Years ago
Friday afternoon pick-up games in Adelaide
Righto, I am attending a conference in your fair city shortly.I am arriving on a Thursday and flying out on the Sunday after. I have two questions. I will be tied up with functions on the Thursday and Saturday nights, but was hoping to have most of Friday to myself.
My first question is, are there centrally located courts (I will be staying in the city) that may have the possibility of playing a pick up game? Simmilar to MSAC (Albert Park -Vic) where if I rolled up there would be dudes having a run. I am talking around 4pm on the Friday afternoon.
My second question is, after said run, where would be the best pub to then have a low key beer and some food afterwards? No pokie venues or huge take a number type venue. Just a small local with some friendly dudes that I could settle into for awhile?