I've played competitive ball for 20 yrs and NEVER had any injuries but recently I destroyed my ankle driving to the hoop, jumping off of two feet and coming down on someones foot. Completely tore two ligaments on the outside, crushed one ligament on the inside and ruptured tendons on the top, toes and achilles requiring a full recon with arthroscopy. To the poster above it does happen mate one minute your running flat out the next 12 weeks your on crutches and out of pocket $6000.
My surgeon said he recommends braces on ankles saying if I was wearing them I still wouldve sprained it not destroyed it. When I'm fit to play next year I will obviously wear a brace/strap on my bad foot but I'll also brace my good foot knowing how easy it can go bad.
Each to their own I just wanted to tell my version