For the OP, With Redhage, Wagstaff and Nevill also in Perths lineup, I'd be a bit sketchy about Knight and Trueman.
With all the injuries, Crawford will need to stand up, so he could be an ok pick.
Abercrombie obviously in there due to the R1 double, so that's fair enough.
Mills has had a pretty negative effect on Ubaka from what I've seen.
Can't argue with Hudson, Herbert, Bose, Weigh, Jackson (not overly excited by any of the guard imports, but you probably need to roll the dice on one) .
For opt, Wilkinson is the number 1 captain choice this week, so can't go wrong there.
Just a suggestion, but bumping Nevill down to a Tragardh or a Hudson will allow you to upgrade Walker/Goulding/Martin to a legitimate starting option.
Martin and Cadee could work. Not the best options for mine, but definitely not the worst options. Interesting to see what happens with Martin after Wormely arrives.