Years ago
THAT WAS A TRAVEL - Bulls at Heat, GM4
The title is self explantory. Hate superstar calls.
Years ago
The title is self explantory. Hate superstar calls.
Moses Guthrie
Years ago
Libertine, I've seen so many four step moves from Wade and James this series that I'm considering teaching my kids how to get away with it. Crab dribble my butt - it's a travel. We need Bill Mildenhall at the Olympics again to lay down the law to these imposters. It's not basketball, I tell ya!
Years ago
Rose is to blame. An airball to try to win the game. Then a bad turnover in over time. So much for being MVP. If James is guarding him I'd rather have Deng try to win the game
Big Ads
Years ago
That's funny. Some 48 hours plus after the event and I know the exact move Libertine is referencing.
This is partly why the NBA just doesn't cut it anymore for me.
People slam the NBL for not being entertaining but for mine it is great to still see pure basketball, hell even local ABA when I have the chance.
I guess the integrity of the game is more important to me than the personalities.
Years ago
Completely agree Moses, i've been using the slow motion quite a bit, checking out just how many times LeBron travels. It's beyond ridiculous.
Years ago
The worst part is that these horrible travels have now infiltrated the game here. So many people are taking two steps before they travel now
Moses Guthrie
Years ago
Years ago
On that note in the Boston series (game 4 or 5 I think?) he made a crucial steal at the end of a tight game and went down for the dunk to effectively seal the win, problem was he literally took about 4 steps before putting the ball to the floor after the steal - it was totally unneccesary and he didn't really gain any advantage by doing it, but it's not a good look when he keeps getting away with it.
Wade travels every time he catches the ball in the back court, takes 3 steps before the first bounce. It's like they are just too cool for school and are trying super hard to show how little they're trying.
Years ago
Yeah, that was an obvious travel, and he does it nearly every time he gets the ball.
But then you look at the slow motion of Derrick Rose when he drives the ball in. A fair percentage of them are travels too.
Wade does it a lot, Griffin does as much as LeBron.
Eddie Shannon last season took 2 to 3 steps every time he he got the ball.
Seems to be an ever increasing trend.
Years ago
Def a travel, was screaming for it to be called but no one noticed.
KJ, are you serious, a MVP cannot miss a game winner now or have a turnover?
FFS he played all of the second half and OT.
If anything Thibs should have spelled him and got him fresh for the final 5 minutes of regulation.
Years ago
Often on a drive what we believe is a travel isnt as they go with the two count rather then the two steps, it is slightly different, so if a players takes an extra step at the ring but its all in motion they generally let it go, however this is just stupid. it is reasons like this that i cannot stand NBA, all in seriously the NBA could be much better then it is now if players played by the rules and the referees called it. They need to be taught they are not above the law and that they are not gods.
Bring on College ball, the real kind of basketball.
Years ago
The worst part is that when a euro player takes two big steps from side to side and fake their player out they get called for a travel. Rodriguez did it last year I think and the next play wade took 2-3 steps from the inbound pass and the Ref didn't do a thing.
Years ago
The Travel has been around for years. I remember watching a basketball show with Steve Carfino in 1994 and a viewer wrote saying shaun kemp took 3 steps on a dunk. Carfino then showed the replay of the clip and then stated that the NBA refs look for spectacular plays and refs will usally let a highlight play go. Sadly Lebron James shot was'nt even a spectacular play but was at a crucial part of the game the refs that missed that or let that go should be yanked. Trust me these lebron james and dwayne wades look very uncomfortble playing fiba rules and being reffed by FIBA referrees and now we know why.
Here is another clip of a chauncey billups travel that was let go at a crucial part of the game.
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