Years ago

NBL Attendance - Round 11

Round 11, we're getting close to the half way point in the NBL season so before its all over here is the near half-time-report.

Breakers vs Taipans - 3,894 @ NSEC (95%)
36ers vs Hawks - 3,597 @ AA (45%)
Blaze vs Wildcats - 3,227 @ GCCC (61%)
Tigers vs Crocodiles - 3,500 @ SNC (100%)

They didn't quite get a capacity crowd (4,114) for the second GF re-match of the season but 95% of the North Shore Events Centre being filled is pretty good just over a week out from Christmas. Best crowd at the venue all season.

Normally I'd say a crowd of 3,597 in the 8,000 seat Adelaide Arena (though I doubt it seats that in 2011-12.....) is not good BUT consider the junior competition games scheduled for the same night, late night Christmas shopping and the A-League (which itself drew only 7,967 to Hindmarsh) and then factor in that it was 8th v 9th and our home record was 1-5 and the crowd really wasn't that bad. Good thing was the 36ers finally put on a great show for the home fans, despite the Hawks having a night to forget. Hopefully the attendance picks up again for the next home game against Cairns.

I'm not sure what to really say about the crowd on the Gold Coast. I know the Blaze went in on a 2 game losing streak but they were up against the 2nd placed Wildcats (who other than in Adelaide seem to have trouble drawing a crowd away from home). I guess some would think there are better things to do on the GC on a Saturday night but why not take in the NBL game and THEN go out on the town? Makes sense to me.....besides that the Blaze's comeback deserved a bigger audience.

Well, a capacity crowd for the Tigers vs Crocs game at the State Netball Centre. I guess you can't do better than that given the size of the venue. Question for anyone who saw the replay (I missed it), did it look like there were any empty seats or was the 3,500 posted pretty much on the mark?

No crowd over 4,000 for the round and for once the NZB had the biggest crowd of the round at their regular venue. But overall it wasn't bad considering the time of year and other scheduled events.

Just one thing. Did anyone else notice that Round 11 is the first round this season where all home teams won? Its the first time since Rd. 15 last season that its happened (interestingly both rounds 14 & 15 last season saw only home wins).

Topic #27137 | Report this topic

Years ago

TV ratings:

Round 11
Fri - Adelaide 36ers v Wollongong Hawks, N/A
Sat - Gold Coast Blaze v Perth Wildcats, 21,000
Sun - Melbourne Tigers v Townsville Crocs, N/A


Reply #343709 | Report this post

Years ago

What is capacity at the NSEC?

Reply #343811 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry just read original post again. Was surprised at the sellout in Melbourne, was unexpected. Keep it up Melbourne public

Reply #343812 | Report this post

Years ago

Good result for the tigers who were on a losing streak.

Reply #343814 | Report this post

Years ago

Breakers vs Taipans - 3,894 @ NSEC (95%) -
About time they get a decent crowd. Took a while. Maybe a wake up call to have more Friday and Saturday games as opposed to Thursday games.

36ers vs Hawks - 3,597 @ AA (45%)
Dissapointing, but understandable given the circumstances with Christmas. However, they shouldnt be clashing home games with United and junior basketball if they can avoid it.

Blaze vs Wildcats - 3,227 @ GCCC (61%)
Poor as usual - but dont forget, this is Gold Coast after all. Their soccer team gets worse crowds, and their AFL team draw poorly for AFL standards (15,000 or so) So typical of the GC public really to not show much interest.

Tigers vs Crocodiles - 3,500 @ SNC (100%)
Surprisingly good since its The Crocs, who dont draw well, and the Tigers barely get sellouts usually.

Reply #343821 | Report this post

Years ago

How can teams get by with stadiums that only hold 3.5k?
The NBL isn't in a strong position at the moment and they are selling out. Gives no chance for growth at all.

Reply #343831 | Report this post

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