Stats Bench
Years ago
Adelaide vs. Cairns Trial Game
Stats Bench
Years ago
Years ago
Noticed Daly and Warren have both started the 2nd Quarter. Is daly playing point moving Warren to the SG? or other way round.
Years ago
I think Warren started the second quarter off and came back on with 6 or so left in the second.
Weigh, Warren and Ng impressive. A point guard that passes, can go either direction and shoot is a massive upgrade on last season, especially with Croswell as a very solid back up.
Years ago
Ng heating up with back to back 3s to start the third.
Years ago
Ng on fire 4/4 from 3 in the first 5 mins of the third.
Years ago
87-82 win. Ng 23, Warren 21, Weigh 19, DJ 12. No particular standouts for Cairns, Dusty with 16, Dowdell and Hill 11 each.
Years ago
Williamson is still injured. I'm sure he could have played but for cautionary reasons he didn't play.
Warren is quite impressive. He can finish at the basket good, is a brilliant ball handler, finds the open man and is a good shooter. He is a Mighty Mouse!
Weigh was good and Ng played very well and with that type of performance it would be hard to not start him in front of Herbert!
Camel 31
Years ago
About a thousand there.
At the start Warren easily dribbled around Cairns from the backcourt to layup , twice, then shotta coupla threes.
I guess they had to double up on him and he sat for a while and gotta few more in the 4th.
Ng topscored mostly from threes fed by Helliwell and Warren.
Weigh pretty good, missed a few easy ones , as did Johnson.
Not much depth, on the bench, today.
Wade Helliwell was my best player , over 4 qtrs
even though he didn't score a lotta points
and they don't feed him a lot.
Years ago
Yeah really liked what i saw for the most part. Warren as mentioned is a good ball handler and can find the open man, he has a nice change of direction crossover and he does not force his shot.
Weigh was really good, impressed with his rebounding as well and hit his open shots. Darren was just on fire and it was good that we kept finding him as well. Wade was just a solid big man who is hard to move and got his fair share of offensive rebounds which was nice. If he sticks to his role he will be a great pickup.
I wish we could have seen a more full squad to get a better idea how they all fit but it was hard to walk away from the game with anything other than a positive outlook.
Years ago
I know it's only pre-season.
But if I wa Cairns, I would be really worried.
They had Williams, Warren, Dusty, Crosswhite, Dowdell, Hill, Grabau..A large core of their team.
Not too many guys to add to that, and yet they still lost.
Early front runners for the Spoon IMO.
Years ago
They're missing Loughton and an import - that's significant. And there is something wrong with Crosswhite too. I don't expect them to be one of the strongest teams, but they did OK in both games this weekend.
King Podge
Years ago
You're kidding right? they're missing 2x 10 point rated players, 1 of which is the point guard........ Crosswhite (the starting centre) played 10 minutes.......
yeah i'm worried.......
6ers were missing 2 x 10 point players and a third starter
Be worried!
Camel 31
Years ago
Thought Warren was gonna drop fifty , the way he started.
Ballinger limping, might walk in a week and run in another week.
All the rest will play , next game in BNE.
Years ago
Pretty happy with that effort.
Weigh was real impressive. Rebounding, shooting, passing, driving etc. He did it all. Big step up from Hill.
I really like what Warren does. Hard to gauge without Wilson there, but he pretty well did it all. Nice 3 point shot. Very hard to defend with his speed and agility. Nice passing too (didn't try to do it all himself). Missed both free throws which is supposed to be his strength?
Ng was on fire. Pretty pathetic defence with the amount of open looks he had, but he knocked down nearly every chance.
Johnson did some good offensive things. Rychart was all over him on defence though. Seemed pretty frustrated at times. Missed about 3 easy should be sinks in the key, so could have scored more. Foul trouble kept him quiet.
Helliwell was a lot better than his stats suggest. How he only had 3 rebounds and 1 assist is beyond me.
Crosswell battled on defence and had some nice assists. Was in foul trouble, so didn't have too much game time.
Warbout and Daly were pretty meh.
For Cairns:
Rychart dominated. Didn't have any answer for him and probably would have lost if he played 35 mins instead of 24, he was that good.
Warren is an impressive shooter. Defense and the majority of other things were pretty poor. Left Ng open time and time again.
Dowdell did alright. No more no less.
Hill was Hill. Had some good drives, failed to finish pretty often. Still can't shoot.
Dowdell number 2 probably isn't up to NBL level yet.
Deba George was his usual self. All attitude, no actual game.
Crosswhite was handy, but missed a lot of time.
That Hussey is a bit fiery. Doesn't have much game.
Grabau did some good things.
Years ago
Crowd was huge for a trial game. Thought there'd be about 500.
Years ago
long time reader first time poster
warren looked good
started with two brilliant drives to the basket
boys look good
helliwell looks good
weigh looks alright too, was happy with what he did
Ng was on fire, but got quite a few easy free shots which we let the cairns bench know about :)
asked why williamson didnt play and was told he is fine, has a slight niggle in his groin and if it was the first game of the season then he would of obviously played.
impressed with his size, cant wait to see this guy play
balls is a possibility for the first week
had a bone chip in the ankle which had to be cleaned up.
was also told it would be a good idea to get tickets to games 2 and 3 of the season against sydney now to get the best seats we could
95% that bogut will sign this week with the kings
said it might fall over, but its looking very very good.
there was a signing by the whole team for all the kids afterwards which is great to see.
go sixers :D
Years ago
Good game and the team based on the snap shot today looks good to me,
Helliwell plays the old "Reesy" role very well and will be a very handy pick up and great compliment to Johnson and Ballinger, who are a little soft inside, and allows Ballinger to play PF full time and shoot his mid range jumpers instead of trying to 'bang with the big boys' which is not his strength.
Warren looks good to me, hopefully he will be this years "Ervin" or atleast somewhere between Shannon and Ervin, looks to be a good all round player.
Weigh, looks like a great pick up to me, if he keeps this form up it will be a break out season, i think he plays a good all round game, shoots well, rebounds well, helps carry the ball, and was my MVP, hopefully he can have a 'cattalini' break out season.
Johnson looks good to, same as the end of last year and i could see him averaging somewhere around 15 and 8 this year, and Helliwelll (and hopefully Williamson) will help with his defensive defficiancies.
Only a pre-season game i know, but a good snap shot and i look forward to seeing Williamson in action, if he is half as good as Chris Williams who Newley compared him to we are in for a good season.
Years ago
Well for what i saw with 4 players out for Sixers,they did well today,Warren great pickup,Weigh
great pickup from Perth,Once Balls back we have scoring power,hope Williamson is as good as Warren,if he can get rebounds and some points i be happy,helliwell was open in key many times today but guards insisted to shoot outside,hes our Paul REES type player we need a screener and a rebounder,I think once we all play we will do better this season.
Hope everyone plays in preseason blitz in Brisbane.
Years ago
Hendo, at 33 years of age, it might be a bit much expecting 35 minutes from Rychart. I went to both games this weekend and walked away with confidence in the coming season. Was very impressed with Warren, Helliwell and Weigh. The team actually looked very interested in putting up a good fight from start to finish. Can't wait to see Williamson in action to see what sor of contribution he will make. Yesterday's game just proved what Ng is capable of given the opportunities he got. He is a brilliant 3 point shooter, the team have to work out ways of accommodating this. Very enjoyable and money well spent. Cant say the same for the carpark charges.
Years ago
I couldn't agree more about the carpark charges EC.
There was definitely more positive than negative yesterday. I thought Chris Warren was excellent, his penetration and passing was superb, and he seems to have a pretty good jumpshot. I am of course reminded that Winder looked the goods in the preseason games last year.
Ng's shooting was a real highlight, and Weigh was very solid, shot well and rebounded well, but seems prone to the odd brain fart with his passing. Helliwell surprised me: he was rock solid on the boards and defensively, and he passed the ball beautifully out of the post. I got a kick out of Warbout's deep corner three on the quarter time buzzer.
With Williamson, Creek, Herbert, and Ballinger to come back, there is a bit to like about this roster.
thought we've still got a long way to go with our ball movement.
although Ng had a great shooting day, he still showed his biggest weakness of defence and we can't afford that in serious games. Also when bringing the ball down how could he not see DJ on his own under the basket.
hope the refs take a look at their performance. tended to protect the guards (and that's why Ng was left alone in the 2nd half) but our big guys looked like clothes lines on occasions. A couple of times they both had 2 or 3 players hanging off them for no call. That's probably what they're most consistent at - inconsistency
Big Ads
Years ago
JW and Creek spotted at pool this morning. All the senior women had their tongues hanging lower than their chins when John walked to the changerooms. Coocoon re-imagined. One primary kid heard saying "he's buff all over".
Told the old girls he plays for the 36ers. 10 new season ticket purchased after swimming they said.
Ballinger Fan
Years ago
Creek has a soft tissue injury ?
or maybe Creek was just chauffeur for our new big ticket player.
Camel 31
Years ago
Somebody told me they see the 36ers at swimming
regularly (Thebarton)
I only seen JW one time , training in Ballingers top
He did look great.
John Williamson , million dollar man .
No one can shoot the ball ,
like John Williamson can.
Years ago
Creek is thought to perhaps be suffering from concussion. Haven't heard anything about soft tissue injury.
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