Years ago
Tigers Court Announcer & Gleeson - Tools
I'd like to start this by saying I'm a Sixers fan so am an impartial observer in this serious BS situation that is going on.
Not long ago the tigers court announcer was banned for several games for saying some absolute bonehead crap.
Skip to a few weeks ago and Gleeson accused hard-done by club man Corletto of playing the situation through the media. Sorry for Corletto telling the media the truth when they asked, dickhead (old news I know but wait for my next bit).
Now skip forward to last weekends game, Cairns @ Melbourne.
The court announcer was saying things about the Taipans which were evidently bad enough to provoke Aaron Fearne to confront him. The announcer responded with a string of insults and then Gleeson the tool thought he might get involved and abuse Fearne too. Fearne, usually mild mannered, had to be held back after Gleeson said a few things.
If thats not bad enough hows the nerve of this guys for saying this to the media after the game:
"It was something that could have been avoided. I was disappointed it went that far" (thanks to you dickhead!!).
"He might have been frustrated the way his team was playing. He might be under some pressure."
Um, no, he simply didn't appreciate the court announcer bagging his team. Gleeson ALWAYS blindly gets involved in things and back whichever side has more to do with the club hes coaching at the time. Furthermore he then makes it sound like its all Fearnes fault and then takes some cheeky digs at Fearne. FOR WHAT!!?? Standing up to the dodgy courtside announcer who was bagging his team?
This man is a professional coach and acts like a child. It's absolutely disgraceful.