Paul Bell
Years ago
Funny Its Official - Scott Ninnis to Crocs!
Scott Ninnis has today been officially confirmed as the new Assistant Coach of the Townsville Crocs.
Scott replaces Andrej Lemanis who of course has recently taken up the Head Coaching role of the Breakers.
This is a great opportunity for Scott and is thoroughly deserved.
I would like to reinforce that Scott's departure will in no way jeapardise the ongoing development of the Stamford Grand BAsketball Academy. Scott does not depart until late MAy so we will be undergoing a thorough recruitment process in order to find the most suitable replacement.
Talking Hoops will of course also continue with Brett Maher due back around the same time that Scott departs. We will continue to rotate the third panelist as this variety is important to the show's appeal.
Tune in to tonights show for more information and banter(Coast FM, 88.7, 6.30-8pm)
Also, there will be some celebratory drinks for Scott at Chalkers 8 Ball Centre after the show (112 Jetty Rd, Glenelg).
Paul Bell.