Andrew Gaze this morning on SEN said he thinks a deal is imminent that will have the NBL live on free-to-air next season.
I said I thought it was clear with the rude times playoff games are being shown that Ten were 'forcing' the NBL back to the table. Obviously playoff games were nor protected under the 'near live' clause.
I think that will be tightened up for the remainder of the contract so Ten can't screw us come playoff time again and that there will be one say live Sunday afternoon game and one delayed game per round. Maybe with Breakers home games via Sky Sport thrown in late at nights too.
Ten are all about cutting costs at the moment and wouldn't want to blow even more money on production costs for late night games that get horrendous ratings and one live game + one delayed (and possibly Breakers home games) would be a better situation for the NBL than four delayed games next season + getting jerked around come playoff time again.