Years ago
Boti & Cattalini on the money
"Here's an example of how different it is in Perth. We won the championship in 2010.
"The following season, they lost a couple of games in a row and (coach) Rob Beveridge's head was on the line.
"There's the difference.
"That's the sort of pressure they're under every game.
"In Adelaide, even the public now nearly expects the 36ers to lose."
But it sure isn't Adelaide's where failure and under-achievement is not only tolerated but the club apologists leap out in force, justifying plans and schemes designed to make the Sixers a force again ... one mythical day.
Unquestionably the SOS consortium which saved the club by buying it out from under Mal Hemmerling before Ninnis' second season, deserves kudos for that action.
But essentially SOS comprised passionate fans keen to maintain an NBL presence here. They spoke from their hearts and with their wallets but at the end of the day, buying a club is much easier than running a club.
Having to pay out Ninnis - whose record in his second season is still better than anything his predecessor has managed - then signing a rookie coach such as Clarke to a water-tight three-year deal shows what happens when enthusiastic but inexperienced fans take over.