If the men 's side had not voted against the Magic merger the girl's program would be intact. To think you can remedy the problem with bandaids when there are three clubs seeking the same players is ridiculous .
All the money goes to the ABL programs which is funded by juniors although there are now not enough junior girls to now fund the senior women. You continue to build top down to the junior programs detriment.
You need to establish country connections,attend country carnivals, visit a shite more schools than you do now and run school clinics in various locations. Ask why your u10s go backwards when they go up a year, change your committee,develop a five year achievable plan,change your uniforms drab colors,advertise,promote and market what talent you have, attract a couple of good junior coaches to the nest and advertise to the Basketball community your open for business.
You're on holidays now but holidays are earned for past good work . You should be at the cricket , soccer,down the mall, outside movie venues and in every shopping centre handing out invitations to try basketball with the warriors but where are you, in bed, patting yourselves on the back smugly thinking you are doing everything you can!
I thought it was past time for Lynne to step down as head coach but to let her go from the club completely shows just how self destructive you are.