Years ago

NBL uniforms need to be fixed

Just an observation but how is it Ubaka doesn't have a name on his jersey yet? He has played for the Hawks for at least 5 weeks.
What is it with the NBL/ And1?
Is it really that hard? The NBL is so unprofessional the NBA would get it done in 2 hours. I would love to meet the crew at And1 NBL jersey manufacturers and see what they do all day.
Whenever a new player signs with every team it takes months before a name is sorted. Look at Bartletts jersey- they couldn't even get the colour right. It's still not rectified even after 6 weeks.


I could go down Goody rd to Proball and sort it in my lunchhour.

Topic #27830 | Report this topic

Years ago

Couldnt agree more, if nbl wants to be treated seriously, need to improve these small issues.

Reply #354817 | Report this post

Years ago

Burston, Ubaka, Lang, a couple of Taipans players as well.
If you actually have a look at Allens jersey, his name doesn't look right either. Looks like could be a bodge job.
Not sure if And1 print in house or have to get it made up from overseas?

Reply #354819 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry NOT Burton, just Lang.

Reply #354820 | Report this post

Average OKKA  
Years ago

Welcome to AND1. Im surprised there jerseys don't disintegrate whilst players are out there...

Reply #354826 | Report this post

Years ago

*Made In China*

But you would think someone - even the club itself could just spend an hour putting their names on the back?

Reply #354831 | Report this post

Years ago

If you look at Bartletts uniform, his name in yellow on the back is a completely different colour to the rest of the team.

Also where's my throwback jersey? I saw Diamon's mum wearing one.

Reply #354833 | Report this post

My mum a ref  
Years ago

reflective of the totally inempt state of Basketball Admin in Australia - can you imafgine the AFL jhaving a similiar issuev with uniforms.

And while on avbout totally poor effort by Basketball Administrators - if the story i am hearing about under 20 at nationals is true and nothing is done about that outburst then Basketball Australia are clearly the most toothless tigers administrators in this country and have no credibility to preach about zero tolerance to referees

Reply #354839 | Report this post

Years ago

All the uniforms are basically the same design with just the colours changing, same with the WNBL. Surely we can do better. Does the NBL tell the teams what uniform they have to have?

Team's websites are also the same with less 'real' information than what they carried a decade ago.

Reply #354845 | Report this post

Years ago

My mum a ref, none of the AFL players had their names on the back of their jumper even at the end of last season. I wish the AFL would get their act together.

Reply #354847 | Report this post

Years ago

Is it cost related? Teams or the league can't justify the price unless it's a bulk order at the start of the season?

Sadly, I think the NBL has a multi-year deal with And1.

Wherever the blame lies, it really needs to be improved. Should be a basic thing that all teams have the right uniforms and players have their names on the back within a week of starting (to allow for a defection like Ubaka).

I seem to remember the league having problems whichever supplier they've used in recent years?

In an era when people are getting fairly decent NBA fakes out of China, I'm not sure why the league doesn't just go direct, allow each team to have individual designs, oversee quality and packaging and drop-ship out of Hong Kong.

Reply #354849 | Report this post

I think his name was even wrong on the back of his perth uniform when he had his stint there earlier in the season!!! My mum a ref, I believe Jan Stirling is conducting an inquiry into the behaviour of Tony at the u/20's.

Reply #354856 | Report this post

Years ago

Oscar Forman's away jersey was even wrong, it said Foreman. Not Forman.

Bartlett's looks like an iron on name and i'd dare say it is, along with Allen's.

The whole Bulk theory, i don't think that's the case. And1 would just create 2 away and 2 home regardless of if its at the start of the year or at the end of the year. Im sure it would still cost the same.

Since Ubaka has arrived in Wollongong, I have had a throw back NBA jersey custom made from the states, made & delivered to me. And i've had that jersey for 2 weeks. That's how it should be done, fast turn over! Even more so when it's for a professional league.

The last Hawks home game, i took a friend of mine. He's now been to every home game since Ubaka arrived & he is barely a casual fan. But even he picked up on it and asked me why Ubaka still hasn't got his name on his jersey yet!

Reply #354871 | Report this post

Years ago

Just an overhaul on the designs in general would be great...

Some are pretty bad. I've seen better quality designs from local club teams.

Uniform designers in the NRL and NBL don't seem to understand that the players' uniforms are viewed from a distance and not from a High Definition iMac display from 30 cm away.

Get rid of tacky gradients and intricate linework and lettering. Good uniform design is about using basic shapes and two primary colours and an accent colour at the most. Ask the NBA or AFL, their unis are tight.

Reply #354875 | Report this post

Jason reece  
Years ago

On a side note there's also been various times two teams have had the same primary colours on their jerseys. South dragons, Perth and Wollongong all share the same 3 colours. Canberra and newcastle also shared the same colours, even before they 'merged', same with Geelong.

Reply #354938 | Report this post

Years ago

"Uniform designers in the NRL and NBL don't seem to understand that the players' uniforms are viewed from a distance and not from a High Definition iMac display from 30 cm away."

Haha very true but I think were actually beating the NRL when it comes to colours and design theres are SHOCKING

Reply #355011 | Report this post

Years ago

Im a massive jersey fan and been collecting them since eBay started aswell as designing 14 social jerseys over the years with a personal collection of over 85 jerseys so this really strikes a nerve with me.

A home and away jersey would cost the club $150 including postage. A total overhaul needs to be done. Look at the NBA, when Ramon Sessions got traded to LA they held a press conference the next morning and there Sessions is smiling holding his new jersey up with his SURNAME on the back!

I also understand that sponsors matter in our league but I can't stand it that team names/logos are underneath sponsors on the front of jerseys. Just because iced coffee is on the Sixers shorts doesn't make me want to drink it. Keep the sponsors on the court or on the LED screens running up the sidelines at the dome.

In my opinion you should always model yourself from the leaders in life and the NBA is the best at promoting their teams visually. No logos from memory on the front, just very simple bold letters with some flair. I'm a diehard Lakers fan and if you ask me the best NBA jersey it's the Celtics green with white letters, it's timeless and hasn't changed for decades, yeah there's variations with black text and the shamrock on the back but that's so fans will buy them to add to their collections.

C'mon NBL keep it simple this is sport remember it's 100% visual and something as lame as a missing surname actually matters!

Reply #355012 | Report this post

Years ago

NBA is looking into logos now.

They think they could get $30M sponsorhip increases in uniform logos.

Watch this space.

Reply #355025 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah already seen it they're after a 30mm x 30mm adidas logo.

Look out that's massive news

Reply #355039 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm with JOaRiDrAN, just because there may be a company logo on the jersey, doesn't make me want to purchase anything from that company. But hey, that's how the league makes it's money to keep the league alive, Sponsorship.

In saying that, i'm totally against the NBA putting logos on their jerseys. The court sponsorships are enough! Imagine the classic, classy, history soaked Celtics jersey.. Now imagine a big Pepsi sign on it. Gross. I wouldn't buy it.

Reply #355048 | Report this post

Years ago

I think they need different designs for each team.

Reply #355050 | Report this post

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