IF the third poster on this thread ( as quoted in full below) is an actual employee within Basketball here in SA, then I am absolutely gob smacked at the personal attitudes and values displayed in the post
A few hours ago
14:43 25 Feb 12
Reply #351790
re: A plea to the Comp Committee and CEO of BSA
Annon get your club and all other clubs to guarentee
- (can't use spell check)
they won't pull out teams or make requests to add some during the season.
- (This is a classic avoidance of responsibility re-frame, which relocates any and ALL responsibility and thus full blame and any responsibility to re-mediate a problem away from themselves and onto others)
As has been explained on here many times before over Summer
- ( this implies you are - 1) not listening OR 2- listening but stupid , AND 3- We have been doing our job but you are not doing yours)-
. we play within a Pro/Reg structure, even if in your world for your one team you may not.
- (implies that you do not live in the real world, and in any case your one team is not important to us at all - so go away )-
NBL, WNBL, AFL, NBA ... none of these leagues play even rounds. Why are you demanding more in Juniors in SA then those leagues?
- (Gives a clears insight as to exactly what standard this person believes is adequate IE – its OK to be just be as bad as others , and don’t ever aspire to be the best ) -
Last of all if you have legitamte
- (spelling again)-
comments to make this is not the place to make them if you want them actioned.
- ( We only listen to you when you come to us as a supplicant, we refuse to listen to anyone or any thing that does not play under our rules – even thought I am active on this forum !!?? Also the use of the word actioned alters implied expectations to a more minimal and disassociated outcome - eg "actioned" does not implicitly include actions such as "agreed" or "fixed" or even "considered" , It can mean as little as "read and filed and forgotten" )-
Cue the standard "you must work for BSA" replies. Sorry for offering some facts instad
-Spelling again)-
of complaining like most in basketball love to do.
- (not quite understanding that the great majority of their own reply is about complaining about the person making the complaint, insulting them and then dismissing them. )-
I hope the above is able to be followed. Generally when I do this type of corporate values, beliefs and attitudes elicitation in a professional consult - I have the advantage of formatting ,such as colour, italics etc , including pop up notes and hot linking to deeper explanations of the implications of the grammar and sentence structure.
As I said at the outset, its a worry if this person is an employee, however that is actually not essential to accepting this post as a valid insight into the corporate or personal values in SA basketball. All this poster has to have is a reasonable amount of interaction with the subject corporate entity for their post to be a close approximation of what does actually come out of that organisation.
Of course one post is not a valid sample size - but still - at least it makes me think