Years ago

Boti & Cattalini on the money


"Here's an example of how different it is in Perth. We won the championship in 2010.

"The following season, they lost a couple of games in a row and (coach) Rob Beveridge's head was on the line.

"There's the difference.

"That's the sort of pressure they're under every game.

"In Adelaide, even the public now nearly expects the 36ers to lose."


But it sure isn't Adelaide's where failure and under-achievement is not only tolerated but the club apologists leap out in force, justifying plans and schemes designed to make the Sixers a force again ... one mythical day.

Unquestionably the SOS consortium which saved the club by buying it out from under Mal Hemmerling before Ninnis' second season, deserves kudos for that action.

But essentially SOS comprised passionate fans keen to maintain an NBL presence here. They spoke from their hearts and with their wallets but at the end of the day, buying a club is much easier than running a club.

Having to pay out Ninnis - whose record in his second season is still better than anything his predecessor has managed - then signing a rookie coach such as Clarke to a water-tight three-year deal shows what happens when enthusiastic but inexperienced fans take over.

Topic #27418 | Report this topic

Average OKKA  
Years ago

I would like to see Boti coach the team.....He clearly knows it all....

Reply #348410 | Report this post

Years ago

I reckon he'd do better the the current schmuck at least boti has passion for the sixes current knob just wants a pay cheque with no accountability

Reply #348412 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

If the only thing that is holding the Sixers back from sacking the coach is being able to afford the payout to the two coaches, then may I suggest that if every fan wanting the dynamic due tossed in a $20 into a bucket carried around by a cheerleader next home game, then the SOS would have a formidable fund.

Reply #348415 | Report this post

Average OKKA  
Years ago

In a fantasy filled fun land, this is true. In reality not so much. Clarke has been inconsistent and has had 2 shocking seasons, but lets lets not forget Boti is a just a big mouthed journo.....

Reply #348417 | Report this post

Years ago

Spot on Boti, as always.

Reply #348425 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Average OKKA, I'm sure Boti would do a decent job as part of the team management, but doubt he could coach.

Also, keep in mind he says the coaching is "part" of the solution for a winning team. Management needs to get on board and be proactive just as much as the players do.

Frankly I think the team we have for the majority is a winning side; the negatives we really have are that:

A) We don't have a suitable Head Coach (still think Marty is worth keeping as an Assistant coach).

B) Can't speak from knowing, but I'd be interested to see what kind of support beyond the financial side, the Sixers management is giving to the players.

Reply #348435 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

Boti is a loud mouth journo for writing what we all feel.
I wonder how many of those that dump on posters as wingers and Boti with a agenda are actually season ticket holders and sat through all the games for last 6-7 or so years as I dont think so .
Guess Cat has got a agenda also for his views rather than concern where this club is going and if has a future as Brett did a few weeks ago .
There has been nothing to show that things are going to get better or that Clarke can coach at NBl as game strategy not working in offence or D and seems to have lost the players as Diamon efforts over last 2 games shows.
Simply any other club would have had no choice but to sack Clarke but obviously cant for money restraints which leads to another subject another day in what sort of future do Sixers have as my prediction would be that if Clarke retained next year SOS would lose over 20 % more season ticket holders.
As for putting in $ 20 bucks to replace I along with others in party would be glad to do so

Reply #348437 | Report this post

Boti is a pathetic journalist.
To quote an ex player who doesn't even live in the state shows he's trying his best to find someone with some sort of credibility to back him.

Perhaps Boti puts his money where his mouth is and put a second mortgage on his house and invest in the SOS ownership. His money will be enough to pay out Clarke. Well Boti?

To suggest sacking Clarke now so he can relocate his kids into schooling would have to be the lowest comment even for a sloth like Boti....leave kids out of it you muck raker.

Reply #348439 | Report this post

Years ago

Marty, what about (c) No veteran leadership because both captains got injured!?

Reply #348445 | Report this post

very old  
Years ago

Boti the perverted
11:57 28 Jan 12

Reply #348439

WTF ?? its clear someone's little darling princess girl did not get picked for a staring role in a team at southern.

Get a better grip on actual reality "Pervo" - it seems you are holding on to things you should let go off - at least in a public forum.

Reply #348447 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

Isaac how well were going before they got injured as we were already bottom and are back there again.
Boti peverted you are warped mate seriously doesnt matter if like the man or not that article is about the state of our Sixer team and obviously not yours and what needs to be done to stop the bleeding and we can only hope not permanent

Reply #348449 | Report this post

Years ago

Off the court, is Marty a nice bloke- ie: gives time (at the start of the season? I doubt
There'd be too many wanting to yarn with him now)to the fans to have a chat?

Reply #348454 | Report this post

Very old...WTF? Southern basketball?? Bahahaha. Apologies to Southern but I don't give a rats rectum southern basketball.
It really does seem the long bow is drawn using your tongue which iseemingly is deep down the cavernous butt crack of gutter journalism. Now in my first post I said keep the kids out of it. Grow up, show some maturity, your embarrassing yourself, go and drink some snow top and cool off methusela.

Bretts the man, You've no doubt forgotten about the injury a week before the season started to our number one import. If he plays and is as good as everyone said he would be, how many wins would we have by now?

Reply #348459 | Report this post

Years ago


You were the first to respond to this thread last night with a pretty big post from memory too, why did you delete it?

Reply #348460 | Report this post

And what really irks me about fair weather supporters such as Boti....when the Sixers were winning we did it because we totally blew away the salary cap. We had on the floor teams for twenty years that were paid cash, double what lesser teams were paying. If a player was the best the Sixers would get them and pay double, I.e Rose, Trimmingham, Mee. We were spoilt because the management rorted the system. Now it's the SOS using their hard earned money, trying to do the right thing, we can't pay double and get ex NBA Players or Australian Olympic Players as before....we can only pay what we can. Now Marty certainly has trouble game coaching but for the money he has assembled a great young Australian team.
Too bad the fair weathers can only remember the successful salary cap rorting sixer teams. Phil never, until the last few seasons had to coach lesser teams and it showed, he was a terrible coach without the cattle.
Oh and Boti sucks as a journalist.

Reply #348465 | Report this post

Years ago


You should like one of those club apologists Boti was talking about. Clearly his article hit a nerve.

Now Marty certainly has trouble game coaching but for the money he has assembled a great young Australian team.

Currently avoiding bottom of the ladder solely by percentage.

Reply #348467 | Report this post

Years ago

Boti the perverted are you an owner?? Sounds like it??

Reply #348468 | Report this post

Years ago

And by the way, the team isnt that young . ...Ballinger,Crosswell, Helliwell, Ng now 30, etc.

Reply #348469 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Isaac, being injured shouldn't hamper your ability to try and attend training and sit with the guys, give advice or pick up a phone and talk to them.

Veteran leadership doesn't just mean "Score 20ppg"; there's the whole "advice/morale" part of being a leader as well.

Reply #348471 | Report this post

I'm definitely not an owner. Can you imagine being one though?

Go back and ask yourself would you have made the same decisions? hindsights a bitch but even Boti-ulism would've made the same decisions.

Start over with a three year plan. Tick
Sign Australia's AIS coach. Tick
Sign promising juniors, Johnson, Creek. Tick
Sign solid complementary players. Tick
Sign quality imports. Bad boy Boti
Horrendous run of injuries. Bad boy Boti

There you go, the reason we suck is because of Boti, once we run the cancer of SA basketball out of this town the better!

And to think Boti suggest Smyth should coach when he wouldn't consider signing Newley and Ingles!! And they were gagging to come and play! Without the cattle Smyth is a poor coach...that's why we sacked him Boti! D'OH!

Reply #348473 | Report this post

Years ago

It was suggested in another thread that Maher was sniffing around for a coaching gig. Since his business partner is Catt, easiest person for Boti to get a quote from, even if he is interstate?

Reply #348478 | Report this post

Years ago

I wouldnt sign Ingles or Newley either if you knew how much they would need to be paid.

Reply #348481 | Report this post

Years ago

I think that the player personnel isn't that bad but imo Marty is just not a competent NBL quality coach. He hasn't showed me anything to prove to the contrary. Marty is a nice people person and youth developer but as a Head Coach he's not the right man for the job imo. Not solid enough with the X's and O's especially on offense.

Reply #348482 | Report this post

Yo dude, Smyth could've signed them for nix straight out of the AIS. What a Boti-ulism type of error that was!

Maher needs to coach state league or be an assistant first and he should go thru an interview process like anyone else.

Reply #348483 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

All of whom played a combined total of 26.42 minutes in the last game ( which I found surprising high and possible among the most minutes they've collectively played in a game this entire season).

With they exception of Crossy, and a cameo from Doc, those four guys have had little significance on season results).

Reply #348488 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

With *the* - (got to stop using my phone to post).

Reply #348489 | Report this post

Years ago

I love it when people with personal agenda's and bad grammar start to post on here. It really adds to the quality of the place when an ID such as Boti Perverted is even allowed to be used. Defemation of charector anyone???

Reply #348491 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, edit and delete buttons are very close together and I pressed the wrong one. It was 3am and I couldn't remember what I'd written.

One part was about the "club apologists" - people who want to see the team succeed but have empathy for the guys who put their own money on the line to make sure we had a team AT ALL. Ultimately, the apologists aren't the ones getting to make the decisions, so maybe excuse them for trying to be supportive, etc.

Reply #348493 | Report this post

Muzz buzz  
Years ago

@ skud as opposed to what Boti does on a weekly basis that's tame.

Reply #348494 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

I miss Ben and others (as would the players).
I imagine if they were still around ............
Not sure 'bout some of the guests that Clarke brings out to training.
Newley ; " Whaat , did you read that in a book ? "

Reply #348495 | Report this post

Years ago

Marty, that doesn't give them on court leadership though, and it might be especially important if the coaching is lacking, right?

Reply #348497 | Report this post

Years ago

Boti the perverted you have very strong opinions about things & don't hold any punches. You are also very passionate about the 36ers. Remind you of anyone? Boti got a name for himself purely for these qualities or character traits but i doubt he'd sink as low as to call you perverted!

You make some valid points but putting Clarke in as an assistants role would be as effective as Tville keeping Rilley as a player but paying him less. It doesnt work! Clarke needs to go & i think Maher & Smyth would be perfect for it - similar to what Hird & Bomber just did with Essendon!

You obviously have personal issues with stuff but if you keep the emotion out of it it's quite compelling reading!!

Reply #348499 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Isaac, you are right about that side of things. It does certainly help. Personally I think so more in the case of Croswell and his position at the 1 or 2 to see the court. Balls is more of the "lead by example" on court which I feel hasn't had any effect coming off the bench and hitting 1 of 6.

But at the same time, you can still yell out suggestions from the side line, you can take a guy aside on the training court and take a lead role.

Also, the other thing to consider is that in the environment where obviously players will be aware of the news articles etc. they can still pickup a phone and call players direct and offer advice etc. where the coaching staff may be lacking.


Reply #348503 | Report this post

Years ago

I think you're underestimating the value of on court leadership and leading by example. I think you'll get shaky finishes when you have a team of young starters after the captains got injured.

Reply #348510 | Report this post

Years ago

"Boti the Perverted". From the NBL Media Guide:

Basketball Writer of the Year.
1997 Bret Harris (The Australian)
1998 Grantley Bernard (Herald Sun)
1999 Grantley Bernard (Herald Sun)
2000 Grantley Bernard (Herald Sun)
2001 Grantley Bernard (Herald Sun)
2002 Tim Morrissey (Daily Telegraph)
2003 Boti Nagy (The Advertiser)
2004 Michael Cowley (Sydney Morning Herald)
2005 Boti Nagy (The Advertiser)
2006 Stephen Howell (The Age)
2007 Ross Lewis (The West Australian)
2008 Grantley Bernard (Herald Sun)
2009 Grantley Bernard (Herald Sun)
2010 Tim Keeble (Illawarra Mercury)
2011 Boti Nagy (The Advertiser)

The NBL awards' panel's meat may be your poison but I trust their objectivity more than yours on the question of basketball journalism.

Reply #348518 | Report this post

Peter john, your making this too easy for me, you bother to type out some media guide which I truly appreciate as it backs me 1000% and makes you a whatsyaname party trick.

Now Boti has been writing for how long?? He is able to get more space to write his drab than any other major city by double! And how many awards does he get? 3 since 97, Grantley Bernard who is far superior than Boti has won six. And he's getting much less space than Boti-tulism.
Google anyone on the list so you can read real sports journalism.

But who votes for media awards honestly, Michalel Cowley won the best feature article Six times (Boti-tulism once) and has only won the best writer award once! Why? Because in Sydney he doesn't get the space Boti-tulism does.

But as far as awards goes here's one for you...Boti-tulism gets the crap basketball writer from me from 1980-2012. His humor is all sarcasm and it's all the time, yawn yawn.

It's a pity Adelaide hasn't had a decent journalist covering the Sixers, you should as he'll don't know what your missing Peter John if your backing Boti-tulism.

Reply #348521 | Report this post

Orbit I'm not calling Boti a Pervert. I don't know what floats his boat and I don't care.
You say I have the same character traits...shoot me please if I treat other human beings with the disdain and disrespect Boti-tulism does.

I'm solely talking about his sports journalism and there is no better word than PERVERTED. Skud look up the meaning of the word before you start burning books.

Reply #348522 | Report this post

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