Tony Casella
Years ago
Basketball Magazines For Sale
Hi All,
I'm selling the following Magazines listed below for $50 ono. They are all in good condition. I'll also throw in 10 black magazine holders. If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or call 0407 391 398
Magazine Name Date
Basketball Forecast - Superstar Special 1993/1994
Basketball Today (Magic) Jun-05
Beckett Tribute -Issue 3 1992
Handle Sept/Oct 2005
Hoop Summer 1990
Hoop Summer 1991
Hoop Fall 92
Hoop Fall 93
Hoop Fall 94
Hoop Feb-91
Hoop Jun-91
Hoop Jan-92
Hoop Feb-92
Hoop Mar-92
Hoop May-92
Hoop Jun-92
Hoop Feb-93
Hoop Apr-93
Hoop May-93
Hoop Jun-93
Hoop Dec-93
Hoop Feb-94
Hoop Mar-94
Hoop Apr-94
Hoop May-94
Hoop Jun-94
Hoop Dec-94
Hoop Jan-95
Hoop Feb-95
Hoop Mar-95
Hoop Jun-01
Hoop Dec-02
Hoop Dec-05
Inside Sports May-91
Inside Sports May-92
Inside the NBA 1996
One on One Nov-92
One on One Feb-93
One on One May-93
One on One Jun-93
One on One Jul-93
One on One Aug-93
One on One Oct-93
One on One Nov-93
One on One Dec-93
One on One Jan-94
One on One Feb-94
One on One Mar-94
One on One Apr-94
One on One May-94
One on One Jun-94
One on One Jul-94
One on One Aug-94
One on One Sep-94
One on One Oct-94
One on One Nov-94
One on One Dec-94
One on One Jan-95
One on One Feb-95
One on One Mar-95
One on One Apr-95
One on One May-95
One on One Jun-95
One on One Aug-95
One on One Oct-95
One on One Nov-95
One on One Dec-95
One on One Jan-96
One on One Feb-96
One on One Apr-96
One on One Aug-96
One on One Dec-96
One on One Mar-97
One on One May-97
One on One Jul-97
One on One Aug-97
One on One Sep-97
One on One Nov-97
One on One Jan-98
One on One Feb-98
One on One Jul-98
One on One Jun-99
Petersen's Preview 1991/1992
Petersen's Preview 1992/1993
Petersen's Probasketball 1993/1994
Petersen's Probasketball 1995
ProBasketball 1995
Slam Sep-03
Slam Feb-07
Sport Jun-93
Sport Dec-93
Sport Jun-94
Sports Illustrated Nov-91
Sports Illustrated - Special Collectors Edition - Bulls 95-96
Sports Illustrated - Special Ed 96 - 97
Trading Cards Preview - Collectors Edition 1992
Trading Cards - Tribute to Michael Jordan 1992