City people do not realize what actually the role of the JDO's are, and the large spectrum of work it includes. They spend huge hours traveling from east to west of the state visiting schools and associations. It comes at great personal cost to both family and personal life for not a great salary.
Now there is a clear and identified pathway for players to progress through to National level and beyond. It includes all country affiliated associations not just a limited few. This was not there until recent years it was more a game of luck to end up in a state team or rep. group. Country carnivals now have the highest number of nominations in junior grades than ever before. Yes these kids get recruited to District clubs from these programs so what??? If this structure was not in place many of these players would not be playing in the city. So why bitch about it??
Unfortunately we still lose too many to football
What annoys me the most is the bagging of coaches and lack of informed comment. Its as if the attitude is these country bums don't know anything I wish we could be city. For those people who have been involved in the sport for more than the last 5 years soon realize that a lot of the coaching staff have in their time originated from Adelaide and played and even represented SA metro numerous times as players. They know all the game as well as any, and seen all the trends.
Looking at Last years SAC coaching list:
Under 18/16 Boys (all metro)
Jason Warhurst
Wade Hampton
Mal Penno
Bill Kelton
Wes Knight
The girls coaches have spent time coaching in Adelaide clubs as well.
Too all those who find it easy to criticize you may find the grass is not greener on the other side
, but its easy to take cheap shots, like the person who has started this forum.
SAC at the moment is stronger than its ever been, in terms of players/numbers and finances.
So my answer is positive. Its clear to many that the high performance/SASI pathway will take a different route in the years to come, if this is good or bad who knows. If you look at interstate models you would find the way SASI has been run in SA is unique, and has been designed like this from day one. But it will change, and give people more crap to complain about.