Years ago

warriors u 14/16 girls whats going on?

I've just read that Woodville is dropping its under 16 div1 girls team down to div3,and there is no under 14 div1 team .Now how can this situation go on when Magic has players to fill those positions,I am sure the ones down at the cats would come back if allowed to play in a higher div.Lets do something positive for once Warriors & Magic must come together this is leading nowhere. Thoughts please,i know this subject has been over killed but alarm bells are ringing.

Topic #26722 | Report this topic

Jack Toft  
Years ago

There are a lot of alarm bells going off here.

1. There seems to be too many clubs out west fighting over too few girls.

This reminds me of the SANFL with West and West Torrens when Woodville started playing in '64. Prior to '64 Torrens and West were pretty strong, after '64, Torrens was knocked around and were mainly in the bottom half. Look at how well the Eagles are going now they are WWT.

2. Too many clubs pulling in the wrong directions at the expense of the sport.

Magic had an agreement with West (?) Why wouldn't the better Div 3 Magic girls flow to West? or to Woodville? Competition is best saved for the court, work together off court for the sake of the game. "Why can't we just all get along?"

4. Where have all the Woodies girls gone?

Once girls have stopped playing, they won't be back to the sport. Girls participation rates are dropping season after season and the grades are getting more lopsided. Why can't some people see that an unbalanced competition is bad for the sport? Netball is the winner by default.

5. Why wouldn't the U16 Girls Div 1 just drop down to Div 2?

Sturt, Forestville and Norwood have two teams in Div 2. Having a second team is a luxury and if Woodville want a Div 2 spot, then one of the second teams needs to drop to Div 3, not the Woodville team. The big three will respond by going down screaming, but the Div 2 comp was supposed to be dropping to 10 teams, so why keep 12?

6. Transfer rules.

The season has started and the rule is you can't transfer between clubs mid-season. But, let common sense prevail. If dropping to Div 3 means girls pull out because they can't play Thursday night, or they think they are Div 1 or 2 and there are other girls who can "mix and match", then let the negotiating begin for the betterment of the sport. Surely Magic/Woodville/West can work something out so that the team numbers and team quality is maximised.

Overall, the alarm bells ARE ringing, but it is not just Woodville. Woodville have a lot of issues, but the girls participation in basketball is woeful across the board and there actually needs to be a major rethink into how the district competition is run to get more kids into the sport.

Reply #337240 | Report this post

Years ago

True Jack but self interest created this debacle and when that finally ended the committee in its wisdom recreated an almost identical situation. It was well known that unless real changes were made at Woodville many families would leave on the girls side.
Even a merger with magic would not help as the brand is so soiled and the leadership of the club is incapable of recognizing past errors. Time to cut the clubs and Woodville would be an ideal starting point. Adelaide cannot support the number of clubs it has. The comp is a joke and only four clubs have the numbers. Rightly or wrongly it is time to restructure and for the sport to go forward club reductions is vital.
Mavs, Souths, Magic,Woodville at the very least need to go. Waiting for these clubs to completely die will harm the sport itself.

Reply #337243 | Report this post

Merging with torrens valley has helped how Woodville ?

Reply #337246 | Report this post

Years ago

so centrals should stay????????? Based on what

Reply #337247 | Report this post

Years ago

so now we have 4 clubs that should go

maybe if the big three thought about the game and not themselves all clubs have a better chance of surviving. accumulating players promises promises and then players leave disillusioned from the big 3 never to return to the game.
The problem is the structure.
Until their is a full reviw by somebody independent nothing will change. How can it -?

Reply #337248 | Report this post

Years ago

For a team that only lost by 7 points on Friday night why are they dropping down any divisions at all?

Reply #337249 | Report this post

Years ago

The Woodville committee have had there head in the sand for so long, I think the damage has been done, they must seriously talk with Magic while they still can breath

Reply #337252 | Report this post

Years ago

#249, they didn't lose by seven points. They got absolutely smashed by more than 50.

Reply #337254 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Woodville 1 gone from Div 1 U16G. 3 games listed in Under 16 Girls Div 3 Group A Phase 1 as "practice match" - wtf does that mean?

Reply #337257 | Report this post

Years ago

so no responsibility could go onto magic and BSA for forming and allowing them to be formed respectively for diluting the talent pool in the first place in the western suburbs which was already thin years before magic went from being a social situation to a bsa club.... NONE at all. why should west or woodville after being around for so many years in a shallow talent pool anyway, and doing the best they could to keep players for years, have to fold to a club that doesnt want to do the hard yards and wants to take the easy option and sponge off them.

If you ask me, BSA should have never allowed magic to form due to the further diluting of the western areas talent pool. if the magic players want to play higher its pretty simple. LEAVE AND GO TO A CLUB THAT PLAYS HIGHER! stop trying to piggy back off other clubs.

Believe me im sure woodville and west have done things to upset people over the years im not denying that but i cant comment on it because i personally dont have the information. but I assume West and I know Woodville have been working hard and doing anything possible over recent times to build numbers, especially the girls. so dont say we (and i mean woodville) are sitting there doing nothing because we are doing everything possible.

Its more than just woodville or west fault that there is a lack of talent here is what I am saying. BSA and magic have played there part.

Reply #337258 | Report this post

Years ago

After 10 years of a one man band that played a poor tune you had the opportunity to show leadership by changing direction from the one that put you on the rocks But your committee decided to go for the same tired look and changed nothing. Families voted with their feet because you wouldn't listen to them. You are dying of self inflicted wounds so don't blame Magic or BSA.

Reply #337263 | Report this post

Years ago

I know of quit a lot of talented kids in the west that don't play for any clubs because of the cost,mainly interstate tournaments-how can a refugee family that's newly settled afford this?for girls netball wins hands down,even div 3 at Magic have started the trend.

Reply #337268 | Report this post

Years ago

Why do you think the person that had their head in the sand for so long has now decided to leave for greener pastures, WWBC RIP

Reply #337273 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

So what's the solution?

How can we get more girls into basketball so that ALL clubs have got depth.

Reply #337283 | Report this post

Years ago

The big three would say there are enough girls playing basketball Jack, in fact two and three times the numbers with each year level fielding 3 or so teams. They wont give up their income streams nor should they. Stupid as people are to play div 2 or 3 when they have the skills to play higher it wont change.
The only way out is to cut the number of clubs to six or tops eight.
Woodville and Souths are walking dead in the girls.
Maybe BSA should sew one of its famous deals together and allow Souths and Woodville to field combined teams until they recover(unlikely) or die completely.
It is grossly unfair to let district clubs play these two clubs as they cannot compete.A district club must have a competitive div 1 in every year level surely and neither have.
Ironically Woodville, who refused to merge with Magic, will now have to go cap in hand to them and hope Magic agree to rescue them. This might delay the inevitable but wont make the comp any better. Why isn't BSA taking a lead and doing something positive because how is Woodville, Souths and Mavs' situation a positive for basketball? It's even too late for a zoning system in these three's cases and the experiment that more clubs would get more players playing clearly has failed.

Reply #337293 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #293 thank you for feeding us the sturt view of the world but that's part of the problem and part of the reason we are where we are.

Having less clubs is not going to grow the sport or get more girls involved. WOW you're club has 3 teams in an age group. Do you really think that's enough?

I can't help but look back at comments about West for example and their girls program 5 years ago. Or Norwood's which was not that long ago struggling to compete with the best.

The problem at Woodville in their girls program is the result of a number of things. Both internal and external.

The lack of strength of BSA to right a wrong that BASA made in allowing Western Magic to exist. If BSA had any control over their own direction or as their own direction dicates "Be valued by the South Australian community and recognised widely as a leader in sport development", they would piss this social club off back to St. Clair where they belong.

Woodville as a club have made a few terrible decisions of late and those decisions have lead to some dramatic results. Has blindly following one person's lead helped or hindered? Has the move away from the Dome to St. Clair helped or hindered? Has the lack or willingness to change helped or hindered?But that doesn't mean the club will shut down. That doesn't affect the ability of the club to recruit in the future or to build from the bottom up.

Bad mouthing clubs without any real understanding of their situation is unfair and insulting to the people trying to promote the sport for all in this state. When the big two stop grandstanding and controlling junior basketball and BSA take back control of the sport as they should then we will find monumental change will happen.

Reply #337300 | Report this post

Years ago

If you look at the girls programs that are struggling they have lost someone in the last 5-6 years who took a lot of time and focused on the girls side of the program. SInce they have departed, the girls programs have slowly declined. To be honest there is not enough club people who care about the girls side of the program in their club.

Reply #337301 | Report this post

Years ago

South is wedged between Sturt and Forestville which restricts the available girls to play for South.

After trails sturt and forestville selected the gilrs they wanted and advised the remainder that there was no spot. This is a large number of girls

Why cant these clubs suggest they go to South so they will get a game to play basketball snd not go to netball.

Reply #337309 | Report this post

Years ago

South is not wedged between Forestville and Sturt.

There is a huge area south west of the city that South should be able to recruit from. Unfortunately Sturt are recruiting from that same area.

Reply #337311 | Report this post

Years ago

since lynne holland left everything has been going down hill...... all the good girls are leaving and the program is not as strong anymore!!!!!

Reply #337315 | Report this post

Years ago

315, the mess was created under that persons reign

Reply #337318 | Report this post

Years ago

Concerned you are full of crap. Sturt did not say that at all. South's 10s boys are girls are doing very well so far so there goes your uneducated theory that they can not get the kids. They just need to keep doing it year in year out. Stop making stuff up you have no idea about.

Reply #337319 | Report this post

hogwash 27  
Years ago

Sturt accepted all girls from trials into the club.

concerned, you are dead set lying.

Reply #337321 | Report this post

Years ago

How many of those girls lived around the Sturt area?

Reply #337329 | Report this post

Years ago

Concerned and anon 329, get your facts straight. Sturt and Forestville (and other clubs), accept all comers to their trials and as there is no such thing as zoning in junior basketball, they simply do not care where a potential player lives. Do you really expect us to beleive that Woodville (or South) would turn away a talented kid who turns up at their training because they live at Wayville? Clubs like Sturt and Forestville are popular with kids and their parents for a range of reasons (coaching talent, social atmosphere, values etc.) Time to stop whining about the strength of other clubs and maybe getting of your collective arses and doing something about your own club.

Reply #337330 | Report this post

Years ago

Woodville and magic aren't going to happen. Woodville left that village and burnt the bridge behind them
And even though BSA have pulled there support of the west/magic association they will still try to make it work to the best of their ability. Something has to happen in the western suburbs to make it work but if BSA continue to say sure this idea sounds good.......oh wait that makes things more difficult for us DON'T DO IT. It will only make things more complicated

Reply #337331 | Report this post

Years ago

thank you for feeding us the sturt view of the world but that's part of the problem and part of the reason we are where we are.

I just KNEW it was Sturt's fault that Woodville don't have enough junior girls...
If the "leadership" at Woodville believes and promotes this view, then it is no suprise to see the club where it is!
Then again, pointing the finger at others is always easier than actually being accountable for the predicament the club finds itself in.

Perhaps Western Magic - who seem to have no trouble attracting players despite not being able to play division 1, should take their spot...

Reply #337334 | Report this post

ha ha  
Years ago

Now the under 16 division 1 has only 8 teams participating-give Magic a chance who knows they might surprise some.

Reply #337338 | Report this post

Juror 12  
Years ago

We should merge all three western teams and call them the West Adelaide Bearcats.

Reply #337339 | Report this post

Years ago

Woodville would not merge with Magic, no chance they would merge with Bearcats, their committee would rather fold then accept help but now some of Woodville Committee dead wood has gone you never know but again some of that wood is still there

Reply #337343 | Report this post

Years ago

Woodville have paid a high price for allowing one person to dominate for so long and there is no way back for them.
In the basketball world their issues are widely known so recruitment just isn't going to happen because who would place their kids there.
Are there any ground rules on keeping your div 1 district status or is it yours for life no matter what?

Reply #337348 | Report this post

Years ago

Hardly see how Sturt benefit from a weak Woodville.

Having 10 strong clubs is better for development of the sport as a whole and therefore better for Sturt as it challenges them to improve their processes and programs.

However, it is not beneficial to improve the overall level of the sport by decreasing the top level.

We would all agree that we are at currently a B level. And that we want to get to an A level. And that it will take 10 string clubs to do that.

However, limiting the ability of some clubs to get better, because they are doing a good job, does not improve the overall standard. Rather takes it back to a level C. Because limiting the rich does not improve the poor.

ie Woodville had plenty of kids and were doing well come 3/4 years ago. Performing well at State Champs etc. So its not like they can't do well. Just matters what decisions they make to get them back to that point and then to point A.

Reply #337349 | Report this post

Years ago

Woodville would not merge with Magic, no chance they would merge with Bearcats, their committee would rather fold then accept help but now some of Woodville Committee dead wood has gone you never know but again some of that wood is still there

Reply #337351 | Report this post

Years ago

Clubs like Sturt and Forestville are popular with kids and their parents for a range of reasons (coaching talent, social atmosphere, values etc.)

ha ha ha coaching talent!!! yeah right

Reply #337352 | Report this post

Years ago

Growler, You clown. Once again a Southerner coming and bagging clubs that HAVE acheived something. You never learn do you?

Reply #337362 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago


Hoo-effen-ray! I am glad someone can see the sense in a strong competition.

All these people who are calling for clubs to fold and just leave strong ones is something I disagree with. Having ten strong clubs ALL at a good standard is important IMO. It's not about weakening the stronger clubs, it's about lifting weak clubs up to improve the standard.

My stats mate went through last season's results (minor round) from U12 to U18. Woodville had four teams and won a total of 12 games, or 19% of games contested with an average losing score of 24 points. Compare this to Forestville who won a total of 177 games, or 64% of all games played by the club, winning all games by an average of 11 points. That is a huge gap between 1st and last.

Can anyone actually seriously say the competition is good when nearly 50% of all girls teams come from 3 of the 10 clubs?

Reply #337365 | Report this post

Years ago

But Jack, how do these other clubs raise thier standards WITHOUT weakening the stronger clubs.

If it was easy, they'd be doing it.
If it was harder, and they had the want/resources (or directed those resource appropriately!), they'd still be doing it.

They don't, so they don't. Easier to point fingers and whinge.

Reply #337374 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

That's the whole point! It's not easy!

Reply #337378 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack, you won't rebuild Woodville as they left it too late. They don't have coaches or players and just a handful of girls teams none of which are strong. Is it fair to other clubs, parents and players who have to travel and pay for sub standard opposition?
Isn't that killing interest and is it likely to grow district?
Fewer clubs all playing competitive basketball would strengthen the sport.
Basketball is one of the few remaining sports that allows players to play for any district team they choose without impediment and the better clubs did not allow individuals to hijack their club's agendas and therefore they should not have to bailout these weaklinks who chose shortsighted self interest.
Introducing zones which is the only way these clubs can survive will weaken the strong clubs and put money in the pockets of fools who directed the clubs to the shambles they are in now.
I don't know if Centrals can continue to build on the impetus of last season but at least there was change, Mavericks are dud as are souths. How long before BSA recognize these clubs hold the sport back and force amalgamations or eliminate them or are we stuck forever with a comp that is always going to be short of the mark.

Reply #337397 | Report this post

Oberon 94  
Years ago

337330 you have got to be joking Sturt for social atmosphere, on what planet does that occur. You are either in or out, being recruited or an old players kid are the only way you are guaranteed safe passage. Locals and the rest are riff raff.

Reply #337425 | Report this post

Years ago

Where's Lynn Holland now, she absolutely bake families for leaving, hello she is now smelling the roses in greener pastures until they dry up, then the merry-go round starts again!

Reply #337487 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

This is certainly a situation in which multiple complicated problems mutually interfere with each other's solution. I believe the military term is a "Charlie Foxtrot", or the colloquial term a "Clusterf#ck".

Reply #337493 | Report this post

Years ago

#397 of course Woodville can be rebuilt.

It happens all the time. All you've done is focus on the negative. What about the other side.

Opportunities are there now for new people to put their hand up to coach or get involved.

Opportunities are there now for Div 2 or 3 coaches from other clubs to move there and take up a Div 1 program.

Opportunities are there now for coaches whom may have taken a break from the sport or lost interest in the past to now make a return.

Same opportunities are there for players as well.

And in 12 months everyone moves up a level. Meaning new people have to be recruited by every club every year. The current situation doesn't stop Woodville attracting new families and players to the sport and their club. What does a new Under 10 parent care about ABA or Under 18 issues. As long as they service the Under 10 family they'll be happy and stay.

Work from the bottom up and the club will continue to exist and actually grow.

People like you need to stop being so extreme and claiming clubs are finished when that sinply isn't the case.

Reply #337500 | Report this post

Years ago

i played footy for a club that never made finals, then one year bang a-grade premiers and b-grade premiers, and guess what people no recruiting was involved, we just worked harder on the training track, same coaches as the two years prior. the following year with basically the same squads we finished bottom, hard work went out the window. clubs can build themselves out of the doldrums, just need some people to do the hardwork and continue it

Reply #337502 | Report this post

Years ago

Imagine if all the time people spent bagging clubs and basketball itself on here was used to actually help promote programs and focus on some of the positive aspects, would things be a little different for basketball and clubs all round? I am sure some people on here would be part of volunteering at a club- but i wonder how many make comments know what they are actually talking about and how many are actually a positive part of a program somewhere. That could actually be the difference in helping some of these supposed struggling clubs and basketball in general.

Reply #337508 | Report this post

Years ago

How did Woodville 16 girls go and who is now in the team also is Brooke still coaching?

Reply #337565 | Report this post

Years ago

looks like they are in the right grade now - won by around 10 pts

Reply #337647 | Report this post

Years ago

Did their div 2, 14's make an appearance?

Reply #337653 | Report this post

Years ago

What happened was the three strongest 16s girls were elevated to the 18s so that they could field a team, tht is why the sudden drop from 1s to 3s for the others. Even with those girls playing the 16 ones ost to north in round 1 by 75 points.

Reply #337675 | Report this post

Years ago

Robbing Peter to pay Paul

Reply #337680 | Report this post

Years ago

So did they just move up an age group or did they go to Sturt in the end?

Reply #337775 | Report this post

Years ago

14's forfeited

Reply #337784 | Report this post

Years ago

Brooke was coaching them when they were in div1 I don't know if shes still doing it now theyve been dropped, apparently the under 16 girls did alright in the 18's although they lost to Sturt, but I heard the team was reasonably competetive

Reply #337798 | Report this post

Years ago

Where to now for the club, especially the girls, do they try and get the girls back that have left?

Reply #337918 | Report this post

Years ago

It's been apparent for two or three years that the girls were falling over but nothing changed. Last year it was crystal clear that unless 'x' happened 'y' would occur.
It would seem the committee is equally divided in its support for one side or the other and each side has a vested interest in preventing the other side from gaining sway.
By the time the change faction gain power the old guard will have a girl's section with no girls at all and make the change groups job almost impossible.
The girl's side blame the boy's side for no Magic merger and the boys side blame a particular person for the mess and so it goes on.
Whatever happens, and it would seem only a merger could save them, better happen quickly.
Across basketball at the moment the girls are in a bit of state and it's not a good time for any club trying to recruit. Woodville are not the only club experiencing difficulty with girl numbers but they seem the only club incapable of solving their underlying base issues first.

Reply #337924 | Report this post

Years ago

Kym Clark = no magic merger

Reply #337929 | Report this post

Years ago

Then Kym Clark does not have the best interest of the club at hand and should be asked to step aside before it is too late . BSA must step in now!

Reply #337934 | Report this post

Years ago

I would argue that BASA did not have the best interests of Woodville at hand when they allowed a social club into the district competition. Let's not forget that BASA and now BSA only operate from revenue generated from district basketball. Seems they should be looking after Woodville to me!!

Reply #337953 | Report this post

Years ago

BSA didn't stop the merger, the Woodville committee did that and they should hang their collective heads in shame as they have irrevocably damaged their brand.
How long should the other clubs have to wear byes and forfeits weekly? How long before players and parents kick up about twiddling their thumbs when they should be playing?
Souths, centrals, Woodville and Mavs should be made to put in combined age group teams so that there is a competition because it sucks big time now.

Reply #337955 | Report this post

Years ago

Then the parents of both clubs, magic and Woodville should demand a meeting as their hard earned money should not be wasted or what is more likely to happen after the current season is they will leave, can Woodville survive soley on male side of Bball, how can one person sink a club, Lyn saw the writing on wall as well as their top juniors

Reply #337958 | Report this post

Years ago

West and Magic had a good thing going until BSA decided to pull out all their support
Woodville shot themselves in the foot so why should now BSA come in and clean up their mess if it means West has to suffer

Western Magic and West should continue to cooperate and try to make this association work regardless of BSA indecision

Reply #337977 | Report this post

Years ago

The writing on the wall was self scripted over ten years and if you were in sole charge of a club being senior coach, junior coach, JDO and secretary, you would either take the credit on your departure for leaving a club in good shape and better for your involvement or take responsibility for the non existent junior girls program and its present mess. It's one or the other.

What should not be negotiable, is that the committee which allowed the situation to get to this point continue. They should resign and an extraordinary general meeting called to resolve the issues and to chart an immediate rescue package.

Reply #337978 | Report this post

Years ago

Correct, but do the parents and members of the committee have the b..ls to do so, before it is tooo late, a slow death is near on Woodville Road if something is not done!

Reply #337979 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous 978 you have an obvious personal gripe against an individual. Anonymous 979 - the committee put an online survey out to the parents and children of WDBC to get thoughts on association and or merge with Magic whilst negotiations with Magic were going on. This came back with some very positive thoughts by the parents and children without all the underlying personal jealousy and bitterness. The whole process fell afoul due to negativism behind the scenes of both clubs.

People need to stop putting the blame on whoever takes their fancy and let the Club deal with this issue, as they are trying to get things back on track - with much needed numbers in the girls side. Move on and try being positive and hopefully the Club can come to the solution that should have been reached a couple of years ago. There is not enough girl players in the Western Suburbs to share amongst three Clubs and Magic and Woodville should join.

Reply #337999 | Report this post

Years ago

Then the future does not look bright on Woodbille Road

Reply #338011 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Western Suburbs? There is no zoning with BSA and there's plenty of punters here that keep on telling us that clubs are entitled to attract players from anywhere.

Consider Woodville as a business that currently has few customers. The commodity it has to "sell" at this stage is Div 1 and Div 2 opportunities.

Perhaps the secret to their future success is realising their strategic advantage and making the most of that advantage.

Reply #338012 | Report this post

Years ago

999 my child plays at Wdbc and we did not receive notification and if I did Iwould been in favour of a merge you just have to look at the SANFL who won this years flag I say they would not have done if on their own as they probably would nod have been around so the committee must get back to sensible thinking that means with their head not their heart if they want to be successful competitive and survive. But I think we are all flogging a dead horse!

Reply #338030 | Report this post

Kool Moe Dee  
Years ago

The western suburb demise started with SASI and Neil Gliddon making trainings eastern suburbs only, no one ever saw him going down Port Rd.

Reply #338045 | Report this post

Years ago

SASI was a good idea but it favors those kids from the more effluent suburbs

Reply #338055 | Report this post

Years ago

Wrong KMD, trainings have been held at SASI (Western suburbs) as well as Seymour College (Eastern suburbs) for as long as I can remember. I am not sure how SASI pulling out will affect this but Western suburbs kids have been well suited geographically for man years. Thanks for your input.

Reply #338057 | Report this post

Kool Moe Dee  
Years ago

No problemo...as a percentage how many juniors do you know have gone from east to west?
I disagree with your rebuke. Seymour College is geogaphically suited amongst the 'effluent' suburbs. You want junior coaches to be a part of SASI - how is this possible for Western Suburbs coaches?

Reply #338065 | Report this post

Years ago

Um, how? They go to SASI in the Western Suburbs when Under 16's trainings are on. What is so difficult about that for Western suburbs coaches?

The Under 16's have been there and then Under 18's at Seymour in the affluent (not effluent which is waste by the way) part of town. So all the Western kids have a close by session for two years and have to travel for two years, and vice versa for the Eastern kids.

The kid who lives far South or far North has to travel all the time, so I'm glad you don't live there. Once again, thanks for your intelligent and incisive comments.

Reply #338073 | Report this post

Years ago

Warriors got rid of Willie Janette/Lynne Holland & David Gould left also,now who is left to coach girls teams?The program has so many holes in it ,we should ask Wests sacked coach Corey to come and organize something because now we are almost as low as we can go!

Reply #338078 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

When you're at the lowest point, that is the best time to jump in a bean bag, put on the Dark Side of the Moon, naval gaze and work out a plan.

A lot of clubs are differentiating themselves into customer segments rather than geographical areas. Let's face it, how many kids travel past one club to fulfil their parent's dreams at another club.

I'll put the following out there:

Sturt/Forestville: Offer high quality coaching for kids/parents who are serious about making state metro teams or going further with basketball. Car equivalent: Mercedes Benz ML320 or BMW X5.
Norwood: Poor man's Sturt. Offer similar to Sturt, but are the VW Touareg of BSA.
Mavs/Centrals: If you're from the country and want to play state country, you can basically guarantee a Div 1 spot at these clubs. Think Toyota Landcruiser or Toyota Hilux SR5.
Southern: Think Holden Sandman.

Not too sure about what product difference there is with Norf, West or South.

Woodville committee with a bit of thinking to do.

Reply #338085 | Report this post

Years ago

That strategy has worked well at Centrals. The local kids are displaced by Kadina kids who come down for a couple of seasons max, get sick of the travel, stop, then Centrals are left with disgruntled locals. Short term gain.

Reply #338089 | Report this post

Years ago

Girls from Western that are at west should return & play for a unified Woodville +Western club.Some have been hard done by,our best player got offered a div1position at Forrestville , she declined and was put in a West div2 team.A combined div 1 team on woodville rd would be a much better option.

Reply #338095 | Report this post

Years ago

Last year at least 6 Woodville u16 girls went to West as well there must a problem on Woodville Rd if that many just walk!

Reply #338099 | Report this post

kidding me  
Years ago

Anon 8095, Are you telling porky pies? A Western Magic player offered Div 1 at Forestville and could only make Div 2 at West. Ease up on the cough syrup sweetie.

Reply #338102 | Report this post

Years ago

Actually the player played div 1 last year at West,my daughter informed me!Working night shift is crap,maybe some of your cough syrup might do me some good.Anyway she should be playing on woodville rd.

Reply #338122 | Report this post

Years ago

Southern = "Sandman" Well at least we are rockin!!!!

Reply #338141 | Report this post

Years ago

Move over woodville the Magic is in the house,only 2 places in district for west teams and that is us and west Adelaide.You are heading the way of the dinosaurs,its our time so move over you has been.

Reply #338506 | Report this post

Years ago

You are so off the mark Magic must combine with Woodville because neither of you will survive on your own and when it happens it should be under the Woodville banner

Reply #338705 | Report this post

Years ago

Did the Warriors use u12's in the 14s Friday?

Reply #338762 | Report this post

Years ago


I am sure BSA won't make the same mistake as BASA. Would be interesting if BSA did though as would that trigger Basketball Adelaide considering whether they would take over running District Basketball from BSA? How many District clubs are supporters of Magic??

Reply #338765 | Report this post

Years ago

Magic has friends,and we will not die-we are like a cockroach we can live for weeks with our heads chopped off.Those who swim will not drown- Confucius say!

Reply #338774 | Report this post

Years ago

The green uniforms are not trendy 4 girls.

Reply #338948 | Report this post

Years ago

what happening in u16 div 3 with woodville ? - all of their results have been deleted from sporting pulse and they are no longer recorded on the premiership tables ?
i appreciate their games were probably dead rubber games during the first phase and their finishing position irrelevant because they started mid phase - will they be there for phase 2 in group A ?

Reply #339270 | Report this post

Years ago

They don't have the number or quality of players to put teams of district level in any of their girl sides. They robbed the 16s to appease influential parents and put them in 18's and now don't have div 1 's in 16 or 14 age groups which begs the question as to what the definition of a district club is. There is serious doubt whether they will have teams in 14 and16's at all.
Players at Woodville are now seeing Magic as a better alternative because at least they have teams, some coaches and a management not about self advancement.

Reply #339276 | Report this post

Years ago

just want to know what is going with u16 d3 ?

Reply #339283 | Report this post

Years ago

Ring BSA

Reply #339290 | Report this post

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