Years ago
Boti's Roast
Boti is obviously not coaching next season after giving BSA a few serves in his weekly article this morning. Otherwise his team will get run out of every stadium by the refs.
Sad thing is, everything he wrote is true, they had to shut the canteen because they were selling warm drinks. And how much of the profits from the warm drinks went to all the other district clubs, probably none all straight into forrestvilles ABA championship defence fund. Wayville is not the most wonderfull stadium everyone talks it up to be, carparking the other night was horrid, nearly had to call a cab to get from the carpark to the stadium, scoreboards not working, no where to sit!! How good would it have been at the powerhouse, played the games on sunday, had the stands down, plenty of carparking. No home court advantage.
(Mod: Potentially defamatory.)
his points on the YL grand finals is also valid but then the whole YL has been a huge flop anyway