Years ago

Your thoughts on 36ers Club going forward

With comments about being treated poorly by Leeanne, the coach and club. I thought with no one from their head office replying to emails, why not post on here your thoughts about the year just gone. I am sure someone there will read it....surely!!

I feel appointing Leeanne was a good decision for SOS at the time as how we're they to know she would turn out to be a stuck up person with no time for members and from what I have seen from the stands treats her staff really poorly. She seems on a complete power trip ordering everyone around aggressively with no consideration to the fact that most if not all game day staff would imo be volunteers.

I have been a season ticket holder for many years and like most other people on here( and on game night I have heard AT LEAST 100 people say they won't renew) I am struggling to convince myself to renew next year. Not because I dont love the team and sport but because of not enjoying the night. Especially not winning much at home and not having a home final now for I don't know how long. How lucky are Perth? 26years in a row of being in playoffs. THAT SHOULD BE US TOO!

So post away my fellow members, ticket holders and corporates. Who did well this year and what do you want to see going ahead? From the court wipers to the team manager and strength guy, from development player to the coach and CEO. Were any of them any good? I'm not sure.

Topic #27826 | Report this topic

Years ago

Im about to become a season ticket holder next year, I have been to more games this season (5) then ever befvore and I do enjoy the night however I have a few problems with it.... 1, I find that the freebie give aways are always bias... They will never let a co ordinated looking person shoot that half court shot for 5 grand... Its always someone who looks like theyve never touched a ball... for other freebies they tend to zone in solely on families... yes its nice to do things for families but how about occasionally show some love for the 2 or 3 guys who decided to spend there night there that dont neccesarily have kids with them? the average guy in these matters has always been overlooked... another bias I saw only a few weeks ago that made my jaw drop was when they called down one of the sudanese players of the pre-game-game to shoot the half court shot... WTF!!!! so, your either giving the shot to someone who looks like they couldnt even make a lay up... or your giving it to the sudanese guy, who is semi professional?!?!?!?!?!?! UN-FAIR!!!!

I also think that, for aesthetic purposes, they need to have a policy about filling all the bottom seats... I know personally if i see a closer seat that isnt taken within the first minute of the game I grab it... and It does the league a favour on TV or you would swear no one was going to these games in adelaide!!!!

Another problem, THE CROWD!!!! LIVEN UP WILL YA? if you cheer people look at yhou like you pulled your willy out in public... its unbelieveble...., something needs to be done to get the crowd in a more patriotic state... Im not sure how it is done but It needs to be thought about... it doesnt help the atmosphere at all... compare the powerhosue of 2002 to the powerhouse of now.... NO COMPARISON!

Also, Theres some player changes that MUST be made. Helliwell... SHOULD NOT be in the NBL... and DEFINITELY not in any team I support. He was absolutely useless in last nights game... and at very best hes still useless! we need to drop him ASAP. I think that they need to get rid of Herbet... hes done nothing of note that i have ever seen.... sure hes as close as weve got to a hard nosed defender but he still doesnt really bring much of that either. Theres also another potential head on the chopping block in my eyes... Steven Weigh.... he either needs to start playing with a brain or be gone... however I admit I prefer him to the last 2 players. The imports im a bit shakey on, Ive liked diamons last few games and Ive liked Warren... but can we get better for the same money? im not sure but I think we need to look at all options going forward, however Im not against them staying, provided theres no stand out better option. Who we ABSOLUTELY must keep??? Daniel Johnson Is a keeper.. If he isnt already the most versatile center in the league he wil be next season i bet.Darren Ng... say what you want about the rest of his game, this guy can shoot the three better then anyone in the league.. He will only ever be a role player, but theres nothing wrong with having that and I think people need to lay off him, at worst.. he is occasionally overused and miss-used even... but Ng belongs where he is. Crosswell/Ballinger.. thoes 2 if healthy will give the team some veteran stability, add thoes 2 to the 6ers and you have a play off team. Mitch Creek... Just like every other rookie Mitch has been up and down, but hes shown enough spark and enough athletic gifts to show that he has the potential tro develop into something very potent in the league... he should be kept for that reason,. Everard Bartlett... this kid was a nobody to me til about 6 games ago, then all of a sudden hes a consistant big contributor... He should be kept

Chris Warren (or another import)
- open guard spot/ Weigh (if not replaced)
Everard Bartlett
Adam Ballinger
Daniel Johnson

Nathan Crosswell
Mitch Creek
_ open Guard/Small forward spot
Diamon Simpson
-Open Center spot
Darren Ng

The skeleton of a playoff team is there...

Reply #354779 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

One thing I hav noticed/felt this season is the disconnect between the players/coaches/club and the members. The Sixers used to be great at all of this but it seems this has slipped.

Player talent is one thing, but playing style is another. The common thread that binds all good teams to premierships is defence. The Sixers defence is ranked 9th out of the 9 teams. Now someone has to be last, but the gap between 1 and 9 is wide enough for a Toorak Tractor to drive through on its way to Cibo at Burnside Village to admire the biggest pot plant in SA.

If you are looking for improvement, you will never find it within your own industry. May I suggest someone from the Sixers has a chat with Pottsy to see how differently things are done at the Cows.

Financially, the club will always be under pressure. They probably do it anyhow, but I would like to see the club benchmark themselves against other NBL clubs, but more importantly, other sports. The best income stream is passive income. How can the Sixers secure a passive source of income?

Reply #354783 | Report this post

There is always talk about how the NBL need a strong Sydney or Brisbane team or even a second Melbourne team. The NBL needs a strong Adelaide team! We cannot have a capital city like Adelaide become whipping boys.

Our 36ers have finished in the bottom half for 5 years straight. There are few teams in any sporting code in Aust that have such a continuous poor result.

There have been off court issues & no doubt these have an effect. But, losing is losing. Other teams like the Hawks & Taipans have gone broke yet still posted winning seasons in the past few years and both have made grandfinals.

You cannot change a culture if you still have the same people invloved, you cannot win if you continue the same losing behaviour, you cannot win if you continue the same ineffective strategies, techniques, and delivery.

Whoever has been involved with the club in a professional postion contributing to team performance during this period needs to be moved on. Thank them for their contribution but ask them to resign, or don't renew their contract, or fire them outright. It doesnt matter how, they must go.

Head coach, asst coaches, skills coaches, team manager, strength coach, trainer, operations person, recruitment panel, and especially PLAYERS. If you have been involved for much of these losing seasons then you MUST GO!

Reply #354788 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

No particular animosity . This might be an inaccurate , speculative appraisal .
SOS are a little undermanned these days.
I seem to recall that they always replied and also spoke on here.
Probably could do with a top up there , for some passive income , and a bitta work on re-connection.

Johnson (and Creek ,underplayed) are gonna get plenty of offers and seem unlikely here , and we got Weigh for 34mins a game . I just get bored.

Reply #354789 | Report this post

Bye Bye Marty  
Years ago

1. New Coach
2. New Coach's assistant
3. New Scoreboard
4. Food that is semi healthy.
5. An occasional W in the results column. (Might occur automatically if items 1 and 2 are implemented)

Reply #354798 | Report this post

Years ago

And if SOS cannot afford those things or a clean-out?

Reply #354807 | Report this post

Fill Smythe  
Years ago

It's difficult to comment on the SOS team and management because we don't see what happens behind closed doors, but reports that SOS now only has 2 members are of concern.
If the $$$ are not there, finals won't be either.
The Team:
BALLINGER-No guarantee with the ankle.Should only be
kept if he takes a large paycut.
BARTLETT-Does some good work, plus, even at this
level people don't guard lefties that well.
CREEK-Must keep.
CROSSWELL. Thanks for coming.
DALY-Keep him, should have more minutes though.
HELLIWELL-Good value if he would look at the basket
more. I'd keep him.
HERBERT-We can do better.
NG-Done enough to go around one more time . Plus he's
a local lad.
SIMPSON-Smooth operater. Must keep.
WARREN- Too inconsistent. Thanks for coming.
WEIGH-When the team that always plays finals didn't
want him, we should have asked why.

CLARKE-The players say he's a good developement coach
so keep him in that role. Then buy Lemanis.

Reply #354810 | Report this post

Years ago

Roster wise i would be aiming for something like

Johnson/Helliwell (assuming he is cheap)
Simpson or Williamson/Ballinger (on a much less $$)
Import or Star Aussie/Bartlett

I would love to see if Clarke have a crack grabbing Cadee through the AIS connection, wouldnt break the bank to get him but if we are going to keep going with the young team he is the best young guard in the NBL imo so would love to get him, given he is behind Gibson and Deleon at Gold Coast would be happy to entice him with the starting spot and a bit more money but not big bucks either and have Crosswell back him up. Rhys Martin is another I'd look at if we go for a young guard with some potential.

For the star Aussie/Import spot I would be targeting guys like Newley, Barlow, Markovich, this is assuming guys like Ingles and Mills are definatly out of reach as from what I understand they are on much bigger $$$. Will be tough to get any of these guys but definatly worth making the best offer possible to them and see what they say.

If we dont get one of them I would ideally look at a NBL experienced import as we havnt had much luck getting fresh face guards under Clarke, Warren isnt too bad but isnt quite star level. I would target guys like Jamar Wilson, Gary Ervin, Cedric Jackson, Ebi Ere, Donta Smith, Oriene Greene, Patrick Sanders, Will Blalock, EJ Rowland, Dontaye Draper, Ty Mckee depending on which style of player we need and who we can get some would be much cheaper than others and some are MVP level others I think would be very good conrtibutors and a upgrade on Warren.

Some of them are possibly out of reach $$ wise, but still worth the offer, one of the most realistic is probably Jamar Wilson, who would be a good signing IMO. I think i remembered reading that he played with John Williamson in Europe last year, if so may be worth giving Williamson another go, especially as many seemed to think he was MVP level and i would be very curious to see him play NBL, but also happy to offer Simpson a new contract if the coaches think he is better or if factors like $$$ come into play.

My 1st choice line up

Johnson/Helliwell or cheap big
Simpson or Williamson/Ballinger
Newley or Barlow or Markovich/Bartlett
import (possibly on the cheap side from NZBL or SEABL)/Crosswell

2nd choice probably more realistic

Simspon or Williamson/Ballinger
IMPORT (SG/combo guard)/Bartlett
Cadee (or best Aussie/NZ guard we can get)/Crosswell

3rd choice and would be the minimum id like to see

Simpson or Williamson/Ballinger
Import combo guard/Ng

Absolute worse case for me would be if we lost Johnson and Creek without top Aussie replacements and we would then end up with something like

Ballinger/?? Dowdell type

If we end up with that line up I cant see us improving, unless we get absolute stud imports, but the first 3 line ups should see us improve.

Obviously if we lose Johnson and/or Creek that makes a massive blow, especially Johnson and we would definatly need to bring in a top Aussie Forward/Centre to replace him or would potentially really struggle.

I would love to see Creek unleashed into the starting 5 and given 30 mins next year (and the last couple of games this year) he just brings energy, athleticism, plays solid defence and brings a bit of excitement, IMO he has outplayed Weigh recently aswell and if he develops/improves his shot he could easily be a Abercrombie type which would make a massive difference to our team IMO.

Weigh is still a keeper IMO would just like to see him come off the bench 20ish minutes as a combo forward and if he wants his starting spot back he has to out play Creek or our import forward.

Reply #354822 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm pretty sure there are still four SOS members involved but if it's now down to two from the original eight they need to sell the team now.

They've done enough damage to the brand with these cheap shitty rosters since they took over three years ago (wooden spoon, 2nd last, 2nd last) and frankly don't deserve the best fan base in the comp who lead the league in attendance despite the dross they're continually served up. Next season will in all likelihood be more of the same.

The first thing they should do is sack Marty Clarke if he's back next season that would practically be like giving the team's supporters the middle finger.

Reply #354824 | Report this post

new in town  
Years ago

Anonymous above - they actually saved the brand , its not totally their fault that the last 2 coaches have been duds. A three year deal to Clarke without an out was not a smart move - but ...

I must admit that if Clarke stays and creek goes - well I'll have a hard time convincing myself that next year will be worth watching.

If Clarke stays with the existing support staff - then I'll need to see Creek and simpson signed up for 2 years, and ( damn I hate saying this) - I think Helliwell deserves a good run next season.

Reply #354825 | Report this post

Years ago

The cost of the 36ers roster is one of the highest in the NBL. People are forgetting the teams best player sat idle for the entire season and was not replaced.

The few games he played he was still no better than 60%.

To beat teams that are superior in depth is a fair achievement in my opinion. The team has been showing good signs too. wind the clock back 2 months and Saturday night would have been a 20 point loss. Instead they fought back and made a game of it

Reply #354834 | Report this post

Years ago

I personally think everyone needs to lay of Marty & Mark. IMO there has been significant improvement over the last month and it appears that the things they've been trying to implement are being translated from practice to the games.

If you watch the sets that are run, when our PG runs them properly we get plenty of open looks at the basket - is that the coaches fault if we miss?

Defensively, I agree we have some issues, but these are also on the move in a positive direction.

Reply #354844 | Report this post

Years ago

Other teams to have lost starting players without replacing them:

Sydney (Bruce)
Melbourne (Mills)

Melbourne just lost by double figures to Wollongong, in Melbourne. Ballinger when he's fit (and I'd say he wasn't even 60% when he played) is hopefully going to give more than Bruce.

Reply #354853 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Bizzy, Actually, I must admit I agree with the comments on the coaches. The March 12 versions compared to the January 12 versions are vastly different.

The Sixers still have a few opportunities for improvement in their general play style, but the last few home games I have definitely noticed a "Smarter Marty" when it comes to rotations, matchups, set plays and general feel. Two months ago, you could look at the 5 on the court against the 5 opponents and think "so what matchups are we actually winning?" Two months ago the Sixers would have a shooter knocking down 3's off a fade away with an opponent running at them, so we sub them off to rest them. A few months ago, the Sixers would choke up a 10 point lead with teams going on a zero to hiding run, yet no time out to talk it over.

I know this isn't 100%, but look at the start of the season compared to the last few months:

Month Ave For Ave Aga Result W L
Oct-10 82.3 96.3 (14.0) 1 3
Nov-10 92.8 99.0 (6.3) 1 3
Dec-10 88.7 85.5 3.2 3 3
Jan-11 68.5 79.5 (11.0) 0 4
Feb-11 80.4 84.6 (4.2) 2 3
Mar-11 78.7 82.7 (4.0) 1 2

You could argue that since Feb, the Sixers are probably 3 well executed plays away from the win in most games, or 3 offensive rebounds off the win depending upon your POV.

Steve Carfino commented on One last night that the two top teams for forced turnovers were Perth and NZB.

Reply #354855 | Report this post

Years ago

I have seen an improvement in the team and coaching over the past few weeks. first qtr saturday was very ordinary but they pulled themselves back into the game. I'd keep most including the coaches. Get rid of coaches now and you'll go thru the same rebuilding pain.

Weigh was like Cattalini at that age. lose him now and he will burn us from another team the same with Creek and Johnson.

If they build on the last few weeks stop some of the turnovers and brain fades we will be in the play offs.

Reply #354861 | Report this post

Years ago

advanced stats on lobpasstoabercrombie tell an interesting story

36ers are the 4th best offensive team but the worst defensively by a fair margin. We are 1.4 points off the wildcats in offence but a huge differential of 14 points defensively.

We are mid pack on most stats categories except defense ( last) defensive rebounding ( second last) and assist % ( last)

We have 2 players in the top 4 of efficiency ratings ( Diamon at #1 and DJ at #4)

the highest ranked 36ers guard is Chris Warren at #33

Reply #354862 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac, can we put Penney into that list? Harvey for GC could be another one.

The way I look at it is:

Clarke bad
* In both seasons he had the worst Sixers season record in history.
* Was able to change imports a luxury that Ninnis was not able to have (and still he got a better record). Two of those imports were shooting guards when we already had 3 shooting guards
* Poor game day coach.
* Unable to learn from his mistakes.
* His disconnect from the fans.
* Never takes responsibility for poor performance or Radfords tech that gave us no chance to win the game.
* Plays Weigh 35mpg regardless of how he is playing.
* The teams defense is pathetic. I have never seen so many uncontested layups by the other team.
* The offense is cringe worthy.
* Bizarre substitutions and strategies.

* Brags that he has been focusing on giving more minutes to younger players yet DJ played only 20 mpg last season with Holmes (in his worst season ever) playing more. Creek's minutes have gone down from 17mpg to 15mpg.

* Had the option to sign Schenscher (the starting center for the reigning champions) and instead got DJ for similar money and played him only 20 minutes a season. DJ showed in the previous season as well as during that season that he deserved more minutes and finally when he was given minutes he scored 32 points. This season he finally gives him minutes and everyone thinks Clarke is a hero for developing DJ when he already showed what he was capable of 2 seasons before that.

Clarke good
* With his 'Connections' he got Creek (due to limited opportunities it wont surprise me that he leaves). He also got Weigh but the money they threw at him as well as offering 35 minutes per game I think any coach could have gotten him.
* Signed Bartlett to replace the injured Crosswell.

Clarke's Scape goat
* With the team not replacing Ballinger, Clarke will probably keep his job, since SOS wont want to pay him out and can use the excuse of "We were without Ballinger for the season so that is why we had a bad record" (regardless of the fact the team was basically at full strength the season before and got the worst club season record ever)

Recent form
* I put the recent form down to playing weaker opponents and the players having no pressure on them. When the season was not written off it was a different story.

Reply #354872 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd also say that because of Clarke, it is much easier to get a close, back street parking space on game day than it ever has been before.

Reply #354881 | Report this post

new in town  
Years ago

Mutley - I'm also expecting to get a significant upgrade in my seat positioning this season, I think that by 2014 I should be in a very nice spot and will look forward to a vastly improved team for 2014 !

New coach, new team, Simpson may be naturalised ( almost) and we will be happy to pay mega $ to get Creek back from Wollongong ( who else to get Campbells' and Savilles' minutes - Geordie will be after him bigtime, standing just behind the new Melbourne team)

ahh well.

Reply #354885 | Report this post

Years ago

I personally think that offering free tickets to the junior district clubs for players & coaches was a fantastic idea the atmosphere Saturday night was great, probably the best I have ever witnessed. Maybe look at doing that at the first home game instead of the last to create more interest for the season. But its definately something the 36ers need to continue doing.

Reply #354891 | Report this post

Years ago

King James you have some errors in your argument:

DJ was already signed before the offer to Schensch

Weigh has played more than 35 mins 5 times this year. 3 of those games where in the first 4 games of the season. 1 of the others went into OT

Weigh has played less than 30 mins in 9 games too.

Your comment re Ninnis and changing imports is not correct. Ninnis never asked to change imports.

"Offense is cringe worthy" yet as at round 23 it was ranked the 4th best in the league. Means the 5 teams below must be really bad right?

Gold Coast brought in DeLeon to run the point when Joey already had 2 boomer squad PG's on his team. good decision? based on your comments it is a dumb move by the Blaze.

Would like to know what you think of Gleeson and McLeod. Both former coaches of the year. By your rationale the teams performance is solely to do with the coach.

Reply #354906 | Report this post

Years ago

"DJ was already signed before the offer to Schensch"

that is totally incorrect as far as I am aware. Why would they sign DJ for a huge contract and then offer Schenscher a huge contract (before they changed their mind)?

"Weigh has played more than 35 mins 5 times this year. 3 of those games where in the first 4 games of the season. 1 of the others went into OT"

You are right he averages 32mpg about 6th highest average in the league.

"Your comment re Ninnis and changing imports is not correct. Ninnis never asked to change imports."

As if, there is no way he would have continued with Groves. Why would a Coach whose team finished last not want to change an import? The season prior he was able to change but in his final season as far as I know he wasn't able to.

"Offense is cringe worthy" yet as at round 23 it was ranked the 4th best in the league."

Worst in assist in the league says it is cringe worthy. Also if it wasn't for Simpson almost shooting at 60% our teams shooting percentage would be close to bottom.

"Gold Coast brought in DeLeon to run the point when Joey already had 2 boomer squad PG's on his team. good decision? based on your comments it is a dumb move by the Blaze."

Not really since their forward line is solid and Gibson is a versatile player and Harvey has been injured most of the season.

I had already answered your question about Gleeson and Mcleod in another thread "BFJ, McLeods coaching use to be good but I think he has lost it now. I have no idea why he doesn't use Davidson more and as Skud said he should have been out there to finish the game. Gleeson use to be good in Townsville but I don't think he has the respect of the players at the Tigers and put all his Eggs in one basket with Pat Mills with no back up plan if he left. It is interesting to see that he played walker for 30 minutes last game though." having said that I have no doubt both of these coaches would have gotten more out of this Sixers team and made players actually earn their minutes.

Reply #354935 | Report this post

Years ago

I think I may know the facts a little better than you.

You use the teams success to argue against it, you use the teams deficiencies to argue against it. Highlighting Simpson's strengths to emphasise a negative is a little futile.

To me you are the type of person who would complain about getting a cheque for your cross lotto winning instead of cash

Our forward line last year was solid too, not league best but solid hence the addition of an import guard.

In what way is Gibson versatile? play the 3 ? No. Guard a 3? No. Shoot the 3 at a high clip? No. He is a guard and that is it, albeit a good one

Right, so Gleeson losing his best player and not replacing him justifies their record yet not replacing Ballinger means we have a coach who doesn't know what he is doing.

Re "doesn't use Davidson more" The guy has had more success in the league as a coach yet it is his use of 1 player that has seen the Hawks at the bottom. Right. Wow.

Bottom 5 teams this season are 2 COTY and 2 Boomer assistants. The other coach made the GF last season with left over parts. They cant all be that bad at coaching can they?

King James every comment you make is based on hindsight, and as they say everyone is a genius with hindsight.

Reply #354944 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

Spot on King James you have covered most of the season ticket holders I know in your valuation of the Clarke season.
Start of season still believed in him but as KJ stated just continued to get it all wrong to lose so many winnable matches.
It looked like he thought up ways to lose games with subs and tactics .
How come he could not improve our defensive work .
Remember players are who he picked .
BJF how can you defend the over use of Weigh everyone talks about after every game. The guy just keeps turning ball over and no real shot and no real defence. Yet he plays Maher type minutes and always there to lose it for us at crunch time.
Even worse than his coaching is his disdain for us the members who pay him.
I really feel for SOS especially those that have stuck it out but unless a change in coach you will not believe how many season ticket holders will lose.
BJF either you are a blind loyal supporter but as not seen posted before more likely close to owners but your selling ice to eskimos to tell us Clarke should coach again.
Yes you may be hinting that club might fold but dont get rid of Clarke will not help and force the issue a year later.

Reply #354945 | Report this post

Years ago

where did i defend Weigh? KJ said he plays 35 mins every game. the facts say he doesnt. Pretty simple

Just to spice up the convo, it wasn't Weight that had the 2 killer TO's on Saturday night.

Reply #354946 | Report this post

Years ago

a quick scout of the stats tells me some of the names that have more TO's per game than Weigh

Cedric Jackson
Jamar Wilson
Chris Warren
Nathan Crosswell
Aaron Bruce
Eddie Gill

In total 12 other players that have more turnovers per game than Weigh. Heck he is "only" 3rd worst on the team

if you want to call that defending him , fine. I think some actual facts not rhetoric and opinion are important in a balanced discussion about performance.

Reply #354949 | Report this post

Years ago

BJF, you need to put things in perspective of those 12 players how many of them have a worse assist to turnover ratio?

Reply #354952 | Report this post

Years ago

"Cedric Jackson
Jamar Wilson
Chris Warren
Nathan Crosswell
Aaron Bruce
Eddie Gill"

All PG's.

Reply #354958 | Report this post

Years ago

so i prove you wrong and you want to switch the rules?
gee unlike you

Reply #354965 | Report this post

Years ago

for the sheer fun of it

Weigh has 2.6 to per game

Crawford 2.8
Crosswhite 2.5
Khazzouh 2.5
Vukona 2.4
Redhage 2.3

your calling sheep stations over .1 turnovers a game?

Reply #354968 | Report this post

Years ago

"Isaac, can we put Penney into that list?"

Why would we put Penney onto a list of players suiting this season and being lost to their teams without replacements?

Even then, Melbourne didn't have to keep paying Mills while he went to China and now the NBA. Adelaide have been paying Ballinger's salary meaning it's just that much harder to cover replacing him.

Gruber wasn't planned as a starter this year (though he was last year before Forman took his spot and made the most of it) but missed a lot of games this year without being replaced.

Harvey sure. Though they seemed to improve without him and are showing no interest in keeping him after this season.

At no point this year did Adelaide have Ballinger at anything close to his best. That's going to hurt a young team tipped as middle of the road at best. Both captains gone in one round!

DJ was signed before Schensch. You might want to pay BJF some heed in knowledge about the order of this sort of thing. They had DJ in. Then an offer was put to Schensch and later reconsidered (one reason being that they had promised a future to DJ and had already spent a year keeping him on the bench for reasons discussed many times). I don't think not signing Schensch is a horror black mark - the Cats didn't keep him and the Boomers haven't shown as much interest as you'd expect. That said, I'd like him here because he's local, identifiable and a good guy - we could do with some locals in the team.

Reply #354971 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

I noticed at the training that Clarke likes Weigh.
' Don't go home with your hard on , Marty . '
I heard somebody shout !

Reply #354977 | Report this post

Years ago

BJF, I was just making the point that he shouldn't be compared with point guards. In fact I don't think Weigh excessively turns the ball over for two reasons. 1 he isn't aggressive enough in games 2 he would rather shoot it (unfortunately shoots at a low percentage when he is actually a good shooter). These two reasons are why I have been disappointed with him this season and believe he is a much better player. If Clarke had made him earn his minutes then I think he would have came out with more urgency rather then just give him 32 minutes regardless of how he is playing. I think that when he does get turnovers they really stand out due to being really sloppy and is why people think that he turns it over lots.

Isaac, I was looking at it from a point of view that they didn't really replace him rather then from a financial point. Perhaps they gave a bit more money to Abercrombie and Jackson. So I was just pointing out that NZ could use that as an excuse this season but they have actually done better then last season despite not having the best player in the league. That and the fact we had a full team last year shows that Ballingers absense shouldn't really be the scape goat for Clarke. Also we don't know how the chemistry would have gone with Simpson in the team as well. Tigers had a loaded team (even without Mills) and should have excelled but they didn't so it is purely speculative how we would have gone with Ballinger in the team.

Isaac can you clarify that, that signing was 2 seasons ago and not just last season? I got confused because you said that they had already spent a year with him on the bench. If it was 2 seasons ago then I apologise BJF for the mistake about the timing of the DJ Schenscher signing. I am surprised to hear that. Isaac I would have rather had Schesncher here (besides for the reasons you mentioned) because he has been a proven winner in this league and helped his team to second on the ladder last season (they sucked in the playoffs but oh well). I believe we would have had a better record last season and if he wasn't injured this season as well. I probably would have been more happy with the DJ signing if he was actually given the minutes he deserved last season regardless of people feeling his defense was no good. He can only get better if he is on the court. Also the main point is DJ could leave next season and therefore putting up with poor season records in the hope he would develop into a player that would lead us to become a strong team is then pointless and wasted time.

Reply #354991 | Report this post

Years ago

The team needs a star either an Aussie or import eg Williamson that brings some toughness to the group, can lead by example and can play some defense. I get that we have players that can score and rebound but you don't need rebounders when the ball goes in. As a team we give up way two many easy baskets, we fix that and we might start winning some games.

Reply #355000 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon #354861

Weigh was like Cattalini at that age. lose him now and he will burn us from another team the same with Creek and Johnson.

Isn't it possible that these 3 players will do this under a coach that is capable of developing them into top level NBL players? I feel Marty's coaching talents would only ever get them to entry level NBL. You need to be a great NBL experienced coach to coach players into that level. Marty is not one.

Reply #355005 | Report this post

Years ago

Personally, I would prefer DJ over an ageing and declining Schensch. I would rather us develop a core of young players for a longer success in the future than a quick fix now, which I have my doubts Schesch would have even been. Also, wasnt it widely reported that Schensch was neever played in 4th quarters last season? DJ is on the cusp of potentially becoming a Boomer wher as Schensch has slid from those considerations. The decision to revoke the offer to Schensch was a good one imo.

Weigh hasnt lived up to expectations this year but I think we can all see the potential there. Yes, he commits TO's at crucial times and probably plays more minutes than he should but who would you play in his place? Creek I dont believe is ready to step into that starters role just yet and is a bit more limited than Weigh offensively and not as reliable at the line should the game be close and FT's required. I actually thought Weigh played reasonably well on Sat until he had those two crucial TO's in the last, albeit one was due to a bad pass from Warren to his feet.

Our defense has sucked this year I think because Clarke has focussed on offense. Last year he tried instilling a defensive mindset but it didnt work so this year who could blame him for trying to outscore teams. Having said that I think our defense has been alot better the last month and you can see the improvement starting to come through.

I and all of the members I sit with and have asked think Clarke deserves to see out his contract, I dont think he is a bad coach and we need some stability, especially if he is going to be part of the reason why players like DJ & Creek sign on.

If you choose not to become a season ticket holder next season and not support the team or the guys who saved the team then you're not a true supporter!!

Reply #355046 | Report this post

Years ago

DJ 4 Schensch 5

Reply #355080 | Report this post

Years ago

Schensch 5
DJ 4 / 5
Weigh 3
Import Combo guard 2/3
Warren or Delly 1

Ballinger 4/5
Creek 2/3
Bartlett 1/2/3
Helliwell 5
Ng 2

allows you to bang
allows you to play small and quick
inside outside game
Points may be an issue

Reply #355091 | Report this post

Years ago

wow if you all chip in fiddy bucks each you could take control of the team and we'd be all sweet!

get some decent bloody food at a decent bloody price for starters
why on earth would you take away the baked spud van??
they wouldnt agree to the percentage you wanted take as a cut???

seriously the food there is shite

and the prices of the shirts???
maybe if they were a little bit cheaper more people might buy them, and in the long run you might actually make a few more bucks and the whole place would be a sea of blue..just maybe.

more signed stuff for raffles
crikey im pretty sure you could get hold of a sixers basketball and get it signed pretty easily...2 bucks a ticket
40 tickets and the cost is prob covered
youd prob sell a thousand ffs
and seriously whats in that little booklet at the gate for $2?
not much
id pay 4 bucks for it if it was double the size though with interesting stuff and interviews and MORE basketball info
you should be able to book your own tickets thru the sixers website with a friggin MAP TO LOOK AT!!

end rant

get williamson...
farley even at his age wouldve been better than some of the recruits over the last three years ffs

Reply #355211 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

That was Clarke , just then, onair@5aa. -
Of the 8 owners - three (3) are left .
8 was too many ( a few disagreements on directions , obviously , as ya would with 8 people anywheres.)
1 is not enough , and 3 is just good/right - he told us.
He'd like an additional assistant coach , and he and the club also wanna get old sixrs 'stars' in more involved , from now on.
Sounds likely MVP - 1) Johnson 2 Simpson 3 Warren
4 Weigh
Seems Weigh and Crosswell are already signed
and is gonna try to sign Creek and Johnson
as well as Ballinger Ng Herbert (other teams wud be thinking the same thing , he said.)
Seems the league is 2 guards - like a Crosswell PG with a Warren SG - he thought.
Seems Helliwell played pro in Europe for 10 years and his experience is handy.

Reply #355344 | Report this post

Years ago

i dont care if helliwell played bloody NBA, look at his game, he sucks.... sopmeone of his size should have more of an effect on the game one would think... but hes good for maybe 2 points and a couple of rebounds if that?

Reply #355376 | Report this post

Years ago

Camel, Helliwell played eight years in Europe. One season after college/before NBL and seven seasons in between his time with the Bullets and Tigers (last season).

Reply #355381 | Report this post

Years ago


I am pretty sure that ever since I have been a Sixers member they have ALWAYS had a $2 raffle to win a signed basketball. Not sure they sell thousands of tickets though - maybe a hundred each game.

Reply #355399 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Helliwell's stats provide opacity.
He's screening and stopping bigs from scoring
and that's important to the coach .
Some fans don't give that any attention.

Seems the next 2 weeks are gonna be busy on the phones and in the board room with regards to re-signings.

Warren is the league's best shooting guard
Clarke also mentioned.

Reply #355427 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

" .. and , that's where we missed Crossey.....
Crossey at PG and Warren at SG...
Anyways , shoulda , coulda , woulda
this season , wins were insufficient.. "

Reply #355432 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago


I think there could be a lot of hard questions asked after this season. The post season navel contemplation would have started and I think the MVP night on Tuesday might be the last official function for some at the Club.

Reply #355846 | Report this post

Years ago

Why dont they look at some of the imports that play over the winter in SEABL and BigV, having seen many of these players over the years and have seen many NBL games some of these guys are better players than the current crop of imports. Plus they are already in the country and you can find out what kind of person they are.

Reply #356194 | Report this post

Years ago

More often than not they're playing in second-tier leagues in Australia for a reason eg Gruber, Ratzsch etc

Reply #356195 | Report this post

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