Years ago

Women's U23 & Senior Reserves Relevance.

What's the point of both these women's competitions if the majority of U23's are backing up in reserves or in some cases are almost identical?
Wouldn't it serve the same purpose to just run a women's 2 and 3 comp?
Doesn't seem ideal to run players to death hiding real numbers and risking injury come the end of pretend season.

Topic #27061 | Report this topic

Years ago

Maybe this will be considered in a BSA survey about U23s. This survey is currently in clubs' hands, with a due date of mid-Jan I think.

Reply #342697 | Report this post

Years ago

You mean go back to reserves without restrictions.
Well now theres a thought.
U23 has a place but enforcing your will by telling ABL coaches & clubs that they need to move older players on to make way for the junior players coming up (by making U23 div 1 the next best competition outside of ABL)is nothing but a sour grape issue of a junior club coach who thinks the basketball world should think like him because his way is the right way........please!!!!!!
Has this made our sport better- I for one dont think so.You can move up div 2 youth league players to cover shortage but they cant go back during phases. You can bring up U18 with no restrictions so long as they are 16- are they better than a div 2 YL player- maybe, or maybe not
Same with Div 2 Men cant bring up below seniors to cover shortages unless in between phase.But you can use YL players
Ask for an exemption you say- why should I have to. Shouldnt exemptions be used for bigger issues instead of covering for piss poor rules in the first place. We arent in a proper promotion relegation because we have another crap thing happening with north south pools. So what is the point- were we seriously having such huge blow outs to bring in pro/reg in seniors. I personally dont think we were, but hey lets try something new...........well we have tried and it aint working, get rid of it

Reply #342719 | Report this post

Years ago

it's the sour grapes of the junior coach annoyed at his own clubs lack of ABA development enforcing stupid rules onto the rest of the competition. Div 2 Men/Women should be the reserves comp, put it on a Wednesday Day to avoid clashing with ABA trainings and put Div 3 Men/Women back on a Monday.... oh wait. that makes far too much sense, it would never happen.

It hasn't made the competition better, if the issue is that clubs don't run enough kids in the reserves then take it up with the clubs, don't enforce stupid restrictions on the competition, where else is there a restricted age group reserves comp?

Reply #342720 | Report this post

Ex Coach  
Years ago

The demise of the ABL continues because of this competition.

The numbers of players in each squad has been reduced dramatically with so many players giving up at the age of 22.
In a ten team competition each team would expect to have 3 impact players, that's 30 players in total. These squads would be made up of 6 development or emerging players, that's 60 players.
The middle band of between 4/5 players which fill out a squad are long term club players or older players.This is the 40-50 players we are risking by the process of this silly blip in BSA history.
Neither of these latter two groups are large enough to form a team on there own, within an ABL squad. So what are we left with once the 3 impact players are removed? Around 9 -12 players in a club.
In some years the balance of these will alter given the relative ages and strengths that naturally flow through a club. eg West had a strong group come through U18/20 2 years ago. those girls are now too old for YL. West hence will use the DIV 2 comp to play the second string ABL players. Central have many young emerging players, they will use YL to run with their ABL program. Forestville don't even link the 2 groups at all!!


The result is massive swings of ability in a 5 year age bracket and older players leaving clubs and the game. Younger players bored with no competition in YL now see it as a waste of time and effort.
Netball has become a clear option for these emerging 18 - 21 year olds.
We had a great system. Yes different to other states , but a tight second level game each week, where the competition aided the development of our players.
It has been a grave error for women's basketball in this state.
As a coach I am bored by the YL, and do not see it as important. If I was coaching I think it would be better to train than play these 1 sided games.

Reply #342794 | Report this post

Years ago

I wonder whether it is time for us to have differences in programs between Women's and Men's competitions post U18's due to the significant variation in numbers of each sex remaining in basketball.

Perhaps revert to U21 for Women and keep the current concept for Men's except for some tweaking of the folly of North/South pools in a pro/rel system for Div 2. As the program grows the Div 2 competition will become much stronger and I do not see the need for pro/rel or pooling for Div 2. Make them stand alone comps like Seniors with fully timed games.

Maybe Div 3 and below look at pro/rel and perhaps pooling but at the moment the Div 2 comp doesn't deliver what many players want

Reply #342817 | Report this post

Years ago

Eight men's U 23 comps and two women's. When wil the lights go on and basketball realize that girls are dropping off the game. More clubs find they are unable to put div 1 teams in certain age groups and byes are a way of life.
The same people who engineered the demise of basa are alive and well placed to ensure progress is backwards.
Unless BSA addresses cost, locations and reduces the number of clubs, introduces zones and backs a South Australian solution to the mess they may as well call the undertaker.

Reply #342824 | Report this post

money man  
Years ago

its all good to have a crack at BSA about too many clubs, but clubs have to realise that if they dont merge they are going to die.
west woodville and magic need to get together and form one club, they would be a super power club almost imediately, egos need to be put aside otherwise you will not have a club to be involved with.
Southern is a perfect example of what can be achieved with a merger and as a woodville west torrens supporter so can they.
BSA need to scrap u23/s and make it u21 for both boys and girls.

Reply #342855 | Report this post

Years ago

Disagree on scrapping U23's for Men.

There is a demand there and the competition is good. People were dragged back into playing basketball with the intro of U23's.

I think that with some fine tuning the U23's is a step in the right direction for the Men's side though I agree the Woemn's/girls side of basketball is a major issue

Reply #342862 | Report this post

money man  
Years ago

Most teams in U23's div 1 have under 18 div 1's playing in them, thats not developing guys in that age bracket it is making it easier for kids in lower age brackets to develop even more and jump over them, then they will lose interest and quit

Reply #342886 | Report this post

Years ago

If anyone outside of the Div 1 youth league thinks that U23 is a good competition, they are dreaming-it has to be the worst social basketball I have ever watched and the referees has got to be worst than what is refing social. I say again the standard is shocking and as such if you arent in the Div 1 side you have no hope of playing any higher. No one wants to coach it so most teams are lefted with calling their own subs. There are some teams (only some who do try hard and are well organised but on a whole on what I have witnessed its awful) Quite a few of these are also playing senior div's as well, so I would say participation is distorted because they are playing both

Reply #342972 | Report this post

Years ago

it's milking mugs to feed the bsa

Reply #343025 | Report this post

Years ago

Money Man you are "on the money"

Reply #343026 | Report this post

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