Years ago
Could a game be produced by 2 people
Ok so forget the commentators for a second
After watching the U20 Nationals live on the web it got me thinking. Could a game of basketball be produced by two people at a minimum. Heres my late night idea
Two cameras at each end on walls
One cameras in the middle
Two on the end use object tracking and record on 10 second delay. Build some smarts into object tracking to look for basketball only. These would be automated to follow basketball as it moves. Would need some heavy smarts around it to predict where ball would go when not in line of sight. In otherwords no camera man
One at mid court would be live and the other record on 10 second delay.
Streaming 4 cameras (video data) to central location before hitting web, giving the operator (not viewer) the ability to select any of the 3 cameras on 10 second delay for replays and being able to go back to the original live stream at any time. There is obviously alot more to think about but could this be done with one camera man and one operator/producer?