Jack Toft
Years ago
R4.1 ANZAC Day Round
On a more sombre note to start, I hope that everyone has time to reflect on ANZAC Day to spare a thought for those who have been prepared to stand up for our country. On a more positive note, we all know it rains on ANZAC day so hopefully there are plenty of mops of hand and not a lone pine gets wet.
Eagles-Bearcats @ Wayville
Women: Eagles stroll into this arm wrestle with a perfect scoresheet and the Bearcats are finally troubling the scorers after they out rebounded the Panthers. Thompson has been on fire for the Feagles but the Bearcat's inaccuracy has cost them games. With a home court advantage and great refs, Forestville and wins go together like ANZAC day and two up. "Come in Spinner!"
Men: Well what can I say. Give the Eagles a compliment and a glass of Pinot Noir, and they spill it on their white shirt. Well done to the Warriors for knocking them off. The 'Cats marred their own record after South, err South ?, crushed them by 14. 3 from 28 at the arc is not going to win many games. So if West beat Woodville by 7 and Woodville beat Eagles by 1, then West should win by 8? With both teams hurting it should be bone crunching affair with the gallant Feagles storming the beaches of Wayville under heavy fire to record a win.