Years ago
Could a new team survive in Adelaide in the NBL?
Could the Adelaide market handle another team?
I know of someone who is keen to buy the 36ers, but if that can't happen he may try and buy a licence and set up a team in Adelaide. I'm sure they could use the powerhouse.
Would love to see a Basketball Showdown. Plus I think 2 teams in Adelaide would give BBall more coverage in Adelaide.
Plus I believe the current 36ers board has pissed off so many supporters that a lot would switch over to a new team.
If QLD can have 3 teams, I think Adelaide can support 2 teams. Trick is the owners of a new Adelaide team need to have the funds to run it well and not try and charge near $30 for walk up tickets like the 6ers have been. They need to have cheaper seats, get new people coming to the games and people that havent been able to afford it.
When Power came in the AFL in 1997, the interest in AFL definately grew straight away. I know that it gets boring supporting a team when you are the only team in the state, there is no one paying you out when you lose and more importantly, you can't bag people out like all the Crows fans have been this week to the power.