Years ago
Club assessment tool
Hi Everyone,
I have a background in manufacturing continuous improvement (TQM, 6 Sigma etc) and in ISO management systems (quality, safety, environment). One of the things I am doing is developing a "Basketball Operations Assessment Matrix". Much like a continuous improvement assessment tool, a club can do a self assessment on their club to determine where they sit, or where they want to sit.
I have broken the matrix down into various area such as;
Policy & Strategy
Coaching Leadership
Training Session Management
Athlete Management
Athlete Selection & Placement
Athlete Performance Recognition
Club Processes & Procedures
Athlete Satisfaction
Parent Satisfaction
Performance Monitoring
Use of set plays
Team Static Offence
Team Static Defence
Defensive Style
Offensive Style
Transition Play
Shot selection
Scoring output
Bench Roster
End Results
I have prepared an excel spreadsheet and am looking for feedback from interested parties who can review the spreadsheet and give me feedback. If you are interested and able to help out, please drop me an email on [email protected] and I'll email it through to you,
Regards, Peter