Years ago

Parks Community Centre upgrade

The Advertiser today reports that the center is due for an 29 million upgrade.Is it to late for Basketball SA to negotiate an extension/upgrade of the courts?It could be a good facility for basketball in the west if approved.

Topic #28391 | Report this topic

Years ago

we would be silly not to get involved.

Reply #363998 | Report this post

Hark Mubbard  
Years ago

What a complete waste of money !!!
BUT Now if they let western magic in there. MMMMmmmm

Reply #364031 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

I love Parks and Rec but I think Community is a better show.

Reply #364057 | Report this post

Years ago

Upgraded facilities for basketball would be great at the parks,but lets get real this is basketball SA we are talking about here which means nothing will be done.

Reply #364138 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

The upgrade is a great opportunity to ensure that basketball courts are to playing standard and that 2 or 3 courts are built. 4 multi-use courts would be ideal.

The only problem is that the area is a low socio-economic area and basketball thrives in the higher areas due to the higher cost, but just think about how this could be an upgrade on some stadiums for some clubs.

Alternatively, rather than creating a new district club, or relocating a club there, just imagine how having four, non-biased courts could be used to grow the game.

I can recall a discussion I had with a guy from one of the larger Victorian Associations about 3 years ago. They have a "build it and they will come" attitude to their association's growth. If they can acquire a stadium booking, they just grab it and then look for teams to fill it, or create a competition to fill the courts. He said that there is never a shortage of teams, always a shortage of courts.

The State Government is falling over itself to prove it is a "government for the people" and social inclusion is a massive priority for the government. The opportunity that this upgrade presents to the basketball community of SA only comes around every so often. This is low hanging fruit "ripe for the picking". The only problem being is that if basketball doesn't pick it, someone else will.

Reply #364155 | Report this post

Years ago

doesn't the centre cater for an array of things - so whilst it sounds a lot - it will be spread around amongst many benfactors. It is important if they do upgrade courts and basketball facilities that bsa delegates can input FIBA measurements etc to ensure that the courts can be utilized.

the clubs it would appeal to is western, woodville or west - what are their thoughts on the matter ?

who runs / benefits from the canteen ? can a club get an office or clubrooms there ?

I know there is a good gym. Otherwise I haven't been that way for years.

also what is that new stadium like at north haven / Osborne ? do west train there at all ? was that ever considered ?

Reply #364212 | Report this post

Years ago

Where is there a new stadium at New Haven/Osborne.Dont know a thing about that one!

Reply #364284 | Report this post

Years ago

isn't there new courts at le fevre recreation facility on victoria rd ? 1 or 2 courts ?

Reply #364285 | Report this post

Now that the Port Adelaide / Enfield council are going to invest $4.6 mill for a library their as well, i think it would be a great place for BSA to get involved with, they could study up on how to make and implement by- laws

Reply #364293 | Report this post

Filthy Mexican  
Years ago

Basketball is so far down the list at PAE, the only upgrade you will see to the sports centre will be the pools. If the stadium get an upgrade it will be floors only and the target market will be soccer and inline hockey

Reply #364302 | Report this post

Years ago

heard that north might get a new stadium on hamstead road in the old northfield school site

Reply #364439 | Report this post

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