Years ago

Gleeson can't coach

As a Tigers observer (can't say fan after what's gone on there the last year) thats been to a few games this year and said it when they signed Gleeson, but I dont see what people were thinking when they were saying he's a good coach.
What are the Tigers, 4-10 without Mills? And look at Townsville without Hinder for the whole year, 13-9 with last year's real coach in Woolpert taking over.
The Tigers tried running the shuffle early in the year and were winning but got bagged for not having there own style, now they run nothing and rely on Allen to create everything.
And get rid of that little piece of paper you look at every 2 minutes.

Topic #27597 | Report this topic

Years ago

Being pedantic, but Mills wasn't replaced. Hinder was replaced with Holmes and Schenscher temporarily replaced with Vanderjagt.

Reply #351407 | Report this post

Years ago

Fair call john. That team was and still is loaded with resources, However the standard that comes out is just really poor. Same errors happening time and time again.
You would have to question the coaching.

Reply #351408 | Report this post

Years ago

Even though Allen replaced Ubaka, you'd have to say that Mills has been replaced. Allen is one of the best import guards in the league IMO, the Tigers arent lacking in that position they are lacking in organisation and structure

Reply #351410 | Report this post

tropical booz  
Years ago

How does a guy who can't coach win coach of the year?

He certainly hasn't had a good year but i'm sure he can coach! He needs to get guys to buy into his system which hasn't happened this year!

He won't have a job for long if he can't find answers...

Reply #351414 | Report this post

Years ago

I think he has either lost the plot because of management issues or his team has lost faith because of management issues. Cant see how coach of the year last year can hold the blame for the tigers current form.

Reply #351419 | Report this post

Years ago

What do you expect from a team that is full of 2 and 3 men. No balance. Poor recruitment = poor coaching

Reply #351427 | Report this post

Years ago

karma for using his wife as an excuse to get out of a town that supported him so well that earned him coach of the year

Reply #351430 | Report this post

Years ago

Gleeson CAN coach... Yes he makes mistakes, as all coaches do, but he has proven he can coach! I don't think it's fair to blame the Tigers short-comings this year on Gleeson considering the amount of drama that has gone up within the organisation and with the roster.
And MW.... Wake up to urself!!! Who r u to say that he used his wife as an excuse to leave town?! They loved Townsville and it was a very valid reason to leave. With ur attitude towards things like that, I hope u get minimal support if u r ever affected by such a horrible thing like cancer. Pull ur head out of ur a*@e seriously!
Trev and the Tigers will make a good run next year if they can keep ONE team on the court and not chop n change like they have this season. Tigers don't just have a great coach but also one of the best assistants in the league. I hate how the coach always gets the blame for a teams performance... yes they have a lot of input but the players r the ones playing the game n most should have the smarts to change the game-plan on the spot if it isn't working!

Reply #351433 | Report this post

Years ago

There is no doubting he was Coach of the year last year. But this season I think he has gotten caught out.

Townsville had a dominant 7 footer with knock down shooters all over the place and Blalock who could create off the dribble.

Melbourne have Trigger with more of jump shooting post game, another big who can't stay on the court, a playmaking PG, no shooters and 6 or so athletic slashers.

Most of Gleesons playbook from last year is useless at Melbourne. He has come from a half court team to a team that needs to play up tempo full court stuff. I would love to see the Tigers play full court trapping defence for 40 minutes and scoring most of their points in transition. Why aren't they doing this? Maybe he can't coach that style?

Reply #351434 | Report this post

Years ago

Glad to see I'm not the only one who isn't impressed by his coaching.

My summary of the Tigers this season is
- a poor roster in terms of balance and covering each position well
- a coach whose game plan doesn't suit his roster, and who can't seem to accept that they need more than a clipboard during a timeout to tell them what to do
- what talent they have has lost its confidence or its team ethic
- not a strong defensive team
- not much improvement in their skills overall: Trigger over-achieved and Lucas and Bennie have under-achieved
- Burston's injury seems to have hit them harder than expected, even if he's not good enough to be a starting centre
- having Patty suit up helped hide how bad things were
- the Seamus fiasco screwed them totally

Reply #351443 | Report this post

Years ago

MW - I don't think it's necessary to bring his wife's illness into this. Why is it such a shock she would want to move to Melbourne to be with family at this difficult time? Your comments are totally classless.

Reply #351459 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow. I'm amazed at the number of coaches that have never coached a day in their lives and don't know the first thing about the inner workings of the team. I challenge anyone to have done a better job with any team that has gone through what the Tigers have gone through this year, at no fault of the coaching staff. Considering what they've been through, it's a credit to the coaching staff that their not on the bottom of the ladder. And, for those of you that don't understand how it works...the majority of the current Tigers team isn't the team Trevor chose but leftovers from Westover. Coincidentally a large portion of the Crocs team is leftovers from Trevor.
He made the playoffs every year whilst in Townsville and will certainly bring the Tigers back to life in due course.
And MW you've got some nerve with your comment. The Gleesons loved Townsville, had both of their children there, got heavily involved in the community and then Dawn was diagnosed with breast cancer. They made the choice to move to Melbourne before he was confirmed with the Tigers. They have 2 very small children and Dawn has had multiple surgeries last year and this year. Perhaps you should've volunteered to provide babysitting services around the clock for them so they could've stayed in Townsville rather than move closer to family? You're a very ignorant, rude, ruthless soul for making that comment and speaking of karma...I'm sure yours is coming.

Reply #351463 | Report this post

Years ago

ok, I'll apologize to make those comments. but at the time of his signing I was admittedly upset. there were a couple of things that you really have to think about:

1. would he have left Townsville had Tigers job not come up?

2. how did the whole he got signed by Tigers before even released by Cros worked out?

I definitely feel for his wife's illness and understand it's no laughing matter, but had he announced leaving Townsville to be with the family before the job came up would be more convincing to me. In addition I was not fond of the way he spoke of the team from last year in the media implying they lost sense of direction etc. like what would he, a 2 weeks Tiger at the time know; kinda like what Corletto was on about after leaving Tigers.

Leading up to this, now Westover did not get to pick his team for Gleeson at the time to make some of the remark was pretty ignorant too, until he found himself in the same shoe with Seamus going out of control.

Reply #351498 | Report this post

Years ago

I like Myron Allen as a player.

But his body language is terrible. By his body language, it looks as though he isn't enjoying being a Tiger.

He looks so disinterested and unhappy. I saw a few times on Saturday night when he went totally nuts at his teammates.

Reply #351554 | Report this post

Years ago

Hi MW. You might want to read the previous media releases in regards to his departure from Townsville. He announced he was leaving Townsville AND was released from the Crocs BEFORE the Tigers job was announced. They were moving to Melbourne regardless. It makes sense. Trevor's from Vic and needed the family support. I'm sure he had a plan B and secretly hoped he would get the Tigers job but that's just a man looking to take care of his family to the best of his ability- can hardly fault him for that.
Clearly the Tigers had lost their sense of direction..anyone could see that. He was just pointing it out. I just think to lay blame on the coaching staff is completely unfair. Corletto left, he wasn't fired. I think people need to remember that. Ubake was fired from Seamus, not Trevor. And as far as Trevor's credibility to be a Tigers coach goes..he's born and bred Victorian and grew up idolising Andrew and Lindsey Gaze. He's said before one of his favourite childhood memories was meeting Lyndsay as a child. Doesn't get much more credible than that if you're looking for a home grown guy to be the coach.

Reply #351575 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 463 to say that Gleeson didn't choose this team is ridiculus.

Greer, Lewis, Corletto, Burston, Tragardh and Walker are the 6 players that were at the Tigers last season under Westover and were on the initial roster under Gleeson.

We all know what happened with Corletto.

Walker was out of contract and Gleeson chose to resign him. He was the last player signed to the 10.

Tragardh is the team MVP this season, if he was out of contract and Gleeson chose not to resign him, the Tigers would be sitting on the bottom.

Burston. Well Gleeson obviously had faith in him, otherwise he would have signed another centre to start or to atleast back him up.

Lewis and Greer you could make a case for Gleeson possibly not wanting them. But then again he gave Greer the captaincy and Lewis is the cheapest player in the points cap.

Ubaka, Dillon, Dorsey & Rush were signed by Gleeson. He had the option of getting a big rather than another swingman in Walker but chose not to.

I believe he is a great coach. But I don't think he can coach this style of team at all.

Reply #351596 | Report this post

Years ago

AW, thanks for the info on the team.

Unfortunately, the personal stuff got in the way of the point, which you put perfectly at the end: "I don't think he can coach this style of team at all."

He may be a great coach given the right players, but he hasn't shown that he's versatile and can adapt. He's not in a situation where he can tell players "It's my way or the highway", so he and the players needed to come to a compromise which worked for them all.

The Tigers place on the ladder shows that that hasn't happened.

Reply #351632 | Report this post

Years ago

Great coaches are able to get players to play with some passion and heart regardless of their talent. Players have lost faith in him because he is terrible.

But at this level, players should be giving 110% to the team, not looking after there own stats!!

Reply #351671 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow, am glad that none of these "Haters" own the Melbourne Tigers or any other team for that matter. Give the guy a chance...he's proven himself around the world as a successful coach over many years. You can't judge a coach on one bad season and certainly not one at the fault of a previous owner. Clearly those of you that would rather judge a coach rather than take a look at the clear picture don't know much about the dynamics of sport.
As for the quote "Great coaches are able to get players to play with some passion and heart regardless of their talent"...wake up to yourself mate. You can play with all the passion and heart in the world and still be a terrible basketball player. And this may be what the Tigers have. Not terrible coaches.

Reply #351800 | Report this post

Years ago

I am glad that these "haters" don't actually coach.

Reply #351802 | Report this post

Years ago

Gleeson imho is a very poor game coach. He is not a very strategic person, fails to see opportunities when they are there.

Take a look at his time-outs. Has to look at his list of plays. Puts list back into his pocket. Then gets the whiteboard and draws up the play that the players should already know. Then defensively this is what we are going to do, lets get 3 stops.

In effect his time-out instructions are next to useless. There are no change ups, no lets guard this different, lets make an adjustment on this player. Lets look at this wrinkle out of this offence.

Any coach who says lets get 3 stops on a consistent basis is likely lacking in their abilities. Why not get 4 stops, or 2 stops. Why 3? Why not focus on the process and not the outcome?
Last night he actually said let's get 1 stop, then 2 stops, then 3 stops. It doesnt mean anything.

There is a lot more to coaching than just the game coaching, ie training, preparation, getting everyone on the same page etc but game coaching is a big part of it. Gleeson is near the bottom of the pack with regards to this.

Reply #351849 | Report this post

Years ago

Coaches: You sound like someone applying for a job. Have you ever thought that maybe it's just a habit for him to look at his plays? And seriously, most good coaches change up the plays for each game so makes good sense to write them down. Poor game coach? He has, bar this year, one of the most winning records in NBL history. I actually think the opposite it true...he is a very organised coach during time-outs and most times comes across very educated and motivating. The problem isn't with the coaching staff as someone else said. It's with their players...they need a senior player to step up to the plate during game time crunchtime to lead on the court..sadly I think this player was most likely Ubaka. They were going pretty well until that fiasco.

Reply #351865 | Report this post

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