ha ha
Years ago

Whats wrong with Woodvilles girls program?

Why is the Warriors junior girls program suffering so much?Under 12s rock bottom/under 14s no team at all at any level?under 16s-only a div 3 team not even in top group.There has got to be a way out of this bottomless pit,A proud club like the Warriors deserves better.Is there anything on the horizon for the winter season?

Topic #27144 | Report this topic

Years ago

answer is in the title - "woodville and program" are 2 words that shouldnt be used in same sentence

Reply #343826 | Report this post

Years ago

Watched their u10 play at st Clair they won hopefully they can start rebuild from there

Reply #343834 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes our under 10 girls are promising,but the three age groups above need a lot of working on.Maybe getting some kind of an agreement with Magic for the under 12- 14 & 16 generations.

Reply #343837 | Report this post

Years ago

So know Magic morons are pretending that they are from Woodville....What have they got to offer crappy div 3 players.

Reply #343841 | Report this post

Years ago

Lets be less crappy together.

Reply #343843 | Report this post

Years ago

18's pretty shit to have to just get no reliable country people and bring up under 16s. worthless i say

Reply #343845 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Hasn't this been done to death?

Seriously, the issue is competition wide, not just some club sandwiched in the western suburbs.

Reply #343854 | Report this post

Jon T  
Years ago

Anon 834 - My youngest daughter played for the Woodville team that won the St Clair tourney in 2007. That team had some pretty good players on it. Unfortunately, as a club, Woodville were so disorganised and badly managed that every single girl on that team is now playing at another club or has quit basketball altogether.

It's no coincidence that Woodville have no girls <14 teams in any division. My daughter and any of her old teammates that still play are all in <14's now

Let's hope things have changed for the better at Woodville or history will repeat itself.

Reply #343855 | Report this post

Years ago

seriously, this has been done to death. from what i have been told, the board/committees are doing everything possible to sort out the situation. there are new people in place working on a problem that has been recognised many times on here and elsewhere already. I myself am not on the board so dont no full details but know for a fact that the people working on it are committed to its improvement. So it would be appreciated if it didnt pop up on here every month as the problem WILL TAKE TIME to be fixed and may not see alot of improvement this season. Just be assured that the club isnt sitting on there ass doing nothing about it. like it was stated in an earlier post the problem is competition wide, but granted is worse with us. But magic doesnt exists and we cant clap our hands and problem solved. Like i said IT WILL TAKE TIME so how about we leave it alone and let the club do what they can to improve instead of coming on here and asking the same B***S*** non helpful question all the time.

Reply #343860 | Report this post

Years ago

If the men 's side had not voted against the Magic merger the girl's program would be intact. To think you can remedy the problem with bandaids when there are three clubs seeking the same players is ridiculous .
All the money goes to the ABL programs which is funded by juniors although there are now not enough junior girls to now fund the senior women. You continue to build top down to the junior programs detriment.
You need to establish country connections,attend country carnivals, visit a shite more schools than you do now and run school clinics in various locations. Ask why your u10s go backwards when they go up a year, change your committee,develop a five year achievable plan,change your uniforms drab colors,advertise,promote and market what talent you have, attract a couple of good junior coaches to the nest and advertise to the Basketball community your open for business.
You're on holidays now but holidays are earned for past good work . You should be at the cricket , soccer,down the mall, outside movie venues and in every shopping centre handing out invitations to try basketball with the warriors but where are you, in bed, patting yourselves on the back smugly thinking you are doing everything you can!
I thought it was past time for Lynne to step down as head coach but to let her go from the club completely shows just how self destructive you are.

Reply #343931 | Report this post

Years ago

st clair carnival is just social teams or div two teams just wanting to have fun. dont feel so special if you win it!

Reply #344007 | Report this post

Years ago

We're talking u10 girls here. Don't be so nasty. Good luck to the girls for winning it. Sure, it means nothing in terms of the overall scheme of things, but these are little girls who right now don't know or care about Woodville's overall problems. For the record, I have no connection with Woodville, just thought your post was a bit harsh!

Reply #344010 | Report this post

Years ago

By the way Magics under 14 girls won the st Clair tournament for the second year in a row,and are on top of div3, surly with some Warriors & a bucket load of players that left from both clubs they can be of decent strength in div2 in the at least?

Reply #344198 | Report this post

Years ago

St Clair carnival is a social event and probably not the type of carnival that one would normally boast about partaking in or winning.
It's great that people are playing social ball and I can't see any nasty stuff about under 10's who I hope are enjoying their ball. As for magic winning, well done, but have some sense and don't brag about something like this or extrapolate that such a victory has ramifications for succeeding in higher divisions.

Reply #344200 | Report this post

Years ago

Better question: What's wrong with South Adelaide's Girls program?

Reply #344210 | Report this post

Years ago

Woodville problem is not enough girls to cover three teams in their area. South problem is the same as they are caught again in a situation of three clubs near each other.Forestville and Sturt are the two leading clubs with girls teams so South is missing out as is Woodville. Overall we need to idenitfy why girls numbers appear to be dropping and this semms to apply to most clubs.

Reply #344220 | Report this post

Hanging Round  
Years ago

It has now been announced by the Government and the "sueing" developers that the Port Quays Development has been a monumental flop!
Only BSA believed that it would bring hundreds of children into the scool and district basketball program.
Now they have the "BSA TRUCK" stuck in reverse trying to shift the blame.
Why did Lyn leave Warriors? - already stated that some people had no vision!
Why did Magic then go back to West?- both clubs have some vision!
What did recent communication from BSA Commission show?- lack of vision.
Result? Who knows!
Still 3 clubs in a restricted space surrounded to West by ocean, North by sea, East by dump and industrial land (and potential new North or Parks Stadium and South by forestville, etc.
Where do you 'pluck' players from?

Reply #344233 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed girls are dropping off the game but it takes visionaries to develop strategies to redress it and we have BSA and BA who in their wisdom have appointed a failed politician to mouthpiece basketball in Australia. By the time they realize the girl's side of basketball is dying the corpse will smell.
Woodville and several other clubs are dinosaurs with no expertise and no paddocks to graze from. They need to kill off these clubs, go to six with a zone system.

Reply #344234 | Report this post

Years ago

do south have a girls program. go figure i did not know that!

Reply #344270 | Report this post

Years ago

Identical issues confront Souths and Woodville . Both have through their own stupidity decimated their junior girls, both are seen as boy's only clubs, both have senior coaches who are controversial appointments but for different reasons and Woodville appointed a south coach to the Woodville senior program who did not succeed with the south juniors. Both senior women's teams lost players because of the lack of direction of their respective clubs. Neither club can fund their CABL women through their junior program and both clubs are at the crossroads.
On the surface souths have no players but a reasonable senior coach and Woodville have a reasonable group of players if they retain them and no coaching strength. Put the two together and you might have a pretty good team.
Centrals have masked their below averageness by buying a short term fix and will certainly stagnate again post dollars running out and Mavericks are energetic but decades away from the level so where is BSA in all this? What plans have they to resurrect theCABL to a competitive standard where weekly it is a competition across the board?
Yes I hear you, it never was a competitive program!
Would it be great if it was?
What would it take? Is it time to place some restrictions on who can and cannot play here, there and everywhere or is it better that only the 3 or 4 money clubs ( multiple junior teams) are competitive and can fund legally or otherwise NBL/ WNBL players and win flags?
If you are waiting for clubs to put basketball first and make changes then no doubt you are expecting Santa to visit soon but if the dominance that exists now continues so will the exodus.

Reply #344317 | Report this post

Years ago

Girls in the west of our city need to make girls clubs only,that is if Woodville are seen as a guys club only. Separate & develop or die a slow death.

Reply #344322 | Report this post

Years ago

The Warriors need a few top coaches & the catching up to where they were 10 years ago may start.

Reply #344447 | Report this post

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