Years ago

Dear BSA Commissioners ~~~ HELP US

Dear Basketball SA Commissioners,

Again we have to put up with the stop/start/dribble/fiasco/crap of a 5 week competition from the CEO and his team.

As a parent/coach/lover of the game, you would have to be the most unfamily/unsocialble/unwilling organisation in the wholeof SA sports administration.

Parents/coaches do what they do because they love the game,one of the only sports that plays all year round, matched by demands for state/SASI/Club and school commitments, we would, every now and then, like to knwo if we can get a week off here and there.

BSA Administration, Comp Committee and CEO should all hang their heads lower tomorrow as they have again treated with disrepect, their income base and it is easy to see why people are turning to other sports.
These sports can give you a full calender for games and you can work your life around this, if looking for a break every now and then.

It is easy to see why the SA Government has taken away funding, sponsors have fallen away dramaticaly and some clubs are really struggling, because the Commission allows this crap to come out again today.

How hard was it to put out a 18 week/10 team Comp or a 22 week/12 team comp all those years ago, to have modern technology,modern systems, supposidly bright people involved, and then treat the basketball faturnity with such disrepect is unimaginable .

Please Commissioners, start asking questions on your single biggest income area and act.

It is about time you did something for all those involved.

Topic #28301 | Report this topic

Melvin Corpuscle  
Years ago

So they schedule the full season ... then teams either enter or withdraw in the first few rounds, and they have to redo the whole thing anyway ... and then you whinge about how they've "changed the friggen schedule when I've made plans for dinner for the next six months" ...
meh, grow up mate, its not an imposition at all.

Reply #362283 | Report this post

Years ago


Your dinner date in the next six months only impacts you , you idiot.
You eat alone most weekends

Reply #362288 | Report this post

Years ago

Other sports can do it. I don't know of another sport that treats its parents/players like this.
There are other things in life that do have to be planned sometimes around basketball. If you were waiting to see if you were right to go to a party or school function This Friday night in the opposite direction to where your basketball was being played, then only to find out you are playing the furtherest game away in the opposite direction on that night, is does make a difference.
You try to get new families interested but with the way the fixtures now work, what do you tell them, to make them want to put kids all over Adelaide and outer suburbs in different directions. As parents, watching your child compete is also part of it, well take your pick of which child to watch, its often the difficulty that faces many of us with this sport. If new parents have sporting/Talented kids, why not if girls, just make it easier on yourselves and go to netball where the schedule is set out for the season, the games are at the same place, teams don't disappear through lack of organization, and there is a family friendly atmosphere, makes life lots easier.. This maybe part of why its hard to keep teams in the comp. They want more stability, structure and having the option to watch other Div 1 higher standard teams to aspire to. Other wise why do we bother to watch the 36ers, and Lightning if not to enjoy a higher level of this sport, many kids watch these players to try emulate their skills and actions in a higher pursuit to this game. All the best and Good Luck for the next Five rounds all you parents trying to make this work....

Reply #362289 | Report this post

Years ago

Lots of interesting ideas.
Having played for more than 50 years, some at top level in Australia, I am inclined to agree about having a big break from serious basketball.
In my opinion, the idea of 'serious basketball' is in itself a part of the problem. I see parents thinking that their kid must play every week in a 'serious comp'.
I would like to see kids having an opportunity to play in a 'social comp' for a slab of the year, maybe term 4 of the school year, when there is no club coach and no aggro parent shoving it down their throats.
How to organise this is not that hard, given a bit of thought, and BSA can still make money through the door, which seems to be all they care about..
they only need to look at how some clubs run
domestic basketball and use that model to get the clubs to run a 'fun comp'.
No, they do not need to try to run a BSA domestic, they do not have volunteers, and it costs them a lot to have 'development officers' trying to do this...long term this won't work.
Work WITH the clubs, not against them.

Reply #362296 | Report this post

Years ago

Even if this post does make it, or is actually read by Basketball SA then it is highly doubtful that anything will happen. The staff at BSA, including the Managing Director, DO NOT CARE. If this post does actually get to the Commission members, again is is doubtful that anything will happen, because they all have their own agendas with regards to their own clubs etc and they DO NOT CARE at what is happening. Their are people out there that don't necessarily belong to a club and DO CARE because they love basketball and would like to put something back into the game. The trouble is when they apply to go on the Commission they are overlooked because they don't have the support of a club etc. IMO enthusiastic people that love the game but are neutral with regards to a club should be encouraged to be involved so that the Commission is not controlled be people with personal/club agendas. What is important is the game OVERALL and not the wants of individuals clubs. Until such time as BSA, particularly from the top down, recognises that this state is falling behind the rest of Australia because of the rampant bias towards certain clubs and/or individuals then the downward spiral will continue.
N.B. I have been involved with basketball for over 45 years in various aspects (including board membership interstate. I have no affiliation with any club in this state. I have no children involved with any club in this state. I am however passionate about basketball and believe that BSA needs a complete overhaul.

Reply #362349 | Report this post

X Parent  
Years ago

My children used to love basketball, but then they played district for a club who shall remained un-named. They now just play socially at an non-BSA run competition and love the game again.

Reply #362360 | Report this post

Years ago

X-Parent - and what is your point exactly in reference to BSA Commissioners? Was it a club issue or a BSA issue?

Anon12 - Do you understand who are the Commissioners? Do you understand what organisations nominate Commissioners? (Church, Country, District, other Associations) Do you understand the role of independent Commissioners and how they are appointed?

Commissioners are there to do the best for basketball in SA, not for a club, not for District or Church or Country. The current District nominated Commissioner is a past South Adelaide President. Having spent time with him I have no doubt that he puts basketball generally before his club. But Anon12 let's not allow facts to get in the way of a good story!

Reply #362376 | Report this post

Years ago

x parent, district basketball is tough. Its not for every kid. Many hate been shown up against some of the talent in higher level of competition, playing in a structured environment, being provided with performance feedback and evaluation, learning to fail and learn from it and just generally working hard at something to suceed. They gave it a go and made a choice it wasnt for them. So many kids love it and go onto be very successful in life as a result. Good luck though.

Reply #362379 | Report this post

Years ago

Dear Rock-

Most kids that play in District teams also play in social comps = school basketball or church.

Kids that really love basketball work damn hard with trainings and games. After competing interstate, we should not fool ourselves that even our Div 1 competition is serious basketball.

Clearly to improve District Basketball at all levels, we need appropriate grading so that competion is close and competitive. The top teams in Div 2 and Div 3 with huge margins over the other teams are in the wrong Division.

Also the bottom teams in Div 1, 2, and 3 should not think that they are playing at the Div 1,2, or 3 standard.

We need promotion and relegation to get competitive basketball happening in this State.

Reply #362380 | Report this post

Years ago

Nope anon. Pro/Rel would only remove access in key growth areas to basketball pathways. Pro/Rel would destroy the competition and destroy basketball pathways.

Reply #362381 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #362381,

Why would ket growth area's loss out? You have not explained your point.

If these area's have kids that are div 1 standard, then they would play div 1. If they have div 2 standard players they would play div 2 in a grade where each week they would play a standard of competition that suits them and therefore retention would be higher.

If they did not have a div 3 standard them, then putting themin div 1 isn't going to help.

In 2 years thim if they have a div 1 standard team, they will get to play div 1, be that in a grade that was previously in div 2. Or, if it is a new U10/12 team and they are sufficiently good enough for div 1, they would again qualify for div 1.

What exactly makes you think these area's would suffer any disadvantage over any other area?

Reply #362388 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 376. I am perfectly aware of the structure of the Commission. The problem is that BSA ignores or tries to circumvent other association members of the commission. This interference has included such acts as ensuring that other associations do not have access to BSA venues, even though those venues are vacant, to attempt to undermine those associations and gain greater control. BSA consistently ignore those associations to ensure that control of basketball in SA is in the hands of the front office, again to the detriment of other associations. You may agian say that this is a good story, but if you want the facts go and talk to the people in charge of other associations and discover just how much power is wielded by just a few people in this state. The Commission DOES NOT control basketball, the BSA front office does!!

Reply #362390 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon12, Sounds like a normal business structure to me

Reply #362395 | Report this post

Years ago

ANON 12,

What associations are there?

Are you talking about church who doesnt contribute to BSA financially other than court hire. They aren't really an association, just a competition. Country who didnt even pay their player rego's for 4 year while the metro clubs paid millions to BSA. And they are really just a number of city/clubs who have a group run their elite teams and organise their yearly comps.

Reply #362398 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh the in fighting and the " mine is bigger than yours" syndrome
The first step in finding solutions is to admit you have a problem.

Reply #362400 | Report this post

Years ago

please explain what you mean by that?

Reply #362410 | Report this post

Years ago

I think people dont understand that the issues have come from the Commission.

These people are on this group to pad their CV for future job opportunities.

How many commission members have you seen out at junior games? One if you are lucky.

How many commission members have attended club or association meetings to discuss issues? None probably.

Hoe many commission members have their own vision or understanding of how the sport can work better? I doubt any or we wouldnt be having the issues in the first place.

Finally, this will all fall on def ears because the only people that are allowed to give information to the commission is BSA themselves. And its not like they will be passing it on.

Reply #362462 | Report this post

Years ago

You cant expect the commission to accept responsibility in these kinds of situations.

They have to support the people they have put into a position. The only action they can take is replacing those people, which would require that they accept resonsibility for their own poor judgement which wont happen because people dont like to be told they are wrong and dont know what they are doing.

Reply #362541 | Report this post

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