Years ago
Boti's article in todays' "The Advertiser"
Boti certainly is turning up the heat on the club and seems genuinely annoyed at what the team has become. Here's his article
http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/basketball/sixers-cant-stop-the-rot-even-with-a-new-coach/story-e6frect3-1226244894506I've written more here
He's been continuing to refer to our low scores, lack of effort and the emergence of players that have left the program. Clarke must cop a lot of the blame purely because of his position but we've now gone through 3 coaches and things aren't getting better. Our errors with the imports and ability to get a steady roster roation right I think are the two biggest issues. I've written more here
It will be interesting to see how much more Boti says if the losses keep coming.
I can't help think of the situation in the AFL where Geelong seemed to think there coach was a great teacher but not so good at some of the other stuff. They let him focus on teaching (his strength) and got better support around him for some of his weaknesses. Would the 36ers be different if Clarke got to spend more time just "teaching" and got others in to assist with recruiting, strategies etc?????