Years ago

Boti's Roast

Boti is obviously not coaching next season after giving BSA a few serves in his weekly article this morning. Otherwise his team will get run out of every stadium by the refs.

Sad thing is, everything he wrote is true, they had to shut the canteen because they were selling warm drinks. And how much of the profits from the warm drinks went to all the other district clubs, probably none all straight into forrestvilles ABA championship defence fund. Wayville is not the most wonderfull stadium everyone talks it up to be, carparking the other night was horrid, nearly had to call a cab to get from the carpark to the stadium, scoreboards not working, no where to sit!! How good would it have been at the powerhouse, played the games on sunday, had the stands down, plenty of carparking. No home court advantage.

(Mod: Potentially defamatory.)

his points on the YL grand finals is also valid but then the whole YL has been a huge flop anyway

Topic #26372 | Report this topic

Years ago

word is he is coaching for south next season

Reply #331543 | Report this post

Years ago

any link to this article....

Reply #331544 | Report this post

Years ago

page 89 of todays paper!!!

Reply #331545 | Report this post

Years ago

(Mod: Potentially defamatory.)

Reply #331546 | Report this post

love him or hate him Boti's finally writing articles that are worthy of reading.
BSA are a joke, they expect district basketball to pay premium money and all they give us is lip service and inferior products in return.
The sooner BSA stops using district clubs as it's cash cow and starts giving back to the competition that generates the lion share of it's income, the sooner basketball becomes the winner in this state.

Reply #331553 | Report this post

Years ago

As much as I hate to say it, Boti was spot on today with his criticism.

I feel that BSA has forgotten that they are here to primarily promote and develop basketball and that district basketball is not a cash cow, but rather their bread and butter. And if they dont get it together soon, they will lose that component's financal benefit.

The only issue above would be that running finals at the Adelaide Arena (dome) on a Sunday would not be good as it would clash with other events, which is why it was moved to Fridays from Sundays previously. ie City to Bay other sport, church etc. Not much point running a Friday night sport and then having finals on another day if some people cant make it.

Reply #331554 | Report this post

Years ago

Could Boti please write about Basketball Victoria as well ????

Reply #331557 | Report this post

Years ago

what about the under 16 girls game, he cancelled the game winning basket. Does that make him a mavs supporter?

Reply #331561 | Report this post

Years ago

Must agree with "Really" on all points, especially that it should be kept on the friday night, that was a huge crowd there on friday and it was actually one of BSA's good descisions to actually have the finals on the same day/night as its played througout the year.

Having said that surely some negotiating could have had the court upgrade at AA be put off a week or moved forward a week or two to accomodate at least the div 1 Grand finals!

Reply #331562 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the AA was available on Friday, resurfacing started Monday. I would have hoped, like Boti, that BSA would have been able to convince AA management to wait 2 days to start the process.

But the AA is probably worse for watching 2 games than Wayville is. For 1 of the courts anyway. As a non-eagle I thought Friday was a great night with close games and fantastic crowd. But not having a scoreboard working for over a month isn't acceptable.

The only thing worse is that M/vale has had 3 score boards out of action for more than 4 months and BSA played finals there. Funny we rearly see these issues at stadiums BSA hires from other people.

Reply #331563 | Report this post

Years ago

get over it ANON the decision in the girls game was correct and i am not a mavs person.

Boti going to south hey, he going to coach the under 18 div 2 girls cos they didnt have a div 1 team this year

Reply #331564 | Report this post

Years ago

no what im saying is that just because she cancelled the game in the boys game she is a norwood supporter, does that mean that the umpire who cancelled the basket in the girls game is a mavs supporter
I think both calls in the games were correct, let the players play it out for another couple of minutes to decide the game rather than the umpire deciding it themselves

also doesnt her sister play in the norwoods women side, is she not allowed to support her sister??

Reply #331566 | Report this post

Years ago

Considering she coaches at Centrals I think it's a stretch to suggest she favoured Norwood.

Reply #331568 | Report this post

Years ago

is he coaching the under 23 team at south too

Reply #331569 | Report this post

Years ago

he spat the chewie at the tigers cos he didnt get the ABA gig

didnt even show up to presentation day on sunday

poor form

Reply #331571 | Report this post

Years ago

He was covering the game in Townsville on Sunday. Could not be in two places at once.

Reply #331572 | Report this post

Years ago

I though the atmosphere on the Friday night was great. I feel it could be improved by moving the games held on Court 2 to Court 3 (relocate the 2 grand finals held on court 3 to another stadium). This would allow court 2 to be vacant all night and utilised for spectator space instead of being jammed in at the corners and baselines of court 2.

Reply #331573 | Report this post

Dione 75  
Years ago

Wayville is definitely the place to host Div 1 GF's. But they need to play on 2 courts. Ieither put stands on court 3, or pts stands facing both ways on court 2 & play games on 1 & 3. But the atmosphere was great at Dvi 1 GF night... much better than when hosted at he Dome. Keep it there, just tweak it a bit.

Reply #331574 | Report this post

Years ago

Wayville was excellent for the finals, it had the best atmosphere i have ever seen! if you had it at the dome there would be people scattered everywhere, wheres the atmosphere in that! And its true BSA should poor more money not into forestvilles scoreboard, but there are more important things like North, South and West adelaide basketball stadiums

Reply #331576 | Report this post

Years ago

I have to admit, the articles of Boti are on the money, and this is from a person he really doesn;t like.

Lets have a look at the past few weeks from our governing body

U23 Men debarcle with one game having 5 minutes and the other 3 minutes for overtime

The lack of "decent scoreboards" around the stadiums for many years.....some not working at Wayville and M Vale for longer than you can think, no shot clock on court 2 at Hillcrest but having Div 2 Mens and Womens games

The terrible handling of SBL and the major events aligned to them

No sponsors

No facitliy improvements and we still use Marion and Hillcrest and St Clair

No listening skills, people want more not less games

Uneven Competitions

No interest in Div 3 or lower

No SASI funding

Plenty of mirrors ( they are all looking into things)

Wonder hopw the new Lighting Coach and his team felt training at Marion this week because AA was unavailable .I dont hink the new coach would have seen anything like it.

I am not a real fan of Boti usually, but you have to say he has finally started to look at the real issues in Basketball in SA and he is on the money

Reply #331577 | Report this post

Years ago

To suggest that Ireland is a Norwood supporter is ridiculous. Give yourselves an uppercut. She did a fantastic job on Friday night, in fact both referees did.

Also, I've been to every grand final night for probably fifteen years now, and that was the best atmosphere I've ever witnessed. Please BSA, don't ever move the finals back to the Dome, which is far too big to have any atmosphere with that number of people.

Reply #331585 | Report this post

Years ago

(Mod: Potentially defamatory.)

Reply #331588 | Report this post

Years ago

well who should have done that game instead?

Reply #331590 | Report this post

Years ago

the foul count was 27-12 and ireland called most of those 27 on west

Reply #331593 | Report this post

Years ago

Not up to doing and Under 18 games?? Wake up to yourself!!!
Nikki this year was the referee on the under 18 final at the national championships - probably the most difficult and most prestigious championship. Obviously you have never been to a nationals or you would not be saying this.
How about looking at her achievements rather than knocking her!!

Reply #331595 | Report this post

Years ago

Just because she got selected to do it doesn't mean she deserves to do it!!

Reply #331597 | Report this post

Years ago

good promoter of herself!!

Reply #331601 | Report this post

Years ago

Ireland is all about herself and how she can be the star of a game.

Has previously at ABL level tried to over rule the Games Commissioner when there was an issue on the stats bench and needed the game start delayed by about 2 minutes.

Reply #331605 | Report this post

Years ago

Back to the original comments Re Boti's Roast, i found it difficult to believe that at a Grand Final night Div 1 that court 2 larger score clock was not working. Again we all acknowledge that some of our stadiums are great if we were in the 1960 but time has moved on but little seems to change in the basketball world in SA. We did have a great meeting of minds a couple of years ago when Wayne Jackson and others looked into improving the sport but little has happened. Basketball is being treated very poorly considering our Aust Women are in the top 3 in the World and our men are also doing well for our population size. I for one hate seeing this great sport suffer and would like something in concrete set down and followed in lifting our standards and profile.

Reply #331608 | Report this post

Years ago

Great meeting of minds like Wayne Jackson!?

Do you realize Wayne Jackson is to blame for the mess that is the BSA structure which stops anything happening which would benefit district basketball in any way!?

Reply #331645 | Report this post

Years ago

That umpire did the game the week before and let many behind play unsportmanship Norwood fouls go, pretending she did not notice them, and then gets ansy with the spectators because they attempt to bring it to her attention! If her allegiance to Norwood is that strong she should NOT be allowed to referee their games.

Reply #331651 | Report this post

Years ago

#651 - you mustn't be paying attention, so let's try again. She has no allegiance to Norwood. She is a Centrals coach, as is her mother. As for the unsportsmanlike stuff, some of the stuff the Sturt boys did that night was disgraceful. Probably a good idea to get your own backyard in order before you start pointing the finger at Norwood.

Reply #331658 | Report this post

Years ago

Also, spectators who try to bring things to the umpire's attention are the type of spectators who probably should stay home and watch TV instead of coming to watch their kid play. Ugly spectator syndrome is alive and well!!

Reply #331659 | Report this post

Years ago

Hydra, why was she wearing Norwood clothes and supporting Norwood previously then?

Reply #331666 | Report this post

Years ago

so what her sister plays at norwood??

just about every refere is associated to one club or another in some way shape or form! If this was a common practice the victorian competitions would be a sham, due to their association model... but their not

just because her sister plays for norwood - this supposedly means she calls the game in their favour?? what a load of BS! this is simply a reflection of how one-eyed you truly are, and if you were an official the way that you would call the game.

referees carry great levels of integrity and trust on their shoulders. just because the game wasnt called the way you thought it should have been doesnt mean jack(toft)-(sorry had to).

and this is coming from someone who doesnt particularly rate her as a referee, however feels that the 'bias' jabs that are being flung her way are uncalled for. I simply dont like the way that she calls the game, however respect what she has acheived, and the level of dedication she has to the game. coaches at one club. supports her sibling at another. and referees.

the one eyed parents on this forum need to have a good look at what they do for Basketball - sure you bring little Johnny to the game and practise, however undo all the goodwork you do by slagging dedicated referees from the sidelines and behind your keyboards. and let me guess you would be a parent who plays the BS political games that district clubs have, backstabbing fellow parents and the commitee claiming all the bad stuff they do, yet never put your hand up to do shlt.


Reply #331672 | Report this post

Years ago

Does the umpire have a duty of care to the players or the spectators? If it is the players then refs should concentrate on the game and make calls on rough play on both sides. Then the spectators wouldnt have to attempt to bring it to their attention. yeah? problem solved. Happy players, Happy spectators.

Reply #331677 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

#672, sounds like you're as "Jack Toft" as me!

Reply #331678 | Report this post

Years ago

that ref controlled the game, players were unable to play a decent game 2 west players fouled out and 2 on 4 fouls on u12s softness calls not division 1 u18s, only player who seemed to get fouls called on them from norwood was 22 from norwood who is not liked by anyone in the league... The game should be decided by the players not the umpires they dont deserve to recieve a grand final game again

Reply #331681 | Report this post

Years ago

Umpire has a duty of care to the spectators!? Are you kidding me?

What about the duty of care from coaches and clubs to all involved in the game, including referees?

Reply #331682 | Report this post

Years ago

Read what I wrote - Does the umpire have a duty of care to the players OR the spectators?

My question is about referees that want to spend too much time admonishing the spectators instead of controlling the game in play where the duty of care should be directed.

You let a game get out of control and not call fouls for whatever reason you are not meeting your duty of care which is the refs responsibility. Isnt it?

Refs are getting paid - no-one else is!

get it now?

Reply #331683 | Report this post

Years ago

#681 - The game was decided by the players. West won. What a ridiculous statement.

Reply #331684 | Report this post

Big Phil  
Years ago

Ireland has every right to umpire at this level

Reply #331687 | Report this post

Years ago

yes west won but it should have been in regulation not o/t very poor decision at the end very obvious to most at the game

Reply #331688 | Report this post

og mudbone  
Years ago

WOW, some pathetic comments and complaints on here. Once again hoops is being used to attack a player (number 22) who just plays with passion something SA often lacks at times. Ireland has had issues with norwood throughout the year and it is a ridiculous statement saying she favours norwood. End of the day west won, good for them, but obviously not good enough for some people. West and Norwood although norwood had not beaten west this year, had several close encounters the only blowout being the semifinal, therefore the gf should have been close. I think some people need to get over themselves and realise everything is done and dusted

Ireland is centrals associated and if refs were as bad as people make them to be there were two refs in the game. Personally i think they did a good job, considering the atmosphere and intensity of the game the refs kept it under control

Reply #331693 | Report this post

Years ago

hydra it was but could have easily gone to norwood due to some umpiring decisions

Reply #331694 | Report this post

Years ago

If I was her I would be taking legal advice and getting my lawyer to speak to the advertiser and maybe this websites operators

Reply #331696 | Report this post

Years ago

27 fouls to 12? Wow.

Reply #331697 | Report this post

Years ago

Any wonder we have trouble getting people to become reffs !!!! try having a game without them

Reply #331706 | Report this post

Years ago

Should never have been allowed to do the whole series eg all the 18.1 boys finals, the refs should have been rotated thru the age groups each week with no double ups in the final series and we have enough refs to do this especially when finals are on as they all want to do Div 1 finals.

Reply #331707 | Report this post

Years ago

i believe they way the roster is who ever has performed gets the grand with no thought to the proberly strand relationships between teams and umpires

Reply #331709 | Report this post

Years ago

Yet another thread that has been transformed into a series of incoherent, whining, vitriolic rants about umpires, junior players and their families.

As for Boti's article, I think it was well suited to the journalistic excellence we have come to expect from The Advertiser.

Reply #331711 | Report this post

Years ago

I query your comment about "whoever has performed gets the grand" performed what(in past weeks?) and how well in whose eyes? just trying to understand the process.

I think switching the refs around in finals series would assist to alleviate comments about bias etc. Sometimes players think particular refs have it in for them ,so changing the refs each week would be beneficial to all particularly in finals. And who judges the performance, a peer ref judging your performance would be completely different than being critiqued by an independent person.

Reply #331712 | Report this post

Anon she rank Number 1 at that under 18 nationals, Number 1 i repeat, which shows that she is national recognised. If a report wants to make comments about how a ref cant support her sister then let it be. But the referee's are allocated due to performance. Just as any player or coach to their ability, But i forgot its not allowed because referee's wear grey.

Reply #331714 | Report this post

Years ago

If this referee supposedly has an allegiance to Norwood, would somebody care to explain how it came to be that recently she reported a Norwood YL player, when his only 'crime' was to accidentally bleed on the court. Surely with the amount of bias that some of you clowns are claiming, she would have let that one slide?

Reply #331717 | Report this post

Years ago

Im not questioning her "credentials" I am asking about the process and making suggestions how things should be changed. I do not believe anyone should do the whole series in finals in the one grade, age group, sex. Do you understand what I am saying. The process should be changed. It shouldnt be the same Ref regardless of who it is.

Reply #331718 | Report this post

Years ago

27 fouls to 12?

Reply #331730 | Report this post

Years ago

I love the way people often look to the foul count to suggest referee bias. It's as is it's in the rules somewhere that the foul count is supposed to be even. Yeah, 27 fouls to 12, so what? How exactly is that relevant?

Reply #331733 | Report this post

Hanging Round  
Years ago

27-12 is only relevant when there 'appears' to be inconsistencies at either end of the court

Reply #331734 | Report this post

Years ago

well tripping fouls ignored at one end and 'pushing fouls' called all night down the other end for normal defenceand on rebounds

Reply #331737 | Report this post

Years ago

696 she doesn't need legal advice she is in that profession already some people need to tread carefully

Reply #331739 | Report this post

Years ago

#737 - if that is the case (which of course it isn't really, but for the sake of your little argument), then please explain Luke Smith's role in all of this? Why wouldn't he have called fouls? Or was he biased as well?

I'm no great supporter of the standard of refereeing in SA, but you are just being ridiculous.

Reply #331741 | Report this post

Years ago

The team that losers better have more fouls than the team that wins. Lets face it, you are losing, you need to take risks. You need to steal the ball and force turnovers. This normally equates to more fouls.

Reply #331744 | Report this post

Years ago

Or the team that wins did so because they played aggresive defence, got in the passing lanes, trapped, banged bodies and therefore got more fouls.

There really is no rule to go by in regards to foul counts. It's no different in other sports. Free kicks are never even in AFL, penalties are never even in soccer or netball.

Every team plays the game differently, has different skill sets, has different talent levels, has different philosophies.

All of these factors plus many more affect the foul count. But of course its the standard response from a team or parent to simply blame the referee.

Reply #331746 | Report this post

Charon 80  
Years ago

I dont see how you can blame an individual referee for the current standard.

The are being taught to 'manage' games and not call every thing they see. But rather to allow the game to 'flow'. Because they dont want to see a foul shooting fest. Unfortunately, what ends up happening is that teams are playing more aggressive to take advantage, and then the same number of fouls and therefore foulshots are occuring, just that they are more prononced. And unfortunately, it depends more on WHEN you foul in a game than IF you foul.

What this does to ALL refs is create a situation where they call inconsistantly in order to follow the instructions they are getting from above.

If you want to blame someone, blame the people directing the refs. Dont shoot the messanger.

Reply #331749 | Report this post

Years ago

What has all this got to do with Boti cooking a roast on Sunday??

Reply #331756 | Report this post

Years ago

just a bit of consistency is all we ask for

L smith is no better either

Reply #331765 | Report this post

Years ago

what is consistency and how to you achieve it?

I've heard coaches and players and parents use the word 'consistency' as the legit complaint about referees all my basketball life.

But what is it? No two situations are exactly the same. Two block/charge siutations which on the surface look similar and result in different calls are different and that's why the result is different. They may look the same, but the subtle differences make them different. Should a referee call both calls a charge because the guy in the back row didn't see the defence move that little step forward or didn't see another player give the offensive player a little push from behind on the second call?

Every play is different, even if the difference is very subtle. Therefore every play has to be judged differently.

Reply #331768 | Report this post

Years ago

If I was her I would be taking legal advice and getting my lawyer to speak to the advertiser and maybe this websites operators
Haven't read enough of this to know exactly who is being referenced, nor have I received any formal complaints about this thread, but if the person in question contacts me and believes they have a legitimate case, I can explain how they go about taking action against people writing the posts in question.

Reply #331774 | Report this post

Charon 80  
Years ago

The consistency comes down to the non-calls made to maintain the 'flow'of the game.

This creates a grey area, along with advantage/disadvantage. A ref doesnt want to call 3 fouls in the backcourt, 3 plays in a row because they are told they are not maintaining the flow of the game. But it does effect the efficiency of the offence and therefore is a disavdantage. Plus it builds mental pressure on the other team. Especially when they then get called for a foul which is less strong because there hasn't been a foul called in the last couple of minutes. (Brian Goorian was fantastic at having his team play more agreesive because refs didn't want to call every foul.)

Then after not making those calls, they make a call the other way.

It would work much easier if they decided what was a foul, what wasn't and called fouls until players and coaches were able to adjust.

Reply #331783 | Report this post

Years ago

Legal advice??? When did freedom of speech go out the window??? Lets not get to precious now!!!

Is this the same umpire that did the u18 semi final between tigers and sturt? What was with her incessant desire to have players tuck their singlets in???

Reply #331800 | Report this post

Years ago


It's not her desire, it's a direction from above. You can't bag her for doing her job properly. Some people just look for any excuse to have a whinge.

Reply #331805 | Report this post

Years ago

same one, dont think she likes the tigers coach too much!

Boti writing this wont help

Reply #331807 | Report this post

Years ago

If players tucked their shirts in like they are required then she wouldn't have to.

Reply #331811 | Report this post

Years ago

why make some players tuck their tops in and not another player....i guess if you wear australian socks you can have your singlet out.....AND CARRY THE BALL ON YOUR HIP TOO!!!!

just using my freedom of speech to express my opinion!!!

Reply #331818 | Report this post

Years ago

So she favoured Sturt in that game, then favoured Norwood when they played against Sturt? How ridiculous.

Reply #331829 | Report this post

Years ago must have the iq of a clockface! At what point in my post regarding Aussie socks did I ever say that she then favoured the opposite team the following week??? It wouldn't be the first time that someone has been influenced by the ability of one player....just look at C Judds record in the AFL...particularly at the tribunal!!!!!

As for those ridiculous comments about legal action...forgive me for being a dog with a bone...but does that mean that all afl umpires can take legal action on journos and other people of the public for criticism?

The only way to get better is to learn from your will never get better if you don't listen! Putting the ego aside can sometimes be a difficult task!

Reply #331848 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #848 let me try help you out, without the aggression.

The referee in question has in this thread been accused of being biased for 3 clubs and against 3 clubs. Interesting they've been accused of being both for and against one club.

If you think a referee of that level of experience including Grand Finals at Junior National championships is influenced by a junior wearing BA socks then I feel very sorry for you.

Also referees take feedback from their coaches. Just like players do. Junior players shouldn't be taking direction for their parents, spectators, mates etc should they? Referees do not and should not take on feedback from anyone and everyone as some, you included, clearly have no formal training or understanding of the rules and direction of the game.

Reply #331850 | Report this post

Years ago

maybe i suggest you take a look at BSA internet policy before you all get yourselves in trouble

Reply #331857 | Report this post

Years ago

857! The Internet policy regards cyber bullying! There has been none of that on here, just personal thoughts! This is a forum in which people are entitled to express their opinion!

In fact there has been some bullying on here and that was directed at the young lad who plays for Norwood!

If this umpire in question is as good as some people say then she would one day be hoping to umpire wnbl/nbl! What's gonna happen when she makes an incorrect call (yes umpires are human and they do make mistakes) and has 6000 spectators screaming at her? Will she take all 6000 to court for bullying???

Man up!

Reply #331860 | Report this post

Years ago

So using that logic if the Norwood kid has any talent then he's free game too?

Surely he has asprations to the NBL where he'll be booed every away game so anyone and everyone can say what they want about him too right?

What about those Under 10's who are showing talent? Is that ok as well?

Reply #331863 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm amazed that some people can afford Internet access when they have no commonsense!

No it doesn't make it alright as the Norwood lad is under 18! For a person laying claims about policies, you should read the above line on this forum naming or bashing under 18 players!!!

Reply #331869 | Report this post

Years ago

#848 - yes, my IQ is that of a clock face, which clearly doesn't say much for you, given that I'm obviously the more intelligent one in this discussion. I'm guessing you haven't bothered to read the rest of this thread, and you just thought it'd be cool to chime in with your two cents worth. It's been explained already by someone else, so I won't bother again. Please read very carefully this time, and tell Mummy not to let you post again unless you are very clear about what's going on. In the meantime, go and have a nice hot cup of milk and go to bed.

Reply #331893 | Report this post

Years ago

Boti not coaching...travesty. Best coach we ever had.

Reply #331915 | Report this post

Years ago

change the title to >>>>> >>>>>>> Roast

Reply #331930 | Report this post

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