Years ago

U16 results


Sat 16/Jul 9:00 AM Playoff for 11th and 12th
U16 WA Metro Women def. by U16 WA C Women 42-59

Sat 16/Jul 9:30 AM Playoff for 9th and 10th
U16 SA Metro Women def. U16 SA C Women 65-50

Sat 16/Jul 11:30 AM Playoff for 7th and 8th
U16 QLD North Women def. U16 TAS Women 81-61

Sat 16/Jul 1:00 PM Playoff for 5th and 6th
U16 QLD South Women def. U16 NSW C Women 67-45

Sat 16/Jul 1:00 PM Bronze Medal Game
U16 NZ Women def. by U16 NSW M Women 39-51

Sat 16/Jul 5:00 PM Gold/Silver Medal Game
U16 VIC M Women def. U16 VIC C Women 78-56


Sat 16/Jul 9:00 AM Playoff for 11th and 12th
U16 SA CM def. by U16 WA MM 57-70

Sat 16/Jul 11:00 AM Playoff for 9th and 10th
U16 QLD NM def. U16 NZ M 62-51

Sat 16/Jul 11:00 AM Playoff for 7th and 8th
U16 NSW CM def. by U16 QLD SM 66-70

Sat 16/Jul 3:00 PM Playoff for 5th and 6th
U16 VIC CM def. by U16 SA MM 56-68

Sat 16/Jul 3:00 PM Bronze Medal Game
U16 TAS M def. by U16 NSW MM 38-60

Sat 16/Jul 7:00 PM Gold/Silver Medal Game
U16 ACT M def. by U16 VIC MM 46-80


Topic #25888 | Report this topic

Years ago

Sa Country Womens coach buried all there chances through his negative coaching and his love for one or two players. He couldnt even give his captain who is debatably there best player the opportunity to score otherwise she was dragged from the court immediately.

Reply #323720 | Report this post

see ya later  
Years ago

Yes I believe he or the assistant called her Fu**in useless and she was an embarrassment to the team as captain. Semmens has always been a knob and can not coach under pressure. I would think he has coached his last year at a State level.

Reply #323727 | Report this post

Years ago

More likely ensured the job for life.

Reply #323730 | Report this post

Years ago

Absolutely right, he was there showcasing one player and bad luck to anyone who started scoring more than her.The captain was dragged in one game after scoring multiple points and his coaching lost them a few games.

Reply #323751 | Report this post

Years ago

Why do we have NZ playing in our championships?
Fantastic for NZ basketball, but what good does it do for Aust basketball?

Reply #323789 | Report this post

Years ago

its good to have NZ in the tournament IMO, it creates more competiton

Reply #323791 | Report this post

Years ago

P.Hickey, the global development of basketall is important. I think you raise a good point but I think development of basketball in our region, giving kids the opportunity to play against another country is great.

You can't play NZ in Aussie rules footy!!!!

Reply #323792 | Report this post

Years ago

NT WA SA useless so they have to get NZ

Reply #323795 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately in Basketball there are some coaches who tend to showcase one player, it happens everywhere, boys, girls and in every state - they have a fascination with particular kids and it can border on being downright unhealthy. I wonder if they think that if I they get this kid playing for Australia that all the accolades as a coach for the hard work will come their way!! and they can add it to their resume!!

Reply #323796 | Report this post

sa arent shit, although they didnt do too well this year, they are not shit.

Reply #323860 | Report this post

Years ago

wow, ACT and TAS in the top 4 at Nationals.

has that ever happened before?

once in 10-15 years awesome 96/97 kids in those age groups?

Reply #323875 | Report this post

Years ago

Hoggy: no they are not shite in any way , shape or form. They are kids trying their best to succeed. The coaching staff and BSA have to wear the blame,not for unsuccessful years but for standing still and treading water.

No fresh ideas in the state system for twenty years. Same recycled coaches and managers and in basketball in SA , a job is for life. SA is afraid of change, protective of cushy jobs and proliferates the idea that it is very hard work which no one else will do.

I Don't care about average talent years but the average coaches and administrators need outstanding talent to make play offs and the district scene could not be worse for real competition. The state coaches come from the elite clubs and with one exception struggle with players other than the best. District perpetuates this failing because rarely do the top clubs have to coach because they have the cream of the talent pool and win weekly, loses are rare and their wins are often blow outs. With close games a rarity the only opportunity kids and coaches have of testing their real skills are at state and to a much lesser extent, Classics.

Without a doubt,very few state coaches have the ability they contract to do at state. Never has their been a better time in light of the Sasi demise to effect change for the better. Victoria are the benchmark and it's time to follow football and get the best coach BSA can find to head up the BA junior development program and become the next state coaching director.

The status quo will see us continue to win the occasional medal,sometimes gold but only when the planets are aligned and the talent exceptional because our present trend is downward.

Reply #323880 | Report this post

Years ago

The best coaches in the world can't get success without the players.

If nothing else the recent results should highlight that basketball in SA isn't attracting enough high quality athletes.

Reply #323882 | Report this post

Years ago

You need to have the players to be effective. You could place any NBL level coach into a Northern Territory level team, and they still wouldn't have much more success than the current group of coaches. They will develop the kids sure, but will they get anymore wins? Probably not. On the other hand, you put an SA coach with that Vic Metro team, and they still win gold. They just had the most talented kids.

Yes the Vics are the benchmark (NSW catching up fast), but they also have the players that can play at that level. It's probably time to have a look at how their players are developed so early to be at a point where can can not just compete, but win. All starts from the ground up, get the development right, and the rest will follow soon enough.

Reply #323888 | Report this post

Dirty Sturty  
Years ago

anon #323880,

There is one big problem with your argument. The elite clubs are the ones creating these elite kids. Not the other clubs, surely their coaches have something to do with that development? The kids arent just falling of trees are they? Over the last 6 years Sturt have done better at the classics than any other Victorian club in the boys side. Does this mena the Mescki should be the new BSA directior of coaching or that only Sturt coaches should coach state?

Reply #323898 | Report this post

Dirty Sturty, i think mesecke would be an excellent director of coaching at BSA.
The trouble is that BSA are so insuler and could not handle him because he might tell them how it is.
and you know what they say, the truth hurts.

Reply #323905 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturt don't create the talented players who come from all over, they help develop it and little more. If you want to place SA further down the list go ahead with the suggestion above and star another decade where communication consists of insults

Reply #323916 | Report this post

Years ago

look at the Mavs u16 girls results at the classics silver only just missing the gold, their coaches are outstanding and deserve a huge amount of credit

Reply #323926 | Report this post

Juno 75  
Years ago

I agree re mavs u16girls nice guys as well, know of the assistant he was a great baller and coach. Not been involved for many years though until this year but has coached div1 years ago. Not much fuss about the coaches there they just keep getting it done, state title, classics silver.

Reply #323930 | Report this post

Years ago

Seems mavs coaches pick and choose a bit and only coach in good years from senior women down. Always need a break when talent is thin or move clubs.

Reply #323945 | Report this post

Years ago

This tool of a coach has to go:

Firstly he abused a player during a time out for something that happened on the court when the player was not even on the court at the time.

He told the head of State Country Development to F**K off in front of the girls, showing a complete lack of respect for all concerned and was audible by the crowed.

Leading up to these championships as great deal of time and money by alot of people is invested in these girls, and for this tool to latch on to one maybe two girls and basically only have to deal with the others so as to have a team to attend the championships can only be for one reason and one reason alone:

That is to get a girl into the National U17 Side and positioning himself for a potential national coaching position.

He is rude, abusive and completely out of his depth and frankly has no gist for the game. He must go to save future potential players and family the expense and frustration which has been going on during his tenure.

Reply #323999 | Report this post

Nix 83  
Years ago


ouch, guess you are a parent or heavily involved somehow? Confidence is very important with this age group and all you said is correct then thats not good, I guess you could write a letter. Keep at it.
Karma is a funny thing.

Reply #324016 | Report this post

Years ago

By all accounts wasn't the only coach/manager to have a run in with the SAC Development Officer..

Reply #324036 | Report this post

Years ago


You are obviously missing the point. Run ins occur in all spheres of life, however when one is in a position of authority and supposed to set an example, notwithstanding that the juniors are required to act in a ccordance with the code of coduct sanctioned by basket ball SA and Country Basketball, clearly this tool has not done so.

Reply #324048 | Report this post

Years ago


Obviously you were there and heard all of this first hand or are you just another wanker who believes everything they hear. i was there and did not hear anything from any coach which was out of place and believe me i was close enough to the bench at all games. Maybe you should check your source or be brave enough to put your name on the crap you write or just shut up, enough rubbish has been written about this coach and team. I guess this is the forum where all you people who think their kid deserves more of a run or a better deal from the coach can have a bitch without hurting your child's progress within the system by being anon. Come on if you have a gripe with Trevor or anybody else in SA Country put your name to it

Reply #324052 | Report this post

Years ago


Where there is smoke there is fire. You are a complete hypocrite where is your name, why aint you putting your name up there. You appear to be very protective of someone thats has had a lot of criticism leveled against them, maybe you are too close or in bed with him !!!!!

Reply #324056 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the most important feedback both the boys and girls coach should be given is to stop coaching so negatively. If you stand on the side line and constantly whinge and you will end up going no where with any group. It stood out with the SAC coaches this year. I even heard the boys coach sent out a written apology for acting like a moron after a trial game early in the year. Jason Bald needs to show some leadership and talk to these coaches about communication skills and player psychology.

To me it looks like both these guys were never much more than social scrub players and never played at any reasonable level. Unfortunately they have become ego coaches.

I didnt see the Vic metro coach acting like a SAC coach, nor the SA Metro coach.

Reply #324079 | Report this post

Years ago

The SAM boys should have made the semis - they had more talent than ACT.
Unfortunately BSA are totally unaccountable for their actions, in showing blatant nepotism in appointing coaches only from within certain programs (one in particular!). Hopefully the demise of the SASI partnership will open up the program to more than the "inner sanctum", but most people will doubt it. And our young athletes sadly pay the price.

Reply #324093 | Report this post

Years ago


I think you'll find there are very few coaches who put their hands up to coach at the next level. If people choose not to apply because they think there is an inner sanctum then they are idiots. What type of attitude is this? Certainly not one a state coach would like to see from their where when it seems to hard to just not try. Are you serious?

Maybe the reason State coaches come out of so few clubs is because only a few clubs actually put any effort into developing and more importantly, encourage their coaches to continuously strive for excellence.

I dont really understand what 'inner sanctum' you are talking about? Were you specifically asked not to attend SASI trainings? Have you asked Neil to attend a SASI session or are you waiting for a phone call? I think you'll find certain clubs are represented more heavily because they encourage their coaches to continue to learn and attend SASI sessions and coaching clinics etc. If a coach is interested in learning and becoming a better coach, they need to take responsibility for their own development. Welcome to the real world. People just don't give you things for being nice.

I think you'll find if you asked Neil to attend a session on a regular basis he would probably say yes.

You mention that our young athletes are paying the price...for what? Having good coaches coach them at the next level? Have you seen the quality of coaching on a Friday night recently? I would be asking the question to the majority of clubs what education programs and pathways they are providing their junior coaches.

You may be right that the SAM boys should have beaten ACT but they didn't. Has your team ever lost a game they could have won?

Once again another person happy to pot shot instead of doing something to better the system…well done.

Reply #324120 | Report this post

Years ago

I also wonder if the SAM boys had more talent than every team they beat. From memory they knocked off a Qld team, one of the NSW team and Vic Country.

Reply #324128 | Report this post

Years ago

That ACT team was very good. Lead well and had the best PG of the tournament so losing to them was not that big a deal....ACT did play in the GF!

Reply #324132 | Report this post

Years ago

While this faceless swiping is always going to happen, maybe if you have a problem with your coach you should go through the correct pathways and write a letter. That way your whinging might actually get some credible feedback or action??

Reply #324142 | Report this post

Europa 92  
Years ago

agree where's the positive comments on coaches that spend a lot of their own time to better the players as they just simply care. I know of a coach that travels over 100kms 3 x week to help and coach - no kids in team either. Bloody great coach as well and has been before. now thats passion. let me ask do any of you knockers out there put back into the game or just bag all in sundry.

Reply #324144 | Report this post

Years ago

I think people are referring to the coach not being prepared for the 2nd game of the tournament with regards to ACT. ACT had a bye the first day, and rather than organise someone to video them at classics (Sturt U16 finished higher than ACT) where 3 SA teams played against this ACT team. He relied on video of them from 6 month ago when they had a different coach.

I would think that making the effort to get a video could have made a difference in winning and losing this game and hence a silver medal. Not good enough.

Reply #324146 | Report this post

Years ago



Reply #324175 | Report this post

Years ago

Just a tip, but your argument will be taken more seriously if you don't use all caps. Not disagreeing with you at all though, don't get me wrong.

Reply #324179 | Report this post

Ganymede 41  
Years ago


Well here is a heart warming interview and insight into how good it can be at junior level.

Reply #324200 | Report this post

Years ago

324120 - then why do coaches not apply? There has to be a reason, in every other state they are lining up to take a turn. Perhaps all of them are just "idiots" as you say because they do not believe the gospel from BSA...

Making excuses for not finishing in line with their talent isn't acceptable. Simple fact is they lost to a team that finished in the bottom half of the Classic, that had less talent, but a better coach. Of course, this is BSA, so accountability is non-existent.

Reply #324261 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow mate, this is very obvious that you are one angry individual, and have a personal axe to grind about Paul Arnott's coaching. You have tried to defame him, attack his integrety and when that hasnt worked you have gone to a scouting tape he didnt get from the classics. Not once have you mentioned that he did try to obtain said tape, because if you know he didnt get tape you would also know why.You also dont mention what the expectation was for this team (you are obviously close enough to be in the know).Maybe mate you should be more concerned about your own integrity & honesty and clean up your own back yard if what I heard today is correct.

Reply #324266 | Report this post

Years ago

(Mod: Legally questionable. Seriously, the bitching that goes on in an U16 thread is embarrassing.)

Reply #324363 | Report this post

watching closely  
Years ago

Good to see that someone has taken that rubbish about SAC assistant coaches off this site. Truly to the idiot that wrote that what in hell do you hope to gain by writing that. obviously it is your intention to assaininate people's character so you have achieved your goal, hope you are satisfied

Reply #324431 | Report this post

Years ago

WOW - all I wanted was for people to say job well done kids and congrats on making a state team - but posting on a SA forum when SA dont do so well - I'll know better next time - I'll title it ..........

SA coaches - how bad are we when no-one else will step up and we dont meet the expectations of the Hoops forum all complaints here -

Reply #324477 | Report this post

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