Years ago
NBL Wiki site
Hi guys,
I'm making a NBL wiki site, i've been working on it for about 2 months now. Realistically prob about 2-3 weeks away from it going live. http://www.facebook.com/pages/NBL-Wiki/285890598103899 is the facebook fan page, you can keep up to date with the site there. When it's active www.NBLwiki.com will be the address. ATM it's just a holding page there.
I've been going through this forum for the past few years, and actually picked up a lot of info for the wiki on here as the NBL site seems to delete old news articles after a certain time. So thanks guys!
This is and will be updated daily. Season stats will be updated at the end of the season.
At the moment the Wiki includes
Player info/Stats
Team info
Team records
League records
League streaks
Award winners
Season/Season breakdowns
Old news articles from newspapers
Old articles from One on One, Pro Basketball Today etc
What else would you like on the site that you find impossible to find on the net?