding for the sport and distribute that right down to grass roots level, because I think that's where things need to be fixed.

Reply #367662 | Report this post

Years ago

"10 or so years ago, basketball had everything at its feet in Australia. Then one year if I remember correctly, they slashed the salary cap by a long way (might have been over 500k), introduced the point system and ultimately the league spiralled downhill."

Your memory is letting you down badly. 10 years ago the NBL was well into its downward spiral, in fact it wasnt far off bottoming out with no FTA TV or major sponsor and little media coverage, and average crowds dropping to around the 4000 mark heading down to just above 3000.

The drop in salary cap (from just over $1mill to $700K) had little impact because the big clubs ignored it.

Things went wrong when the league and clubs didnt invest the dividends of the early 90s boom into infrastructure and grassroots marketing, choosing to increase salaries and cover the costs of unsustainable spending instead. By the turn of the millenium clubs were leaking money.

The truth is the NBL is in the best position it has been for a long time. That doesnt say much though, because it is still in a fairly precarious situation if a few things go wrong.

Reply #367674 | Report this post

Years ago

Panther, based on your idea of pricing the CEO position, wouldn't the first hint of a slide risk driving the competition down further? e.g., a cheaper CEO risks poorer results which brings about an even cheaper CEO and so on?

Reply #367683 | Report this post

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