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Years ago
World's best free-throw shooter?
This New York Times piece on a guy called Bob Fisher is all kinds of awesome.
In the past 26 months, Fisher has set 14 Guinness world records for free-throw shooting. He has made 33 in 30 seconds, 50 in a minute, 92 in two minutes, 448 in 10 minutes. He made 2,371 in an hour — nearly 40 a minute — which he called "pretty close to a superhuman feat."
Last December, Fisher made 2,371 shots in an hour, blowing past the old record of 1,968. By then, to fight fatigue, he had developed five shooting techniques for each hand. He made 86 percent of the shots with his right hand, 71 percent with his left.
By midmorning, he was still restless, his mind consumed by the missed shots. In raising the 10-minute record to 448 from 366, Fisher shot 73 percent.
“It was a pretty poor performance,” he said. “There is a speed-accuracy trade-off.”
Here's video of the 33 in 30 seconds record: