my ramblings:
- i'd say whoever is in charge of broadcasting nbl games online has a big role
- ditto the producers at channel ten - if it's a bad product nbl brand will go further into the negative
- boss of nike asia-pacific, should they decide to invest in australian grassroots basketball, massive untapped potential i reckon, and a chance for an aspirational brand with strong historical connection to the game to be affiliated with our dodgy nbl
- nba asia-pacific, get a game down here mane. get nba on one again. can't be that hard, or at v least give nbl the platform for nba tv (and let nbl tv be a $30 add-on or something reasonable)
- the brave person who walks into the nbl office and demands every logo, every wordmark, every 2-bit website, every 'it's all fun'-esque shonky tagline from here to wellington is matrix-penned from our brain and from this point on all uniforms, websites, club logos (everything) are the product of a considered, professional and strategic design team (internal, external whatevs)
- aside from that everyone else who loves the game buying memberships, keeping up the social chatter, making sure things like dreamteam crank so that one day when someone in charge gets it right we haven't lost touch!!!
also, tell me i'm dreaming, but:
- nba2k12, spend 10 hours to put the nbl in it.