Years ago
Tragardh gets Round 13 NBL POTW
Could be a contentious one this week.
Tragardh has won Player of the Week for his 25 points and six rebounds as the Tigers beat the Blaze on the Gold Coast.
Johnson had 21 and 14 in a road win while another two runners-up were Loughton (20/4/3 at home in beating the Breakers) and Nevill (21 and seven boards in taking down the Crocs on the road).
Here are a few more people:
Others considered for Player of the Week for Round 13 included Anatoly Bose (Sydney), Liam Rush (Melbourne), Jesse Wagstaff (Perth), Jamar Wilson (Cairns), Peter Crawford (Townsville), Mark Worthington (Gold Coast), Kevin Lisch (Perth), Damian Martin (Perth), and Tim Coenraad (Wollongong).