ABL Tipster
Years ago

Woodville import

Anyone know if the new import is playing this week or is it next week?

Topic #2797 | Report this topic

Years ago

I am flat-out as usual and haven't processed the tips yet. For all tipsters, you can click on the Tipping link and look for the round numbers at the bottom of the page if you want to tip Round 8 without having to wait for me.

No idea re Woodville's import though, sorry!

Reply #31778 | Report this post

ABL Tipster  
Years ago

Nah nah Isaac, I was wondering if the new American was playing for them this week, not having a go at you :)

Reply #31779 | Report this post

Take Luck  
Years ago

i could be wrong, but im fairly sure he will be there this week. if so, with rees there we have another twin tower 4,5 combo. suddenly, the line up is looking quite good, considering the performance of the team so far.

Reply #31784 | Report this post

Years ago

he is a danish bloke - landed this week - will suit

Nick name - HAGAR

ie hagar the horrible - viking cartoon !

Reply #31796 | Report this post

Manute Bol  
Years ago

Name? Credentials?

Reply #31804 | Report this post

Years ago

I still don't know how any team can suit an import considering the salary restrictions pretty much rule out any import due to the fact that there is a required minimum an import needs to be paid.
Has Michael Sweeney switched to the Warriors???

Reply #31828 | Report this post

Years ago


They can have an import because he is only playing half the season - thus, reducing the amount that the Warriors have to pay him, thsu it fits under the cap.

Reply #31841 | Report this post

Years ago

As far as I know Woodville do a hell of a lot of fundraising to pay for him. Most Woodville players don't get paid so there's cash there anyway.

I THINK his name is Matt Elder and he's being playing in Denmark, originally from America though.

Reply #31869 | Report this post

Years ago

probalby why lots left - they don't get paid

Reply #31874 | Report this post

I hear he played at Prince Fredericks and Mary's Danish wedding !

Reply #31896 | Report this post

Years ago

Let's do some Maths. The cap is 30K, but only 60% can be used on one team, so let's say 18K is being used for the men.

There is a minimum for what you can pay an import in Australia. We can only assume that they bring him in now because otherwise it would cost more than 18K. That means that the rest of the team would be getting 0. If I have erred in my calculations it still means that the rest of the team is getting very little.

It poses a number of questions. How do the other players in the team feel about that? And more importantly, how do club juniors feel about that when much of their subs would be going to the high cost of an import for a few months?
If they are doing a lot of fund raising, who is doing it? How do they feel about that? Then why don't the same people fund raise the money to employ someone in the junior program?

The salary cap is designed to stop clubs pillaging their junior programs to spend extravagantly on their seniors. Woodville continue to struggle in junior ranks with the number and quality of their teams, yet they keep spending big on their seniors.

Eric Bradley was a great player, a great guy and did a lot for the juniors etc, but it didn't make it right then and it is not right now.

Reply #31942 | Report this post

Years ago

isn't it $25,000 with a 15,000:10,000 maximum difference?

Reply #31944 | Report this post

Years ago

From what I have heard, we had a HEAP of money left over even after we paid Eric. Tracy organised for this fella to come over before she got the job in Singapore, and I would be sure she wouldn't have done it if Woodville were going to be over the cap.

Even if they are over, what's the penalty, still haven't heard anything about the consequences.

Reply #31946 | Report this post

Years ago

I have heard, and don't quote me on this, that the import is getting $12,000 for the rest of the season. I also have heard that Rees is getting $300 a game. So Rees plays about 15 games for the season (I can't remember when he started) so that's roughly $4,500. Which doesn't leave much.

But as I said in my earlier post, WDBC do a lot of fundraising for the import, as they did last year for Eric.

Reply #31954 | Report this post

Years ago

It doesn't matter whether they raise $100,000 from fundraising, you can only pay a player a maximum of $15,000 as the salary cap max is $25k per club with a max split of 60%/40%, giving each team a max of $15k to play with. If Rees is getting $300 a game that leaves $10,500 for the rest of the team. I know Puds wouldn't be getting paid in protein bars so that's more taken from the budget. I heard how Woodville did it last year and there is no way Woodville could do the same thing with the Cap in place. If BASA don't look into this one we all may as well go get ourselves an import!

Reply #31956 | Report this post

Years ago

Do they need imports though? I didn't see the game, but they only lost to Sturt by 12 and were level at three quarter time. What about throwing some of that money as an incentive at their current players, and keep them happy.

They're roughly middle of the ladder with a roster that everyone thought would be wooden-spoon material.

Reply #31957 | Report this post

Cat in the Hat  
Years ago

Panther, I think your point is exactly the one that Fly seems to be overlooking (or perhaps ignoring?).

Fly, it makes no difference where the money comes from (fundraising, junior subs, canteen or whatever) - overall payments cannot exceed the cap. No-one is questioning where the money is coming from, just the fact that it all looks a bit suss.

Northerner raises a good point though. If there are no penalties for salary cap breaches, then in theory clubs can still pay players as much as they want. It may not be ethical, but unless there is a penalty, what's to stop them?

Reply #31960 | Report this post

The Taperoo Kid  
Years ago

I know of 3 teams who have dropped their pants and brown eyed the salary cap.

How does Woodville compensate for losing a Sixer's player to the SASI Sturty Sixers?

Will SASI/Neil Gliddon relocate to the Western/Northern suburbs to help out S.A basketball?

Does anyone really believe a Salary cap will be forced when BASA management have been gleaming canteens to pay players under the table?

Reply #31966 | Report this post

Years ago

Like I said, they're only the figures I have heard. I didn't say they were definitely accurate.

I don't know much about the salary cap process at my club, I wouldn't have a clue as to whether they're over or under the cap. I'm just adding to the thread what I know about the situation.

Reply #31967 | Report this post

Years ago

"I know of 3 teams who have dropped their pants and brown eyed the salary cap." The Taperoo Kid


Reply #31971 | Report this post

Years ago

Please don't get me into legal trouble here. If you want to make allegations like this, do it elsewhere or email each other.

Whoever you name is going to deny it and/or get pissed off anyway.

Reply #31972 | Report this post

Years ago

Uhh, Taperoo Kid, do they teach Geography at Taperoo? Go look in a street dirctory for SASI. It's on Valetta Rd, Kidman Park. Now that's as Western suburbs as you can get. Woodville would have more kids in SASI (and they wouldn't have far to go for training!) if the club actually put some more resources (eg money) into its juniors, instead of trying to buy ABA Men's Championships. That is the point of the discussion.

Reply #31973 | Report this post

Years ago

Dont want to start something here but why would Neil Gliddon relocate to the western/northern suburbs to help these clubs out. THis is absurd.

He is the STATE coaching director. It is in his interest that all clubs are strong but his job is to ensure the elite/potentially junior players in the state are identified and developed. Why would he want to a. help specific clubs b. help clubs that are producing the least amount of elite junior players.

Reply #31974 | Report this post

The Taperoo Kid  
Years ago

Uhhh Anony-mouse, how many times have you dived for loose balls on Valetta Rd?

Reply #31975 | Report this post

Years ago

Taperoo, how many of my tablets have you popped today?

Reply #31976 | Report this post

The Taperoo Kid  
Years ago

So the STATE caoching director should only coach in area code 5061?

if there are no good juniors coming thru does that mean he's out of a job?

The elite/potential my friend seem to be coming from the one area code.

Centrals have a huge potential to develop elite juniors but they cant seem to like the "elite clubs" due to poor coaching and guidance.

Why look after 12 "elite" players so they can play academy ball when you could develop 5,000 kids?

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day - teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

Reply #31978 | Report this post

Years ago

so, by your fish analygy, your saying the state coaching director ??

Does follow the thread...

Reply #31979 | Report this post

Years ago

Taperoo Kid, you must find the jade monkey by the next full moon.

Reply #31980 | Report this post

Years ago

"Why look after 12 "elite" players so they can play academy ball when you could develop 5,000 kids?"

Well he actually does.

He looks after the elite squads Under 15, 16 and 18 during term time.

He runs Under 12, 14 and 16 Div 1 and 2 Boys and Girls TI camps during the holidays.

"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day - teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime."

He coaches at Level 1 and 2 coahcing courses. He also does one-off clinics for all coaches and individual clubs that ask.

If Centrals are in trouble, they should probably call him and he would help. At the moment he is helping Eastern, probably because he was asked.

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

I have no idea what this means, I just put this on the end to make me look deep and philosophical. It makes as much sense as the fish comment.

Reply #31981 | Report this post

The Love.  
Years ago

Apologies for this not being thread-related, but.....

Taperoo - isn't Neil Gliddon doing exactly that by helping Eastern Mavericks out (by coaching one of their junior teams) until whatever is going on up there is resolved?

But I guess that doesn't work for the SASI-Sturty-Sixers-elitist theories....

Back on topic - Woodville do seem to do alright in the cash stakes. Surely the guys playing now - and apparently for nothing more than the love of the singlet or new oppurtunities if they're not getting a whole lot as rumoured above - should get some instead of more "mercenary" like players dominating the cap?? The Cameron Wilson's, Gary Birminghams etc.

Reply #31983 | Report this post

Years ago

Not everyone thought Woodville would be bottom of the table. Some people had faith.

(#22576) Mens Hypothetical.
Woodville play average for the first seven or so games. Sitting in the middle of the ladder. No injuries a well oiled machine. Then they get an import for the next four months, who is able to help them get to the finals. (could happen)

Reply #31984 | Report this post

The Love.  
Years ago

btw, that's Wilson and Birmingham etc. are the guys playing now for apparently little who perhaps should get more. I'm certainly not suggesting they are the mercenary types. Just setting it straight before the Woodville boys get stuck in!!

Reply #31986 | Report this post

Years ago

If we're adding in our philosophical comments, my favourite is:

"Before you criticise a man, walk a mile in his shoes. Then you'll be a mile away, and you'll have his shoes."

Reply #31987 | Report this post

The Taperoo Kid  
Years ago

Thanks for putting me straight #31981.

Centrals need to put there hands up in the air and stop shaking them like they just don't care. And if they want some SASI help they need to yell "oh yeah"

"you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friends nose"

The 3 clubs that have gone over the salary cap are:

Essendon 93
Carlton 88 - 99
Torrens Valley 2001

Bali9, The Jade Monkey has my tablets strapped to himself and is now trying to get to back from K.I.

Reply #31993 | Report this post

Years ago

Taperoo Kid, by making lite of your own wisdoms, you see that masterly retreat is in itself a victory.

Reply #31998 | Report this post

The Taperoo Kid  
Years ago

my job is very boring, I'm an office clerk.
The only thing that helps me pass the time away,
is stirring up shite on Hoops S.A

Reply #32002 | Report this post

Years ago

This discussion may need to be delayed for a week.

According to this week's Hang Time, BASA advise that the paperwork for Woodville's new Import hasn't been completed and he won't be suiting up on Sunday afternoon.

Reply #32009 | Report this post

Taperoo Kid, I never believed anyone could be divorced from reality that much - perhaps it's something in the water over there.

Reply #32029 | Report this post

Years ago

This all shows that Woodville don't know what they are doing. They bitch and moan about kids and seniors leaving and then they go and pay for an import when Lyn is working her but of for probably next to nothing. Take away their right for a div 1 spot and see what happens

How about they drop their fee's by $20 per junior and see if they get a better retention rate. Then stop importing players. Ninja can go back to Woodville if you want. If Pudds goes back to sturt. Mapunda and Burmingham go back to North. Rees goes back to Brisbane. Karvelis goes back to West. etc. Oh wait they might have to play each week with 6 guys.

But then make sure that Holmes goes back tp Sturt, as well as Brad Hill when he returns. And now you can look at which club is working hardest at the junior level.

Reply #32039 | Report this post

Years ago

Although I agree with your first paragraph, anon #32039, I think you'd find that Woodville's fees are generally lower than most clubs.

Reply #32092 | Report this post

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