Years ago

Friday afternoon pick-up games in Adelaide

Righto, I am attending a conference in your fair city shortly.I am arriving on a Thursday and flying out on the Sunday after. I have two questions. I will be tied up with functions on the Thursday and Saturday nights, but was hoping to have most of Friday to myself.
My first question is, are there centrally located courts (I will be staying in the city) that may have the possibility of playing a pick up game? Simmilar to MSAC (Albert Park -Vic) where if I rolled up there would be dudes having a run. I am talking around 4pm on the Friday afternoon.
My second question is, after said run, where would be the best pub to then have a low key beer and some food afterwards? No pokie venues or huge take a number type venue. Just a small local with some friendly dudes that I could settle into for awhile?

Topic #28424 | Report this topic

Years ago

Pultney Street Courts aren't bad.

Reply #364532 | Report this post

Years ago

No pokies at all in the venue, or the sort of place where the pokies are only there if you go looking for them?

Friday evening will generally have after-work drinks in most city venues and there is pretty much a pub on every block in the CBD. If you were coming from the courts at Wayville, the Rob Roy and Crown & Sceptre will be pretty active. Rob Roy does a decent burger and pizzas but there are pokies around the side.

What age crowd? Rob Roy on Fridays is often 30+ types.

Hotel Wright Street may have a younger crowd, but in my experience, the food has been a bit mediocre. Tivoli (NE area of the CBD) is alright. Havelock is mid-East and suffers some of the most horrific interior design one might find in a pub, but the food is OK and it's pretty busy.

You could head South from Wayville to the Goodwood Park Hotel, but being in the city will give you options to move on and try another spot if the first is not to your taste.

Reply #364533 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks for your responses,
Prefer no pokies at all but if they are hidden out of the way and you had to look for them well so be it. I dont have a gambling problem or anything, just Melbournes pubs with pokies are shitholes, and I assume everyone elses are also.
Just a quiet local is what I really had in mind, dont even mind if it is out of the main part of town.
30+ crowd is fine, although not fussed really.
So I assume the wayville courts are the option?

Reply #364538 | Report this post

Years ago

If you are going to use the wayville courts, it will need to be well before 4pm. they use the courts from 4pm for miniball.

Their are usually people at the stadium from 1-3:30 that are always up for a game, however i may obviously be wrong if they don't turn up today.

Reply #364549 | Report this post

No Deal!!  
Years ago

If you want the local pub feel check out the Earl of Leicester at parkside, not far from the city, its quiet without being dead, massive selection of local and imported beers and the schnitzels are top quality.

Reply #364553 | Report this post

Years ago

Outsider - won't be there today its in about six weeks or so, but thanks for the tip!
No Deal- The earl looks ideal (from what I saw on the website anyway) Cheers!
Any others of a simmilar vain to the earl?

Reply #364554 | Report this post

Years ago

Will you have a car or relying on lifts/cabs/walking?

Reply #364557 | Report this post

Years ago

I will be relying on your finest taxi drivers available!

Reply #364558 | Report this post

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