Years ago

Woody ABA Men Suspend Two Players

Woodville men have suspended two of their better players in Adam Miller & Zane Reeves for 2 weeks because they had 1-2 beers each at a local footy game last sat arvo.... I think its a disgrace they are suspending the players for this, they were both clearly not drinking to get blind and were just having a beer each casually at the local footy match??

Topic #28461 | Report this topic

Years ago

Were they due to play that night? Are they likely to be paid any amount to play ABL?

Reply #365287 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah they played that night but are both unpaid aba players so you would think 1-2 beers on a sat arvo is there choice and if it affected them I believe they wouldn't have done it?

Reply #365288 | Report this post

Years ago

Perhaps they were suspended for going to a footy match.

Reply #365289 | Report this post

Years ago

Are there requirements from the coach or an expectation that they wouldn't drink at all on the day of a game?

The players I know stick to a pretty professional schedule, even for ABL level. Pre-game routine, resting at certain times, eating at certain times. You'd be hard-pressed to get them to stray much from that.

(Can anyone remember that time Darren Ng copped some criticism for having been at an event or family BBQ in the lead-up to a game? I can faintly recall something like that.)

Perhaps less so if they're unpaid, but even at ABL level, I'd say that there is an expectation that you are picked to perform and set yourself up for your best chance to be at your peak on game night. Clubs spend on players, coaches, venues and they all take the competition seriously - with that comes the expectation I mentioned.

If the coach wanted to send a clear message, I don't think some sort of suspension is out of the question.

Reply #365290 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't blame them!
If you are playing that night why the hell would you be drinking that day???

Reply #365292 | Report this post

Years ago

No it wasn't for attending the footy match.. and yes I understand that but if these players have done this often throughout there abl playing years (and there both most certainly not first or second yr players), why is it suddenly a problem now?

Reply #365293 | Report this post

Years ago

One - two beers? Honestly what is that going to do to grown men 6 hours before a basketball match....

Reply #365295 | Report this post

No dodo  
Years ago

If it part of team rules and they broke it then fair call.

Even local league football teams have the same rules and even rules about going out the night before so why shouldn't it be applied to ABL teams.

Reply #365296 | Report this post

Years ago

My opinion, the simple fact they drank on game day is definitely enough to suspend them. Hardly professional conduct and probably against team rules i'd expect.

Reply #365297 | Report this post

Years ago

If it had no impact at all, wouldn't NBL, NBA and AFL players be doing it? Pretty sure they don't.

Having done it before says more about them, not that there should be some leniency.

I checked the box and Reeves went 4/15 FG and the Warriors were drilled on their home court. Wonder if that hurt his case?

Reply #365298 | Report this post

Years ago

But there was no such team rule? so....

Reply #365299 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh no doubt losing the match didn't help their cause at all!! But all I'm trying to say is I think its a bit harsh seeing there was no team rule and the players had 1-2 beers each and there has been no punishment in the past... Give the boys a warning, tell them it's not on no more and stop punishing the whole team by taking away two of their better players for 2 weeks?

Reply #365300 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe some expectation of personal responsibility?

Interesting discussion either way, in the absence of a team rule or warning. If there was a rule or warning, it'd be an easy call.

Reply #365303 | Report this post

Years ago

I make sure I have drunk beer and smoked pot before I partake in ANY sport!

Reply #365304 | Report this post

Years ago

Suspended for 2 weeks?

So they are out this weekend when there is no game anyway?

Big call.

Reply #365305 | Report this post

Hanging Round  
Years ago

1 or 2 beers. Could it have been 3?

Reply #365306 | Report this post

Years ago

regardless of whether they have done it before or not (if they have clearly shows they dont take their ball to seriously) it's not really preparing in the best way for the game is it? As stated by Issac we dont see athletes at the highest level drink on game day do we?? I wonder why that is? Dehydrating effects perhaps. Doesnt really send the right message to juniors at the club either that it's ok to drink game day? Plus, they may have been doing it for ages, maybe this was the first time they got caught.

Imagine if a referee drank game day? There would be an outcry

Reply #365307 | Report this post

Years ago

Refs should start drinking on game days.
might help them

Reply #365308 | Report this post

Years ago

sounds like al green is trying to look for something else to why his team hasn't played well the last few games... Don't take it out on those two players! Also i hear the playing group is not very happy with the suspension, as in they didnt believe it was warranted at all?!?

Reply #365310 | Report this post

Years ago

Come on seriously, how can you even debate this?
All players will know that drinking game day is stupid.
When I was playing in Mt Gambier and we went on road trips we were forbidden to go out on the Saturday night if we had a Sunday game. Our coach would basically go around to each room and check on us.
Another the point is, these guys unfortunately, are role models to kids. What if a junior player saw them at the football and now thinks, oh well it's ok to drink alcohol before a game. WRONG message to be sent to kids.
From memory Isaac, wasn't Darren criticised for having a glass of wine at a family function prior to a South game? ;)

Reply #365312 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon you say they have had beers on game day before? That doesn't make it right. I'm guessing this is the first time the coach has found out about it?

Every player in the league would think drinking game day or the night before is not on. I think it says a little bit about the culture at Woodville, that the whole team doesn't think the guys did anything wrong. They have a team that is pushing for finals .. they should be having a pre game shoot around in the afternoon, not drinking beers.

Reply #365315 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon - you have to be either one of the players or a family member to suggest that the club is being heavy-handed. I also note that no-one has agreed with you.

No-one could suggest that it is okay to drink on game day. If they have done it in the past, then they are unprofessional. It does not prepare you to play at your best. It is an elite level, and good on Al for trying to bring a more professional culture there.

Reply #365319 | Report this post

Years ago

Panther, that could be the incident I was thinking about. Wasn't he accused of being drunk before the game? Or after the game? Something ridiculous like that? Can't find the post. I might've cleaned it out because it was pretty questionable and could've had a real impact given Darren's line of work.

Reply #365321 | Report this post

Years ago

Who says refs don't drink on game days?

Referees were heavily criticized at a nationals a few years back after an SA coach took photos and reported a few referees for being out at a pub mid week of a tournament have a quiet drink. Since then Nationals are completley dry weeks for referees.

Reply #365322 | Report this post

Years ago

Speaks volumes of the two players involved. I wouldn't say it was indicative of the entire team. Not sure anyone would agree that it was ok to drink prior to a game paid or unpaid.

perhaps the team is upset that it wasn't a stated rule before an they have been suspended for breaking something they knew nothing about.

one of those two I have always felt lacked accountability perhaps why he has been at a few clubs. promised a lot game wise and never really delivered. not saying it was drinking involved but more poor decision making process.

Reply #365324 | Report this post

Years ago

Actually, those refs were out at 3am in the morngin drunk. And BA already had a no drinking policy that the refs had agreed to in writing. But ha.

Reply #365325 | Report this post

Years ago

I was talking pre-game drinks. I dont recall saying either player couldnt have a drink post game!!

Reply #365326 | Report this post

Years ago

Titan actually those referees had a drink with their dinner the first night of a tournament.

When they didn't have a game until late the next day.

How about we all just stick to the facts and not push the agenda of a few coaches/one club

Reply #365327 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed that they had late games the next day, but I was one of the friends of the coach who had a photo with them and it was 3am and they were drunk!

Reply #365328 | Report this post

Years ago

maybe coaches scoffing multiple pies at training while making their team run is worse modelling.

Reply #365331 | Report this post

Years ago

As a State League player myself I would be appalled if one of my teammates even had one drink game day. It shows not only a lack of professionalism but a total lack of respect towards the team and the club.

Where this does become a little tricky is where there is no rule put in place. One would assume it was an un-written rule, or the players should be advised of the coaches expectations for behaviour pre game at the start of the season, but in the case of no rule/warning, I do see the OPs point.

Interesting topic nonetheless.

Reply #365339 | Report this post

Years ago

Very interesting discussion! I just don't like the fact the whole team must suffer now..

Reply #365340 | Report this post

Vodka 68  
Years ago

As opposed to them suffering last game when players turned up and played after having a couple of pregame beers?

Reply #365341 | Report this post

Years ago

I guess for most teams things like not drinking on game day doesnt need to be a written rule. But for woodvilles sake, here are a few more no-no's:

No murder on game day
No drugs on game day
No running marathons on game day

Reply #365355 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah but say they do it every week... there's no problem when their playing well and the team is winning that week? Looks like both players are above career averages this year, explain that...

Reply #365357 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, I'd say stop trying to defend yourself.

You don't seem to be getting much support here.

Reply #365361 | Report this post

Years ago

They shouldn't be doing it every week. If the coach knew they were doing it every week they wouldn't have played a game yet.

Reply #365363 | Report this post

Matty Hunt  
Years ago

Adam Miller would of been drunk after drinking 2 beers, he is lightweight.

Reply #365365 | Report this post

Years ago

If they do it every week, they should be kicked off the team. They obviously don't care about presenting themselves in the best condition to represent their club. That sort of culture is NOT the thing you wish you expose your next generation of ABA players too.

Reply #365366 | Report this post

Years ago

adam miller is a upstanding guy who performs at his best when he is intoxicated, i think give the bloke a beer instead of a gatorade and watch him drop 30 on useless sober bobs, might even get him back to his dunking days

adda bin which way!!!!

Reply #365369 | Report this post

Years ago

this is fair crap if it is over a couple drinks hours before a game... it would be out of their system come game time...

and people getting all uppity like the ABL is a pro league. It isn't the NBL, to be expected to be "role models" is just stupid, i don't know of anyone in any of my junior teams who would go to an ABL game and go shit, when i grow up i want to be just like jason williams or matt illman or maybe even nathan vaughn...

how many footy teams have players drunk and high before a game in top grades across the country and state, and you don't see them get benched, why, because they still perform...

think a few of you would be surprised to find out just how many players are high or had a drink on game day in ABL and Reserves...

regardless... we don't know the facts as to why the suspension happened, so maybe don't make decisions without all or any of the facts?!

Reply #365372 | Report this post

Years ago

If Ricey think its OK then that says more about how dumb and wrong it really is.

Reply #365374 | Report this post

Years ago

We have to have a team rule for this. WOW! Woodville fans are "grate"!

Reply #365379 | Report this post

Very Very Old  
Years ago

Damn , Times have changed since the 80's , I well remember the state that "mean" Al's team mates could often be found in when they visited our town for the first of the weekend's NBL's away games for both westies and the 36ers.

And lets not talk about the Dalton boys or Ian Davies.

Reply #365380 | Report this post

Years ago

Well I was at the Woodville vs Sturt match on the weekend and there were atleast 10 woodville juniors with their hair coloured green. I think its safe to say they do look up to their ABA players - as do all the juniors around the league.

And no Ricey don't try and convince people that drinking before games occurs alot. It does not happen in the SANFL or in ABA - I've been involved in both. Heavy drinking occurs after games in both sports however.

Reply #365382 | Report this post

Years ago

Forget role models - the clubs run these teams, paying (some) players, paying coaches, etc with an expectation that they will do their best and act with some sense of professionalism. e.g., follow a fairly basic game day routine.

Reply #365390 | Report this post

Years ago

And if the players aren't getting paid individually, they are getting they trainigs, uniforms and game days paid for buy a club from junior fee's.

Reply #365391 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

It may seem harsh, but team discipline is #1 if you want to win premierships.

Reply #365398 | Report this post

Years ago

How the attitudes from a sporting team representing Woodville change over time.

In 1986 I was representing Woodville in another sport. We had jugs of beer brought out to us at breaks on the hot days. True story, no BS.

Reply #365399 | Report this post

Years ago

Ahhhh it does. I could list about 20 players I've seen have a beer or two during the day at a gathering, event or whatever before a game... We're talking about a couple beers, not a bloody keg...

Reply #365413 | Report this post

Years ago

To me some people (which I can't believe) think its ok to have a beer game day. To me it shows lack of committment. If it had no affect I suppose every athlete at the Olympics that has a night time event will have a beer or 2 during the day because as is being argued here it will be out of their system by event time! WTF?

The next thing it says to me is if they think it is ok to have a beer or two game day, how many are they having the night before? Any amount of drinking alcohol game say leaves you open to questions about your commitment, preparation etc. any one condones drinking in game days from to the game for representative sport clearly don't get it.

Reply #365414 | Report this post

Years ago

Ricey, 1 you are the antithesis of success in life, hoops or relationships!

2. Zane be a responsible adult. your kidding me!

3. Who is Adam Miller??!?!??!??

Sorry to be negative, but it's the truth.

Reply #365417 | Report this post

Years ago

having a beer is about as detrimental before a game as a wank, or coffee or any other number of things, maybe we should all go off about people who do any of that as being uncommitted and what not... seriously... what will a couple beers do to a persons game? and we are talking hours before a game, not directly before...

Rasheed Wallace smoked weed throughout his career... Mustn't have been too committed i guess

Reply #365419 | Report this post

Years ago

Let's just clear this up, when have u ever known these 2 to have a couple of beers.

They both know it was more than 2.

Saying they had 2 has not softened the blow at all

Reply #365422 | Report this post

1 or 2 beers? Sounds like more than that if they are not sure how many they had!
Yes I am joking.
Irrespective of what you believe, drinking on the game day can only be seen as disrespectful and lacking in commitment to the team and their team mates.
On the other hand, something to consider. The alcohol drank on the day may have left their bodies and therefore would not affect motor skills etc. however the breaking down of the beers causes dehydration and I don't care who you are, this does effect performance.In fact as a little as 2.5 % loss of body weight in fluid can result in up to 45% loss in performance in high intensity type exercise. You may still play well but not as well as you would have

Reply #365423 | Report this post

Years ago

I think there's a general consensus that they were doing the wrong thing (except Ricey and Anon, who believe they were doing the right thing). Drinking on game day is not on.

Is the penalty too big? Maybe a 1 game ban would've been better considering Woodville are in finals contention.

Reply #365435 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

A one game ban does seem a more balanced punishment.

Reply #365438 | Report this post

Years ago

I think they should publically appologise to all the fans they have dissappointed as a consequence of their actions. Also perhaps they should submit to regular breath alcohol tests prior to every game and training. Seriously.....

Reply #365448 | Report this post

Years ago

2 weeks does = 1 game due to no games this weekend..

Reply #365458 | Report this post

Years ago

Next thing to happen might be the entire southern team being suspended for having sex the day before or the norwood team are under suspicion of wanting to have sex before the game or the centrals team ordered to wear steel mittens. Seriously, how many drug tests have done across the history of CABL? None. Would make an interesting study, drugs and local basketball.

Reply #365462 | Report this post

Years ago

Usually in sport when someone is suspended for "2 weeks" it refers to 2 matches.

Reply #365493 | Report this post

Years ago

The fact is yes the coach needs to send message and well done for that, the team needs to lift there game if they are going to make a run. They need everyone on the same page at the moment they are far from it at moment.... Also it gives someone else in the team a chance to step up while these guys are out.

Reply #365524 | Report this post

Sponsors put up the cash for the teams, along with mum n dad whose subs/fees contribute.

ABA is meant to be the SANFL of state basketball. If you think drinking on game day is ok if you play ABA, you can't be focussed on being at 100%.

(sponsors) money talks, bullshit (attitude) walks.

Even if it wasn't a team rule, personal responsibility says check yourself. Error in judgement? Yes. Reasonable expectation you should know better....?

Reply #365544 | Report this post

Years ago

Sometimes people make mistakes...I think the person who started this post needs to have a hard think about what they have done! pretty harsh to name names, even if you think its Right or wrong, this really should have stayed in house. Name and shame people for making a mistake is really low. Im sure the boys have read this post and would be feeling pretty ordinary right now. dont you people have better things to do.

Reply #365547 | Report this post

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