Years ago

Boti's article in todays' "The Advertiser"

Boti certainly is turning up the heat on the club and seems genuinely annoyed at what the team has become. Here's his article've written more here

He's been continuing to refer to our low scores, lack of effort and the emergence of players that have left the program. Clarke must cop a lot of the blame purely because of his position but we've now gone through 3 coaches and things aren't getting better. Our errors with the imports and ability to get a steady roster roation right I think are the two biggest issues. I've written more here

It will be interesting to see how much more Boti says if the losses keep coming.

I can't help think of the situation in the AFL where Geelong seemed to think there coach was a great teacher but not so good at some of the other stuff. They let him focus on teaching (his strength) and got better support around him for some of his weaknesses. Would the 36ers be different if Clarke got to spend more time just "teaching" and got others in to assist with recruiting, strategies etc?????

Topic #27322 | Report this topic

Years ago

Well from what alot of peaple are saying, his only strength is to teach. He would make a fabulous assistant coach, but alas his ego wont allow for admitting he is out of his depth. Thing is, with the right head coach, Clarke could carve out a very long and illustrious assistant role, and then potentially become a head, who knows. But as of right now he is not up to the standard, and sadly its the 36ers and their fans who have to sit and wait until the 3 year plan comes to and end and he is sacked, and he will be.

Reply #346568 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

The consensus on what makes a very good NBL coach is someone who is able to be ruthless and who can think strategically under pressure. Someone who knows what the other team's weaknesses are and picks them like a pre-schooler picks a scab. Someone who you know can draw up a simple winning play with 2.8 seconds left on the clock. I would imagine that these great coaches were probably the kids at school that used to fry ants with a magnifying glass, or pull the wings off flies.

However, stability is one important thing in a club, any sporting club. When coaches, captains, players are sacked and replaced, or office staff or sponsors keep coming and going, that provides an un-necessary static in a sporting club. You only need to look at footy clubs to see that the ones who have been successful over the time have had stability in their playing and coaching roster, as well as stability off the field.

When you compare Perth and NZB against the Sixers, both these teams are more stable than the Sixers. Don't forget it was only a few seasons ago that Brett pulled the pin and that left a huge vacuum.

Winning is the measurement that shows the ultimate success. 50% wins is the benchmark for "ordinary" performance. In his last seven seasons, PS snagged a win rate of 51%, but more importantly, our average ladder position was 5.6 out of around 12 teams (ie top half) When you look at the last 5 seasons (1 x PS, 2 x SN, 2 x MC), the Sixers are basically winning 40%, but more importantly are averaging a ladder position of 8.4 out of 10.4.

Yes, there has been problems with injuries to key players, imports mis-firing, local players not performing, but the two areas that are deficient IMO are stability and a strategic edge. The overwhelming consensus seems to be that Marty Clarke is a coach who is very good at development.

Reply #346581 | Report this post

Years ago

I think Marty has shown he can draw up good plays and can teach, but yeh there's always one or two major questions around matchups and rotations. I think if you can get 2 great imports and they are generally your 2 best or 2 of your 3 best you're well on your way to having a good team plus if you keep them around for a few years you get some stability.

Reply #346591 | Report this post

Years ago

Coaches that fans have wanted sacked: Smyth, Ninnis, Clarke, Joyce, Robilliard, Wright, Lemanis, Stacker, Gleeson, Gordie, who else?

Reply #346596 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree Isaac, I have been a Breakers fan since they entered the league with Jeff "the maori" Green and have seen players come and go and coaches but the position the club is now in is because the owners gave Lemanis a decent shot at building a team and didn't pull the pin when public opinion leaned that way after a few stumbles especially the year before last when we missed the playoffs.

Reply #346607 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone remember Mike Dunlap - shades of deja vu here a bit - the next coach may be very lucky, as was PS, when he took over.

Reply #346615 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

I'm thankful that I'm not a Melbourne Tigers supporter. We think the Sixers have problems.

Reply #346617 | Report this post

Years ago

Or Sixers fans could be following the Hawks - bottom, underspending, big losing streak, two starters nearing retirement, two struggling imports but no money to replace them, thin bench, small crowds, etc.

Reply #346619 | Report this post

Years ago

Boti is bitter and clearly running with an agenda.

This has nothing to do with coaching - but there are many posters on here who aren't patient, and they'll probably all be out the front of his house with a noose very soon.

It's unfortunate, but the mob rules and the club will eventually bow to that pressure.

Reply #346622 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd actually prefer to follow a team that makes changes where they are needed. Ubaka has not been performing and depending on who the replacement is, it could be a good thing for the tigers, who still can make the playoffs.

Reply #346630 | Report this post

Years ago


How is that replacement for Ballinger turning out?

Yes, all fans want their coaches sacked at some point (ala Mark Thompson in the AFL at Geelong) but the reality is the Sixers are 2nd to bottom on the ladder 2/3 of the way through the season, 2nd to bottom last season and bottom the year before that.

Surely the owners must be asking themselves questions about 'Year Two' looking exactly the same as 'Year One' in Clarke's supposed three year plan (i.e. three year contract).

Reply #346635 | Report this post

Years ago

@isaac Stacker, Gleeson ,Wright, Black ......

Reply #346637 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Agree with Kobe24, Clarke is not a viable Head Coach yet; but he would arguably be a fantastic assistant coach. I'd personally like to keep Marty on as an assistant coach for a few seasons and have someone else take the helm.

Regardless of the Marty excuses; the fact is that people want to play for him and are willing to come to this club, regardless of the record. So if they would still be willing to do that if he was an assistant coach, then go for it.

Reply #346640 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac, even with all those problems the Hawks are enduring they are only one loss worse than the 36ers...thus the fans complaining about Clarke's incompetence.

If Clarke was working within the confines of the Hawks' situation then most would cut him some slack as the Hawks' fans are cutting McLeod. McLeod is proven. Clarke's not even close.

Also, which of the 36ers (either playing/coaching) deserves any sympathy/respect from the fans? If Maher were coaching then the fans would not be after his blood given what he has done for the Club from a playing perspective.

Apart from Ng, which of the 36ers is even from Adelaide?

Also my understanding is that Clarke had the full salary cap to play with and it was either his inability to convince free-agent's to sign and/or his decision to sign the players we ultimately did. Therefore, the buck stops there. I therefore refuse to give Clarke a "get out of jail card" unless it is clear that he had far less than the full salary cap to work with.

Also, Ushiro, I wish I saw dejavu re the Dunlap situation.

Dunlap was a heck of a coach. It just appears that the veteran players did not like him. Clarke appears the opposite. The players like him he just gets no results.

Dunlap was one of the best defensive coaches this league has seen. The players he developed prior to Smyth taking over in Maher, Cattalini, Rillie, etc were each far more talented individually than even the best player on this current team.

I fail to see any similarities.

All we can hope is that the suspicions re Clarke being a terrible coach are confirmed by the next coach who proves that he can win with the current lineup (ie playing our best 7 players major minutes instead of 11 with better team defence).

What is Jan Stirling up to? Bring her in for the second half of the season. She wouldn't allow the soft basketball that we have become used to the past two seasons.

Reply #346643 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 346622 - It appears that you are another Boti hater. And what would be his agenda?????
A lot of people don't like Boti but without him there would be no basketball reporting in this state - because he pushes his point with the editors of the Advertiser and they respect his judgement. Marty won't talk to him because he is unable to accept criticism about his coaching (he didn't have any at the AIS because the team doesn't compete and expect results). Everybody agrees that he is a great development coach of young players but IMO does not have the mental toughness to be a Head Coach in a league where the fans, and presumably the club owners, expect results. A "THREE YEAR PLAN" is not really acceptable if you are not getting some sort of positive results into the second year. The win-loss record speaks for itself. IMO, even though Leanne Grantham has stated the obvious about responsibilities, that the SOS group will not sack Marty because they can't afford to, even if it does alienate the fans who have been there for a long time. Maybe they will take notice in year three of the plan when attendances at 36ers games and season ticket holders decline because of a lack of results.
It's a shame that people can't swallow their pride and admit they are wrong!!!

Reply #346647 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 346643 - With regards to Jan Stirling I think you will find she has a more than a full plate. The Executive Officer of Sportsmedicine Aust (I believe that is the title), mentoring duties with Port Power, Head Coach of Wheelchair Basketball heading towards the Paralympics in London.

Reply #346649 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, I'd say that Marty would probably find a Ballinger replacement if the owners were willing to pay for one.

Not saying it's a dreamy situation by any stretch, just that responsibility for the record falls on everyone, that fans in Adelaide are brutal beyond belief, and that losing two players who were captains and the veterans in a young team hurts.

Reply #346650 | Report this post

Years ago

Couldnt agree more with Isaac.

"Brutal beyond belief"

Reply #346651 | Report this post

Years ago

Dunlap did something similar to what Clarke wants to do. He got Blakemore, Brenton, Maher etc sent to the US for an intense training camp and the results spoke for themselves. He distanced himself though from the veterans with his style, then killed his chances by the handling of the Blakemore whack on Cattalini.

Clarke is more comfortable with young players and would love to build around some young Aussies (Johnson, Creek, Weigh), fresh out of college imports and a couple of good character/won't rock the boat vets.

Reply #346652 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

Dunlap got just above average results and taught team how to play defence
Phil follow up style was a great mix to what Dunlap did.
Marty has got well below average results and defence is a dirty word.
Marty can teach and apparently players like him so do we keep him although going backwards not forward to keep the DJ and Creeks etc and try and stabilise a team if we don't get much better in last games or do SOS roll the dice and pay out Clarke with money they would lose from season ticket holders
etc etc dropping out if no change made . For as Boti said it has been a long time now since we had a lot to really get excited about.
Whether right move or not to replace coach I can't see with no light at the end of tunnel with poor efforts at home and away not getting better why real supporters could be criticised for criticising the coach .
I feel for SOS group as tried hard to get it right and even on game day they seem to be not around.
I along with many are sick of leaving Sixers games feeling frustrated and annoyed .
And something has to be be done to turn it around .

Reply #346653 | Report this post

Years ago

Dunlop got the team to the Grand Final yet people on here reflect on him like he achieved nothing

Reply #346654 | Report this post

Years ago

The 36'rs don't have any ticker. End Of Story!

Reply #346659 | Report this post

Years ago

Even though it is "year 2" of his 3 year deal, it is more like "year 1" of a two year plan. Only so much can be done when you only retain 3 players from last season. (not counting Daly and Ballinger)

I think the club will give him until the end of next season to produce results. We could do a West coast and go from last to top 4 next year if we retain 7-8 of the same players just like Perth, NZ etc have over the last few seasons.

Reply #346662 | Report this post

Years ago

It appears that many saw the point I was making about Dunlap also being a great developer of young talent. However, as several others pointed out, not so successful with his dealings with older players.

In fact BJF, Dunlap did achieve a big thing for the 36ers in that he laid down the foundation for the Championships of the late 90's, which is the point Anon #346643 I was making. Clarke may be doing the same.

Although you didnt see the "deja vu", you actually wrote about it in your post as did others.

Reply #346664 | Report this post

Years ago


Dunlap took us to the Grand Final in '94 bit different to 2nd to bottom last season and 2nd to bottom again this season under Clarke.

Reply #346667 | Report this post

Years ago

This is why I don't see how a "3 year plan" can work in a professional environment. You can talk a 3 year plan if you are talking at a lower level or if you are trying to develop local players. But in the professional sports industry I think it rarely works. Players move around too much and imports very rarely stay for more than 2 years. Have a look at year one's team compared to year 2. Why go for young imports in a 3 year plan when they will more than likely move on. Besides Ballinger we very rarely keep imports for a whole season let alone 3 seasons!
Clarke moved on Hill, Holmes, Bruce, Dowdell. You don't think the money will now come flowing in at Johnson and Creek? It will be very hard to keep these guys because they are not local guys.
My guess is he'll move on Herbert next season. Helliwell will be lucky to keep his job unless we can't get anyone else. So who does that leave us with? Ng because he is settled here and is local, Weigh because he is the coaches pet and Crossy because he has a two year deal. So in Year 3 we will be back to year one again.
You recruit players to win now or maybe 2 years not 3.
Loyalty is almost no existant these days so you cannot have a "3 year plan", it's not the 90's anymore!

Reply #346668 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, I'd say that Marty would probably find a Ballinger replacement if the owners were willing to pay for one.

Not saying it's a dreamy situation by any stretch, just that responsibility for the record falls on everyone, that fans in Adelaide are brutal beyond belief, and that losing two players who were captains and the veterans in a young team hurts.

So why mention the cheapness of the Hawks when the 36ers replaced Ballinger & Crosswell with just Everard Bartlett? And the Hawks only get around half the crowds the 36ers get too.

I dare say Gordie would like more money to work with in Wollongong.

In pro-sport if you're really struggling you can't sack the team (as much as a guy like McPeake would like to) so the next best option is to sack the coach especially given he put the team together, young roster and all.

You say Adelaide fans are 'brutal beyond belief' which is a pretty unfair way to take a shot at how passionate they are.

It's that passion that sees the 36ers leading the league in attendance despite another year of garbage served up to them on the court. Something you might want to keep in mind.

Reply #346669 | Report this post

Years ago

This is why I don't see how a "3 year plan" can work in a professional environment.

Of course there was no 3 year plan, it's not like the NBL has a draft so teams can 'bottom out' or anything.

It was only ever a bit of PR by Clarke to try and buy some time and temper expectations that is all.

Reply #346670 | Report this post

Years ago

Can anyone locate where and when Marty actually said he has a 3 year plan?

I assume that as he was signed for 3 years that most people would be pleased that he had / has a plan to suit his contract

Reply #346671 | Report this post

Years ago


Head Coach Marty Clarke talks about a three year plan for this team, but the sad fact is they are likely to have a worse record this season than they did when they won the wooden spoon in 09/10 a result that cost Scott Ninnis his job. The patience of Adelaide fans is already running thin and Clarke is under a lot of pressure to rebuild this team in a hurry.

That is the NBL's Matt McQuade on Facebook and Boti has made mention of Clarke's supposed 'three year plan' numerous times.

Reply #346673 | Report this post

Years ago

so no actually quote from Marty at all?

just a reference to a reference of someone else?

Reply #346675 | Report this post

Years ago

The Breakers you see now took Lemanis what 5 years to build the team you see now. Him and the current owners implemented the "Breakers Academy" giving him local players that fans will get behind and support that don't cost the club a bomb. That championship side was built, not bought. Sure he was blessed with Kirk Penney but as you can see from this years results, the NZ core of this team works very well together with well scouted Imports and Australian Vets. So I strongly disagree with comments like "This is why I don't see how a "3 year plan" can work in a professional environment." Chemistry is a key ingredient in a championship side and it doesn't always happen overnight and you can't buy it, we had to endure years of mediocrity as Breakers fans but it all seems worth it now. Lemanis and his Coaching staff have set the club up for a good few years ahead. There is much chemistry between players that it makes it easy for someone like Corletto to come in and enjoy his basketball and the guys he's playing with, then he plays some of the best basketball of his career.

Reply #346688 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the Sixers are so shit cause they are reading this shit forum and all the haters comments wanting martys head. Who can we get that is better?No wonder we get a bad wrap from the rest of the country. Harden the Fu@k up people, so what if were bad right now. I'm going nowhere!
My wife is off work on maternity leave, money is tight and I'm still forking out the $320 plus $20 per game on food/drinks. Take the good with the bad we will be a powerhouse again by 2015.
Look at the Crocs fans - 20 yrs AND NO TITLE!
Do you hear them crying? Look at the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team- haven't won a flag in 33 yrs and have had below 500 records for 29 of those 33 yrs with 19 consecutive losing seasons. You people want blood cause our team has been crap for 8 yrs. Just for a minute concentrate on our achievements instead of our problems. Real fans stick by the club and invest our money- not cry on public forums and threaten to walk away. Give Clarke his 3 yrs I'm happy with where it is heading. We need to retain Simpson/Johnson and Creek, the rest can improve (weigh) then we are just a couple of big pieces away from glory. YOUNGEST team in the league people!
Most of you idiots will probably drill me but I know the truth/ you have probably never hit a jumper in your life. Some posters on this forum don't even go to games!
My first game was 1988 as a young boy going to Apollo, got season tickets when I got a job at the age of 17 and are at EVERY game with 2 mates wearing jerseys usually sitting front row baseline heckling the opposing team. He'll we even get on tv following the team interstate and SUPPORTING the 36ers!

Reply #346690 | Report this post

Years ago

Every coach would have a multi-year plan. Every coach.

Hawks' passionate fans write in messages of support. In Adelaide, people want everyone sacked.

Reply #346692 | Report this post

Years ago

How is Diamon Simpson struggling? Of all the guys playing, he seems the best of the worst and best of the best.

Reply #346697 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Several times I heard him talk of the club that nearly closed it's doors and where we'd be at year 1 2 and 3.
I'm glad if we haven't promised the League's leader in minutes played a minimum amount.
I hate debts , especially moral debts . They're worse than money debts and his injury his hard to play on
but he trains lightly.

Reply #346705 | Report this post

Years ago

Ushiro, I got the point you were making re Dunlap being a good developer of talent.

I agree with you.

I don't agree with the comment that Clarke is doing likewise and that whoever inherits this team will be very lucky like PS was when he took over.

Dunlap was a great coach as his resume shows since leaving the 36ers shows. As was his assistant Steve Spencer.

After coaching the 36ers Clarke and Radford will be lucky to get a SEABL job let alone NCAA/NBA gigs.

Whoever takes over as coach of the 36ers inherits nothing in my opinion. Not only that they inherit a program where they will have minimal chance of signing the only players who might have reason to play in Adelaide because of family and friends (ie Schenscher, etc) because they have been burnt.

The fans were brutal to Dunlap as well. Got rid of fan favourites and SA born players but luckily for him the team kept winning and the fans saw the logic in signing Rillie, Cattalini, etc. If Clarke took us to the GF and/or semi-finals then we wouldn't be complaining.

What has he brought us? Johnson? Would rather have had Schenscher? Creek? Croswell? Dowdell? Weigh? Some of the biggest dud imports in the club's history?

No similarities at all re the Dunlap era.

Reply #346707 | Report this post

Years ago

Lot of good points there anon which were way beyond my initial post and I agree with them. Both coaches came from dealing with young players - Clarke and Dunlap NCAA - and some of the issues they both shared, which unfortuately I didnt get across in my initial post, was coming from this background.

As you said, Dunlap has gone on to have a long and very good career at various levels NCAA/NBA. I googled him today and there is a lot of positive stuff around on the net re Dunlap - worth a read. As for Clarke and Radford SEABL if they are lucky is a very likely career prospect.

Reply #346731 | Report this post

Team Player  
Years ago

Steve Spencer was an awesome coach. Tried to get him to put his hand up for the job 2 years ago.

Reply #346733 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

Isaac .
what if we were to swap Gordie for Clarke to you think the Hawks fans would be positive about that .
Continue to support Sixers and feel for what is left of SOS group but how can we be positive about the bad recruiting and feeble on court efforts especially on D.
Even went to last home game thinking maybe turned corner and Clarke may have got them playing real NBL ball.
Say No More..

Reply #346736 | Report this post

Years ago

Recruiting wasn't bad. Imports are decent, Weigh was an alright pick up from a difficult offseason and Crosswell was a good signing. Hawks offseason was bad if you want a comparison.

I thought the team played fairly well last home game and just lost a close one in the end when one opponent got hot. Not feeble, not horrible NBL basketball.

Reply #346740 | Report this post

Years ago

Clarke is more comfortable with young players and would love to build around some young Aussies (Johnson, Creek, Weigh), fresh out of college imports
The trouble with Clarke is he can develop young talent but does not know what to do with it at NBL level. Can the 36ers become a basketball education institute just by turning over young players when they reach a good level and recruiting a whole lot more young ones to develop? The AIS is meant to do that and Clarke has come here as just another AIS teacher. Also that is not what the fans are paying good money to see. We have the wrong person in the wrong job who would be great where he was before.

Reply #346749 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac, you keep comparing us with the Hawks. We are only 1 ladder position above. Not much difference maths wise. Also its not very encouraging that we should be competing against the level of the Hawks to prove we are an improvement.

Reply #346751 | Report this post

Years ago

EC do you think the coach or the players are deliberately trying to lose games? The comparison with the Hawks is apt. They have someone who is regularly proclaimed the best coach in the league and are last on the ladder.

What this shows is that it is not about the coach but the cattle. When phil didnt have the most talent in the league look what happened.

Marty is not the one missing shots , defensive assignments and not boxing out. He talked about last game how some platers didnt stick to the game plan and he duly sat them.

When players dont do those things he pulls them out the game. Then people go after him because he sat players XYZ for too long.

Has anyone stopped to think that Weigh is getting good minutes because he is following the coaches instructions and also doing it on one leg at present.

The Hawks comparison is also apt because their fans support the team and want them to succeed. Right now i question whether the negativity of the fans on this forum deserve a winning team.

I am sure their are people on here that if they won x lotto they would complain they got paid by cheque instead of cash.

Reply #346753 | Report this post

Years ago

^ good post

Reply #346755 | Report this post

Juror 12  
Years ago

Maybe they are trying to lose games in order to get a better lottery pick? I've heard the 2012 draft class is going to be good. ;)

Reply #346776 | Report this post

Years ago

Well said BJF and Jordanair!

Our fans for the most part are very dramatic and quick to take action.....I think we should let it all play out and see where we are in another year or two as there is going to be some good young aussies coming out of college!

Reply #346801 | Report this post

Get Real  
Years ago

Dunlap spent more money than any of the coaches the 36ers have had.He did not leave the club in a good position in fact Claxton coached the team the next year and they did not make the finals with the team Dunlap left him with.So don't say he was good he was a self promoter and money spender he started the clubs financial problems make no mistake

Reply #346885 | Report this post

Years ago

BJF, why do you think that players are not following the coach's instructions? Any one of those players have more NBL experience (other than imports) than the coach has. As for Weigh, you might have a point that he is getting more court time because he does what the coach tells him, but his loyalty has hardly afforded him too much success. That might tell you something about the game plan. I don't think that they deliberately go out to lose games but question if they know how to win. Also according to your argument, it sounds like there is conflict between the coach and players. This will never translate to a winning formula. Just an observation.

Reply #346895 | Report this post

Years ago

Unwanted 36er Luke Schenscher named in Townsville's 20th anniversary team.

Reply #346901 | Report this post

Years ago

EC I think Marty's international experience trumps the Nbl experience. Not sure how you could say my argument suggests there is a rift. If any player on any team doesn't follow the coaches plan then they are reprimanded by reduced minutes. You are over thinking.

Reply #346905 | Report this post

Years ago

Nbl is a much higher standard than international juniors

Reply #347035 | Report this post

Years ago

if you take Gleeson, I'll happily take Clarke for the Tigers

Reply #347041 | Report this post

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