Really successful players are often bitches and bastards because they go the extra mile to succeed. While it is not a law that a player has to have these flaws or attributes given your perspective, you will find, in every sport, white line fever which sometimes crosses over into the players' everyday life.
Centrals have weighed up the pros and cons and have put two areas of their club in some jeopardy, the juniors with a poor choice of country first and locals last and in trying to buy a senior team. It wont amount to much if central win a CABL title because the way they would have won it is not sustainable.
If you bring a strong self believer into your club and ask that player to teach the group to win then you can't criticise the player for doing it the only way she can.If that player outweighs your coach then he needs to eat more meat or the player should coach. Either way, observing this from the comfort of the bar, it's a bit rich to be killing the goose who has laid your only golden egg.