Years ago

NBL on TV, delayed even more...

Has anyone seen the times for this weeks games? Friday is ok (compared to the other times). Around 10:40, ok i can handle that.
Saturday.. or should i say Sundays game. 1:15am. Getting worse.. Sunday or should i say Mondays game 2:05am!!!!
They said "near live". They HAVE to broadcast within 3 hours of tip off. Then they said no it's within 3 hours after the game is finished. Sunday's game is in Cairns, tip off 7:30. Game would finish at 9:30. So latest would be 12:30am. Surely this has to be a breach of contract?

Yes i'm aware of the long term gain the NBL gets with this deal with One. BUT, why should the NBL believe One/TEN will honor this? One/TEN also said this year there will be more games, more live games than 2010/11. Yes there are more games, but 0 live games.

Should the league just cut it's losses?

Topic #26755 | Report this topic

Years ago

Id want One HD to pay $5 to 10 million if they do not honor the contract. Hey One's profit has already gone down 90% since the change, whats another 410 million lol.

Reply #337959 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the NBL should start legal action as that's well beyond 3 hours. And force them to honour the contract.

Reply #337961 | Report this post

Years ago

Its just this week...lets hope.

Reply #337962 | Report this post

Years ago

I guess they are pissed off that people are still watching the games.

This weeks is due to the Formula 1 which has a guarenteed live broadcast. It freaking sucks but in the end ONE will have to come to the party.

Reply #337965 | Report this post

Years ago

what a frakking joke


reruns of cops, airlines, bondi/ hawaii rescue. most of this crap is from the 90's, cost them less money to put on air than a hot dinner.

its almost enough to make you give up and get foxtel, oh wait, he owns that too. imagine if we had laws against that kind of media/ business onwership..... oh wait.

Reply #337967 | Report this post

Years ago

Its gone downhill so quickly from how good it was last year.

Reply #337969 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm with you Phil..

Not sure how they're getting away with it

Reply #337975 | Report this post

Years ago

A spineless govt that didn't have the balls to correct the mistakes of the Howard era.

Reply #337982 | Report this post

Years ago

Looks like Perth gets:
Fri 1040
Sat 1030
Sun 1205

So will record the Friday (MEL v TSV) game and watch it Saturday night, Then watch the Saturday game after (GCB v PER) Nice double header.

Just need to avoid the internet all weekend.

The only pain is the Sunday game, at least its not 205am I guess.. Getting up for work on Monday will be a struggle! Actually maybe 205am would be better, go to bed at 7 wake up for the game then dont go to sleep!

Reply #337983 | Report this post

Years ago

great post phil

Reply #337985 | Report this post

Years ago

Everyone re-spam the One Hd facebook page again!!

Reply #337989 | Report this post

Years ago

Kill the facebook page, ring their offices, this is crap. Dont whinge here, make noise to channel ten

Reply #337992 | Report this post

Years ago


I appreciate you all know what the NBL contract says, but its my view you should stop hanging your hat on the 3 hour delay thing.

Most of you were convinced a year ago that the One contract guaranteed LIVE games, but it become apparent recently that it did not.

Similarly, I would reckon the NBL having a genuine hard line in the contract pointing to a 3 hour delay is also fanciful.

I "know" the NBl said something if this kind in their press release, but i doubt seriously you were told the "whole" story in that brief piece of scripting.

I realise you all want to believe it is the case, but again, the NBL were the beggars when it came to this contract... Broadcasters largely do what they want, and that extends to how they write a contract.

Reply #337994 | Report this post

Years ago

Wonder what the average eyeball of a COPS viewer is worth when compared to that of an NBL viewer. I know that I have specifically purchased Philips in the past when they sponsored the NBL and would favour iiNet or other brands, but would anyone feel similarly when someone sponsored or advertised during COPS/etc?

Perhaps about a *polite* appeal to companies advertising during the programs that are competing with an NBL broadcast? Might be as useful as a petition though...

Reply #338001 | Report this post

Years ago

im in favour of "spamming" positive requests to iinet for example to stream games. i know it would cost a ton to do it but if enough fans asked and asked and asked they would at least have to talk to the nbl heads about it or come up with enough factual answers [from the horse's mouth directly to the fans] for why they cant. just bc the nbl wont address the fans [even to empathise with them] it doesnt mean that the better companies assoc with nbl cant become good examples even if nbl and ten arent !
some guy on the nbl fb page had pledged to change over from big pond to iinet if they considered streaming games [yea it was discussed on another thread about the expense and how much it will box out non hardcore fans etc] but at least its proactive and forward thinking not reactive and complaining to companies who dont even care when all is said and done. i say if you cant beat em go around em, worst they could say is no and give reasons why they cant

Reply #338005 | Report this post

Years ago

I would also like an official statement from the NBL on this. Alot of casual fans and people who might be interested in watching the NBL if it was on at an earlier time blame NBL not One/Ten that it is on so late.

Petitions and bombarding the facebook/twitter pages might not look like it does much, but when the facebook walls are almost contantly filled with NBL related complaints that has to look bad for people who go there for other reasons. And advertisers must not like seeing every other post talking about boycotting the channels?

It seems to be abit of no no topic for the players and people involved with the teams. Although you know their feelings would be the same.
So if they arent allowed to speak up then the fans have to do something!

Reply #338015 | Report this post

Years ago

complaining on the pages has done nothing. its typical head in the sand nbl nonsense. spam iinet and ask them to consider a solution for us. how many people would change isp to iinet if they could get better game coverage ?

Reply #338020 | Report this post

Years ago

The 3 hour comment came from channel ten HO, a live or near live clause with near live defined as within 3 hours. But you are right, Ten holds most of the power either way, and the power the NBL holds they will be very reluctant to enforce legally.

Reply #338021 | Report this post

very old  
Years ago

Sounds to me that the NBL "negotiators" failed to get any punitive cause inserted into the contract that resulted in any "compensation" being required if either party did not live up to specific performance clauses in the contract.

I've seen this time and time again with Basketball Australia , and the NBL , particularly since Speed left. Overpaid drongos like Derwin don't have the nouse to go line by line through the agreements before sign off.

Reply #338024 | Report this post

Years ago

I already have iinet so..

The problem with that is iinet would need to buy out the contract to produce something that might make them what, a couple grand a month? not going to happen, not untill the contract is no longer with ten anyway.

Reply #338025 | Report this post

Years ago

A good idea Isaac, but who is going to sit through COPS etc, just to see who the advertisers are....not me !!!

Reply #338026 | Report this post

Years ago

As long as the contract allows, I wonder if the NBL would look at contacting mutual sponsors and asking them to notify Ten that they will not advertise with them until they treat the game with more respect.

Centrebet, iinet, RentSmart, Virgin, McDonalds, Lite n' Easy, Coke, Lion. Ask them to sign a letter raising concerns over the broadcasting of the NBL, a product that they have all invested in.

Are the NBL doing anything to rectify the situation. Even an open letter to the fans explaining the situation would be appreciated.

I have gone from watching every game I could on Fox previously and One last year to having watched one game from start to finish this year (Perth v Adel), I feel less connection with the league and my team. If this continues the NBL will start to lose even the true fans of the game (especially if they are in a position where they can't get to games).

Reply #338037 | Report this post

Years ago

have not watched even one game this year but watched most last year. what a turnaround!!

Reply #338056 | Report this post

Years ago

I am watching all of them, recorded or otherwise.

Reply #338060 | Report this post

Years ago

very old, its easy to slag previous administrators. Derwin for example was never involved in an NBL FTA agreement. He might have had some involvement in the one "interim" year foxtel deal. But then again, that was a "one year", "interim" deal.

My point is that, just like the crap we all heard from people on here saying they "knew for certain" that the Ten deal guaranteed live coverage, I doubt that the current deal has a truly hard 3 hour clause.

Your assumption appears to be that the three hour thing is set in concrete, and therefore failure to perform would be open to compensation. I am saying I doubt the 3 hour thing is as black and white as everyone thinks.

Again, the NBL is the beggar in this situation, not a whole lot of "oompf" at the negotiating table in this scenario.

Reply #338068 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with HO and Ten would be hoping the NBL arcs up about the rude timeslots, they'd just say there's the door.

Reply #338081 | Report this post

Years ago

Even if there is a three hour clause in it what are BA going to do? Take the network they want to broadcast them for the next 3 1/2 years to court? It would have to get drastic for that to happen.

Given Ten dont seem to be able to get out of the contract, best for BA to work with what theyve got and try to make it better.

Reply #338086 | Report this post

Years ago

I doubt there will be a change for the rest of this season, unless a miracle happens over at ten. Expect 1030 games unless live motorsport falls into that timeslot, then expect NBL to get bumped to later.

Reply #338094 | Report this post

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