Years ago
Will sudanese migration make help boomers?
Ok everyone, I am just wondering what everyone thinks about this.. Will sudanese mighration help the boomers in future??? ok sure Ater Majok isnt exactly boomers worthy right now, but do you guys think that over tghe next 10 years theres going to be even more of these types popping up? some being far more athleticly gifted then there white counterparts. I would hope that grassroots basketball in australia is making the game accessable to thoes people to play competitively and structured, and that they have good pathways to NBL and Ais... infact Australian basketball would be missing a massive oppurtunity if they didnt. Ater Majoks physical gifts are such that... even with his complete lack of basketball IQ as far as Ive seen.. hes still getting a sniff at the NBA.. the problem is the exact opposite for most white aussie ballers... they usually have all the know how but lack in speed, athleticism or height. Merge the 2 hey? sounds good to me... Ms Kenealy... you hot old woman.. get behind it