Charon 23
Years ago

Promotion/Relegation, its time.

The topic of Promotion/Relegation has started again with the state champs draw. I think it is time to introduce Pro/Rel Competition to Adelaide District Basketball, it would be better for all concerned. The standard of Basketball in SA would vastly improve with the strongest teams playing against each other. But it should only be introduced if Zoning came with it. That way the clubs that work the hardest and develope the kids in their own district would earn the right to have higher graded teams. Any thoughts on this concept?

Topic #25490 | Report this topic

Years ago

This is a good idea,only it looks like teams from around 5 clubs only would make up the div one .Maybe this would boost junior development in other clubs as they might be embarrassed by playing in second division with their best teams.

Reply #316709 | Report this post

Years ago

It needs to happen yesterday. Put a moratorium on tomorrow so that the clubs can keep the players playing for them now and introduce zones immediately for all new players joining clubs.
It doesn't matter that some clubs will have 2 or 3 teams playing div 1 because eventually the competition will become stronger. It will end junior'recruiting' and force weak clubs like souths, woodville, mavericks, centrals etc to improve or fold.

Reply #316711 | Report this post

Years ago

Zoning would not work in Adelaide as we don"t have the populace of Melbourne to support it.Promotion/relegation after the summer season sounds good though.If we could have a few more clubs like Magic pop up it might work out!

Reply #316712 | Report this post

Years ago

Pro/Rel will only work with zoning. Clubs working the hardest, investing the most into development are not neccessarily the most successful. Individual players at the most successful succesful clubs are necccessarily the most successful individuals.

If you bring in pro/rel without zoning basketball's overall participation rates will go down and only the inner city clubs will survive. You will remove ready access to elite basketball in the fastest growing demographical areas.

Reply #316718 | Report this post

Years ago

Pro/Rel will only work with zoning. Clubs working the hardest, investing the most into development are not neccessarily the most successful. Individual players at the most successful succesful clubs are necccessarily the most successful individuals.

If you bring in pro/rel without zoning basketball's overall participation rates will go down and only the inner city clubs will survive. You will remove ready access to elite basketball in the fastest growing demographical areas.

Reply #316719 | Report this post

Years ago

so what clubs would make div 1 short lists, no bias

Reply #316722 | Report this post

Reality Check  
Years ago

The problem with basketball in this state (which IMO is in a disgrace) is that there are two clubs who dominate the comp, 4 or 5 in various states of decay, and 3 or 4 on struggle street.

The issue with the Division 1 competition is the dis-parity between the top and bottom team. Pro/Rel will not fixed that, but the egos of some people may be boosted to such an extent that their head won't get through the door. "they might be embarrassed by playing in second division with their best teams" - what a crock of you know what. Rather than put your foot on a drowning man, why not extend a hand. Playing against fellow club teams is boring as. District basketball is about representing a district and rather than creating clicks and stroking egos.

Basketball in this state is so skewed and this skew will only continue with such a ridiculous proposal. This will not grow the sport, this will only accelerate it's decline and turn this sport into a minor minority sport.

I firmly believe that it all boils down to coaching competence and the plays/methodologies at the clubs. Struggling clubs need to attract coaches with styles that work, then kids will be attracted to their club. If those weaker clubs were lifted up through competent coaches, then the standard would improve and everyone would benefit.

I challenge all the coaches who consider themselves "better than most" to extend themselves, take a step out of their comfort zone and accept the challenge of a stint at a "weak" club to show us all how good you really are. By concentrating yourselves at "strong" clubs all you are doing is creating a black hole which is weakening the sport by slowly sucking the life out of it.

Reply #316726 | Report this post

Years ago

there will always be a top team and a bottom team in a competition.

The question is pro / rel will make teams earn a spot that they want.

Some clubs need a reality check and be honest with what grade they nominate their teams for.

All clubs that have built up start with solid results in a lower grade and works up - there is more pride and accomplishment in that feat.

Pro / rel is the way - capped at 2 teams per club per Div and i suggest challenge games if any dispute.

Reply #316729 | Report this post

Years ago

zoning would not have worked for us - our local club was a backyard arrangement and had we not been able to drive to where we wanted to - my kids would not have been involved in the sport.

Instead they got 9 years of juniors - then seniors from us.

Reply #316730 | Report this post

Years ago

"Playing against fellow club teams is boring as."

how do you know this? have you ever been involved with this happening.

Your experience is different to mine. The 2 teams fight harder for the ball it is a "save face" game to prove who is the better team in the division and who deserves to be there more.

Some of the best games I have seen in District basketball have been 2 teams in the same division from the same club.

Your challenge to the coaches just shows how lazy the club you are at must be. You expect the better coaches to leave their clubs where hardwork comes from the top and goes through to the bottom, and come to one where hardwork is a foreign word and laziness is the order of the day.

Struggling clubs need to recruit themselves and put the hard work in themselves and instill hardwork in their players to succeed. The black hole exists because instead of doing the hardwork to lift your club, players, caoches you moan about the division, instead of doing something about it.

Contact the gurus of basketball in this state ask them to come out and show your coaches how to run a successful junior programme. I am sure they would be more than willing to extend their hand and guide you in the right direction to make your club successful. Get off you backside and do the hard work and stop whingeing!

Reply #316731 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, ur full of it.

Reply #316733 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon have a look at the strong clubs and look where their coaches are from. The majority are not locally development from within people. They've been recruited or coerced or gone there chasing titles/wins.

Reply #316747 | Report this post

Years ago

Junior soccer has promo/relegation and they have alot more clubs and participants than junior basketball.

Reply #316752 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon - try having 3 teams from one club in Div 2 YL. It is as boring as hell playing 7 games in a 24 week season against your own training partners. Why play at all - just run scratch matches and cut the costs. Can't wait for this season to finish. How stupid is it to have North South pools in Div 2 YL

Reply #316754 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 747,

Perhaps they have moved to clubs that provide them an opportunity to develop as coaches. Away from the petty politics other clubs create through their lack of development opportunities.

Just like players move to improve their opportunities.

Its basic human nature. If clubs dont improve their service, coaches AND players will move to those better organised and strucured that provide them with what they are looking for.

Why doesn't your club provide them with what they are looking for?

Reply #316755 | Report this post

Years ago


The idea of pro/rel is to create and enviroment where clubs need to be accountable to have div 1 teams.

Having zones will only again create culture of laziness and decrease participation levels because club wont need to improve their level of service, but would rather be able to just stop kids from playing if they are unhappy.

Reply #316756 | Report this post

Years ago

Why not combine the div 1 teams with the top 5 of div2 and have a premier league+combine the rest of div2 with div3 after the summer season and call it super league,now that would solve a lot of shit.What pro rel would do now is create div1 for 2/3 clubs only might as well get sturt,forrestville to start their own competition.

Reply #316759 | Report this post

Years ago

Most of sturts /forrestviles players live 15 kms+ away from the club,what a load of crap all of the rich mommies and daddies want junior to play for an arse kicking club-makes me sick.

Reply #316761 | Report this post

Years ago

truth is there is probably around 10 junior teams across the board that are in the wrong div.

all i ask for is common sense - why have byes in div 1 when you can fill it with a second div 1 team from another club.

hardly going to be the demise of basketball in SA.

why have teams in grades where they win no games and have a % less than 30.

you must earn your stripes.

we won a div 4 GF once and it acheived more to the people than getting thumped in Div 2 every week.

Reply #316762 | Report this post

Reality Check  
Years ago

Why not just split both Forestville and Sturt into two clubs each?

Reply #316765 | Report this post

same old same old  
Years ago

This has been done a million times, P/R and Zoning are band aids.

I think everyone misses the big picture.


1) Get more children playing the sport.
2) Ensure entry level programs are designed to attract and retain.

The answer to all the problems with Basketball in SA from the 36ers to Club ABL to under 10's and junior program's is the number of members and hence the amount of money to improve/invest on the product and development.

Focus on doubling membership for all the aspects of Basketball in SA, think about every issue you have, ask your self the question. If we doubled or trippled the participation / membership will that issue still be there?

Basketball has very high participation numbers, in the top 3 in the country and most states.
SA's problem is that it is fragmented. District Clubs have no connection with participation programs. Everyone will shoot me down, but go have a look at Goden Grove, Sports for All the school comps. Where does that money go?
Answer: not back into basketball.

If you want further proof, go look at how many teams Sturt have in the Unley competition. You will then understand why their under 10 programs are always strong, that is a major advantage simply because the basic development is happening at least one year before the rest.

The fact that Sturt has teams in the Unley competition is proof of my argument. How can that happen!!!!!!!!!

Reply #316775 | Report this post

Years ago

The only problem with your argument is that BSA has stated that they do not want to grow the district compettion and that they have scrapped the domestic/association model. Rather they are now looking to run all domestic competitions and take the proceeds. How do club then improve their service when all the money goes back to BSA? And where else should Sturt be putting their teams where they can run a low cost, low travel competition?

Reply #316777 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I am not a fan of pro/rel as such as there are too many variables. Pro/rel is more about driving using the rear vision mirror than looking out the windscreen. I am a fan of clubs placing teams appropriately based on skill level. I am not a fan of teams getting beaten by +30 each game. I consider the best games are those +/- 10 points. I am not a fan of a strict zone, but I am a fan of kids supporting their closest club first. I am a fan of clubs putting their hand on their heart when kids who are closer to other clubs come to them and they say "have you considered X, who are closer to you?" I am not a fan of clubs offering incentives to junior players to play for them like $50/yr fees, free uniforms, petrol money etc.

The gap between the #1 and #10 clubs is just too large. I am not saying the strong clubs need to get weaker, the weak clubs need to get stronger.

The sport needs to get more kids playing the sport. The AFL model is a massive pyramid and they know the bigger the base, the better the point. This must be the same principle adopted in basketball. There are too many barriers at the moment preventing growth in the sport.

Same old, same old; Your comment about fragmentation is valid. In SA you can play basketball without having any affiliation to BSA, yet with AFL, that is not the case. BSA need to be in control of basketball, but if you are playing social ball at one of the Rec Centres scattered around the suburbs, what does BSA offer? and if you are one of those operators, why support BSA when all you good players then move on and you loose revenue?

As part of this government funded facilities review, there also needs to be a review of how the game is structured and controlled in this state.

Reply #316779 | Report this post

same old same old  
Years ago

I am not talking about growing the District competition, it is increasing participation numbers and membership and available revenue.
Not to mention the basic principle of the more playing, the more pressure on the Div 1 spot. Again, get the base right the rest will fix it self in time.

Jack, your argument is valid regarding what does BSA have to offer, possibly nothing other than insurance savings and referee development etc. However, this is business and I would like to suggest if BSA cannot work with them then compete against them, offer a better product, take the business.

Unfortunately this problem has eveloved because there has been no interest from BASA and the Clubs in the participation side of the sport, others have filled that gap and now the Sport is paying the price.

Should BSA, North and Norwood offer a competition structure better than Golden Grove, that would be about 3000 members that could come back under the umbrella.

Reply #316789 | Report this post

Years ago

If Zone is so bad why does the biggest sport in Adelaide do it?

Reply #316792 | Report this post

Years ago

If zoning is so good why do the biggest (soccor) and 2nd biggest (basketball) not us it anywhere around the world.

Football has numerous domestic level clubs, ie amaetur league clubs that recruit and filter players into the sport. And then into SANFL clubs. SANFL clubs do not recruit and develop players at participation level.

Basketball does not have this system. Zoning would be fine if all clubs had domestic comeptitions and association model was in place.

Reply #316796 | Report this post

Years ago

What comes first, chicken or egg??

Why invest the time and energy into domestic competitions and recruitment when your hard work and members funds invested into domestic competitions build up isn't protected and the best kids who came through your domestic competition can just move to "stronger" clubs.

Reply #316798 | Report this post

Years ago

Because you generate funds and increase revenue for your club. This can then be used to improve your service as a club which retains players.

Reply #316805 | Report this post

Years ago

No not true! Clubs that have full time coaching directors and are also trying to establish domestic comps are 1. attracting lesser quality people. 2. these people are being distracted by the massive task of running domestic comps.

the pay for a fulltime coaching director isnt great. in many cases the people taking these roles on are taking them on because they dont have the skillsets to get an adequately paying proessional role.

The establishment of domestic comps will require funding from district players funds, district sponsorships etc. why will these stakeholders invest the money in domestic comps when these kids will just move onto another club at the end of the process?

Reply #316806 | Report this post

Years ago

Zoning isn't bad, it isn't the end of the world and the curtains won't fade if it is introduced. For new entrants into a sport it helps direct them to start with their local club/association.

What zoning is totally ineffective at doing is controlling how evenly the top 80 players in a sport are spread among the clubs.

In particular for basketball, how does zoning work when up to half of some div 1 teams are country players?

As for Pro/Rel, it could help even the competition, but you would have to totally ban any player movement between teams within a club, right from the start of Summer. Otherwise teams get stacked to qualify & the competition doesn't become any more even than it is now.

Reply #316809 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would they leave if you are able to do a better job than other clubs who dont have the funds because they dont run domestic comps?

How then do you become a stronger club?

Reply #316810 | Report this post

Years ago


You idiot, rich mommies and daddies driving them 15km+ to play for an arse kicking club. That's such a dumb comment, so they should drive them a smaller distance to play for a club that makes no effort and has no direction to get better? They don't break any rules and want to do the best for the kids and you insult that?

I think the bigger problem is that their should be no reason why those clubs are struggling. Why isn't their someone at BSA organising and demanding those clubs gain a direction, but it out there on paper and start working towards it. What's a bigger issue is the clubs that have coaching directors, a direction and volunteers make the time and effort are going forward and the teams without are just sitting back whinging about how bad it is no one helps them. I admit that those clubs doing better have better facilities and the membership base to suppourt those roles, but surely you must admit it's a two way street, that you have to appear to be putting in the effort and then BSA surely needs to accept that clubs making the effort deserve the higher up coaching help.

Someone before said also, why don't the coaching gurus prove themselves by doing a stint at a struggling club? Why? Because those coaching gurus know the only way they know they can be coaching the state teams whether that year or in the future is to be apart of a winning program. What I found funny was that at the end of last year BSA pretty much handed out a memo saying "State coaching isn't a boys club" and then you look at the state coaching line up again for 2011 and to me looks still a lot like a boys club of old. Whats the point of one guru going to a club and turning around one area of the program if they don't have the foundation work behind them, and then they go with a losing record and the boys club at state wont want to have them.

My point being overall, you can't wholly blame the successful clubs, you can't wholly blame the strugglers, you can't wholly blame anyone. But what I find is that our top 100 players in each age group arent competiting against each other in 10 teams in Div 1, they're spread out across 2-3 divisions in 10 teams for different clubs.

Reply #316814 | Report this post

Years ago

No one in the world has the same system as basketball in Australia.

Soccer also has amateur clubs under their elite junior program.

Soccer junior results also always are lopsided.

Personally I'm not a big fan of zoning. But I'm also not a fan of allowing two clubs to destroy the entire competition.

Reply #316823 | Report this post

Years ago

how bout coaches/clubs be realisistic about the team they coach, if they are getting smashed in div 1, put in a case to go down to div 2 so the team can get better, and develope against people of their own standard. The days of all these too proud people saying every year level must have a div 1 team needs to end.

i did it with a team, they went down got some confidence, went back up and almost made the finals. We need to think developement, think beyond the year, what can you do to bring your kids up to the standard of the league.

Reply #316824 | Report this post

Years ago

How about Division 1 be limited to 8 teams? Cut the fat.

Reply #316826 | Report this post

Years ago

i would like to know which clubs "dont make an effort"?

Reply #316827 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree.

Unfortunately basketball in this state is so small and that's the biggest problem.

To say to a club you're lazy because you don't have good coaches or good administrators or good players is completely unfair.

Not everyone can become good at something. As hard as I try I will never become an NBL player. If I train for 12 hours a day I will still never become an NBL player.

Effort doesn't solve everything.

Clubs try, all of them.

It's interesting that Forestville one of the current powers used to be the easy beats. Did they not try then like they do now?

They didn't have a stadium then like now. Or a Canteen and Bar facilites. Or extra revenue provided for no effort on their behalf because BSA run everything they can out of Wayville.

Is it a coincidence that the weaker clubs run out of the oldest, most run down, empty stadiums in Adelaide?

Reply #316833 | Report this post

Years ago

B 100% correct

Reply #316834 | Report this post

Years ago

same old same old, you're the problem and will never be part of the solution.
basketball is a small very small sport which needs to get basic foundations right.
zones are part of that followed by a pro/rel system.

Reply #316837 | Report this post

Years ago

Solution to your problem...................
If your unhappy with Basketball in S.A.
Come over to the DARK SIDE
(we have 3 times the same sort of crappy problems you guys have)

COMMENT WRITTEN - tongue in cheek

Reply #316838 | Report this post

Years ago

Nothing has changed since I started playing juniors for South Adelaide in the mid 1960's. The only difference is that all juniors were then played at either the old Forestville (Boys) or Bowden (girls) stadiums. The population burst and urban sprawl in the 1970s and 1980s resulted in new stadiums being built around Adelaide, especially the outer suburbs, many of which developed their own competitions outside of BASA. Concentrate all junior competition to a couple of inner metropolitan stadium with a limit on the number of teams from each club in each grade and things may change.

Reply #316852 | Report this post

Years ago

basketball is a diminishing sport not aided by grandiose plans without foundations.
Womens bball in adelaide has lost its way and while boy's/mens is still okay, without sound and equitible changes it wont matter a damm whether pro/rel, zones or anything else eventuate because their wont be the interest because we are being leap frogged by other sports.
netball gets huge coverage well reported and gorgeous women but when basketball can get coverage the women are better suited to radio and the reporting plain.
Ushiro is right about centralizing playing venues but self interest will veto that.

Reply #316855 | Report this post

same old same old  
Years ago

Anon 316837

"Basketball is a very small sport" the facts don't quite agree with you.

Basketball has more players registerd in Australia than Aussy Rules.
In SA it is the 3rd highest ranked participation sport.
59,500 registered players over the age of 15 years
Only 6000 less than Aussy Rules.

The Adelaide District Clubs are about 3500(approx) of the 59,000.

How many players in your Club?

Your Club already finances itself by offering 5 divisions in the Elite comp. Why?
Answer = money

Zones and P/R are just masking the real problems that no-one wants to deal with, or cannot deal with.

5 Divisions in the elite comp, seriously, how does that make sence.

Clubs are trying to finance themselves by attracting new members to lower divisions and at entry level. Problem being, they have to charge elite competion fees while trying their best to offer the same service to all. That works!

Zones will not fix these basic issues, while the structure is wrong, these endless threads on band aid discussions will continue.

Zones have no bearing on domestic comps, they do not have an elite mindset, parents wont drive from one side of Adelaide to the other to play in a better team in the recreational competition.

Reply #316857 | Report this post

Years ago

Same Oldy, if your facts are even close to true then basketball administrators have and continue to f**k up big time

Reply #316870 | Report this post

Years ago

Same Old.

A majority of clubs players would be 15 or below.

Reply #316871 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturt would get bored beating the same team each week

Reply #316904 | Report this post

Years ago

This topic is always created by a Sturt parent who is frustrated their child cannot get a gig in the Div 1 team. So lets change the competition, so suit our own little ego.
The vast majority of Div 1 coaches at sturt are not former sturt junior players but also ego based coaches who have gone there to get given good teams and pump their own bags. Most people around Junior Basketball know this who have been there longer than the last rain shower.

Reply #316905 | Report this post

Years ago

This topic is always created by a Sturt parent who is frustrated their child cannot get a gig in the Div 1 team. So lets change the competition, so suit our own little ego.
The vast majority of Div 1 coaches at sturt are not former sturt junior players but also ego based coaches who have gone there to get given good teams and pump their own bags. Most people around Junior Basketball know this who have been there longer than the last rain shower.

Reply #316906 | Report this post

Years ago

In fact most of the mavericks Div 1 coaches are all ex sturt players....ha!

Reply #316907 | Report this post

Years ago

being around a long time and having kids that played div 1 at other clubs and sturt.

One simple thing - sturt div 1 coaches know what they are doing.

Reply #316909 | Report this post

Years ago


as a Div 1 coach that doesnt coach at sturt i find it offensive that you would assume that i dont know what i am doing.

I have coached Div 1 at two clubs, and been very successfull although haven't won a state champ or a winter season have had many players go on and play college or ABA.

Have not lost to sturt this season!! dont plan on losing to them either.

Reply #316911 | Report this post

Sabre Slapper  
Years ago

As everyone should know by now, Sturt have a very basic offence and defence which works very well against undisciplined teams who over-dribble the ball, don't pass off and are lazy on the boards. They are very poor shooters from the arc in my experience. Force them to take their shots outside and they don't like it. They are VERY good from the FT and the keyway, but average from the arc. We all know that they play a back court trap on the ball carrier every possession and everyone should know how to beat a trap by now. They have a defensive structure which has a high fouling potential that they use to break up the opposition flow and attempt to steal. Use that against them and foul out their arm slappers. Unfortunately, a lot a refs let it go. Have a look at your old scoresheets coaches, Sturt always average a few more fouls per game than you don't they. They have a tendency to hard foul the player in the key. I suppose it slows things down, make you earn the points, and gives their players a rest.
All their offence revolves around a fast break as their preferred scoring option, but whenever YOU get a fast break, they tend to grab foul to stop it. When they get held up in offence, they always look for the low baseline player that is left alone after the help D comes. Sturt get frustrated when you return the favour and play like them. My rule against Sturt is simple, we play our style of ball, but "we do to them what they do to us".
As soon as they start grabbing the fast break, we just do the same back.
As soon as they start slapping the player going for the layup, we just do the same back.

For all our friends at North this week, just watch for those pointers, and for those who video tape games, just re-watch the Sturt games and you'll see what I mean for when you play them next.

Good Luck!

Reply #316917 | Report this post

Years ago

sorry to offend - but i did not say that you did not know what you were doing.

Reply #316919 | Report this post

Secret Sabre  
Years ago

Oh my God,

Sabres Slapper has worked us out.

We are now dooooomed.

This whole time we have been playing basketball and teams haven't been trying to stop us.

Reply #316921 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the kids get intimidated by strut players more than anything, I tell my team to get stuck in and watch them go to water, as soon as the parents start screeching at the refs, game over

Reply #316922 | Report this post

Years ago

Yea no doubt that sturt parents/coaches are more hated by the refs than anyone that plays against them.

Reply #316923 | Report this post

Secret Sabre  
Years ago

I guess its hard to have people like you when you are considered Goliath. :(

And that musn't happen too often then.

Reply #316926 | Report this post

Years ago

In a nutshell, put sturt coaches at souths or woodville and the results would not improve. sturt coaches are competent coaches but they keep getting the best kids and its the players that make the coaches.

Reply #316938 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree very much, and how often do we see sturt groups being dominant winners in summer season, and then slowly go backwards over winter dropping games to teams.

Reply #316940 | Report this post

Years ago

So how do Sturt produce all these dominant teams in the first place?

Looking at their U10 and U12 teams, they are all doing well.

Reply #316947 | Report this post

Years ago

They have huge numbers come out and trial, and the club has such a long history they dont need to advertise a great deal. 10 years ago when Paul M. and Dean K. were at Southern and North respectively it was their junior programs dominating sturt, especially in the boys. The most important thing is numbers I think in 10's/12's.
The problem in Adelaide is you have , Forrestville, Sturt and South all in close proximity.

Reply #316960 | Report this post

Years ago

So why aren't those kids who know nothing about the standard of club basketball in SA going to South?

And why do Sturt get the Results they do at U14 Natioanls, and Classics?

I would suggest that Sturt have had more medals at Classics in the last 10 years than all the other clubs put together.

Reply #316973 | Report this post

Years ago

I will tell you one reason why people who know nothing about basketball go to Sturt or Forestville over South.

Take your first step into each respective stadium and first impressions are made and count. I think North would have a similar issue but the other stadiums around them are not as significantly better than down South.

It is a whole package people look at; especially new comers. Some clubs are just starting well and truly behind the eight ball

Reply #316974 | Report this post

Charon 32  
Years ago

They were coming when Sturt had the old stadium at Colonel Light Gardens which was only marginally better than Marion or Hillcrest. They were coming when Sturt had no stadium because it burnt down and they were coming when Pasadena was out of action because the floor was being re-done. Stop making excuses!

Reply #316975 | Report this post

Years ago

anon, thats just plain dumb. How do they know what each stadium looks like? They havn't been involved in basketball.

Why have Forestville never won State Champs, when they had the best venue for years, even while as the above has shown, Sturt a) was at CLG 2 court run down stadium and b) had no stadium at all.

Reply #316977 | Report this post

Years ago

Pro/Rel argument again........

Performance of clubs happens in waves. Starting from their junior teams (aussie hoops and U10s). If clubs have a great Aussie Hoops and U10 program their wave starts. This is not to say the other programs need to be strong but rather its more important to have your starting program the strongest. If Aussie Hoops is strong you are likely to have a better turn out to U10 trials. If your U10 program is well coached then the kids move to U12 with the right fundamentals to build on. This then creates a wave of players that will hopefully go all the way through to 18s. Memorable waves in the past were North Girls and Boys during late 90s.

Does a strong ABL program increase the chance of more people turning up for U10 trials? Not a chance. So why place loads of club money into the ABL program. Why not place all the money into getting more players to the club in U10s and having a good coaching program at that level. How do you do that? Well place the $20,000 into a part time Development Officer whose sole efforts for the year is to increase participation in Aussie Hoops and increase the number of players turning up for trials. Whilst this is happening organise your U10 coaching staff to make sure when the kids start arriving that they are getting the right development.

From memory during my first level 1 coaching course I was given a sheet of what players should be learning at each age level. It had when each skill should be taught along with when they should be competent to do skill with out guidence (at training) and also what age they should be strong at that skill to be able to complete it in a game. The form started at age 8 through to 15.

My two cents - Get your starting programs correct before worrying about your ABL programs.

Reply #316998 | Report this post

In the Know  
Years ago

Some of these comments are hiliarious. Most of the coaches that coach at STurt have been at other clubs and have left due to politics and the fact there is no stability at the their previous clubs. There results at othjer clubs have been good with what they were coaching. To the peanut that says STurt gets huge numbers at trials, I would say you are just guessing. I know for a fact that other clubs get more kids to their trials. The problem is that their coaches do nothing with them.

Kids play at a club and start friendships which means that they do not move clubs easily. Sick and tired of hearing the wo is me stories ,and complaining of what they have and what we don't.

It all starts with numbers and good coaching at Under 10s. Have excellent coaches in 10s, 12s and 14s (no disrespect to above ages), and your club will be in sound hands.

Reply #317004 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturt get huge numbers at trials I have been there as a parent and seen for myself. And dont call a sturt parent and ex player a peanut

Reply #317016 | Report this post

Secret Sabre  
Years ago

anon, So you have been to other clubs trials to compare? Coconut!

Reply #317018 | Report this post

grey shirt  
Years ago

wow i didnt realize that sturt coaches were hated by the refs. I didnt get that memo. I will need to remember that at the State champs.

and as for the parents I missed that too.

I am practicing my "T's" at the moment.

Reply #317100 | Report this post

Years ago

Things can change very quickly in Basketball. A West Adelaide Team at full strength Under 16 DIV 1 was defeated last night by an injury plagued Southern Tigers team. The Team had previously gone undefeated at full contingent for 3 years beating Tigers last time by 60 points. What good would relegation done the Tigers last night? Not given them a chance to prove that they have gotten stronger and become a better team.

Reply #317500 | Report this post

Years ago


Why would the Southern team have been relegated? They have been a consistantly good, (if not great) team for a while and have a number of SASI and possible State team members. Great result for them, but clearly has nothig to do with promotion/relegation.

I would think Centrals, Woodville, South and North would have been more likely to be relegated if need be. And doubt if more than 2 of these would have gone down. Maybe a third if they couldn't beat a combined Sturt team from div 2. But that would be about it. And that would be doubtful.

Reply #317503 | Report this post

Years ago

Ummm anon, you are defeating your own argument by using Centrals as an example...They've moved from bottom place into 5th place at the moment. If they had been relegated in summer they would have dominated the Div 2 competition and/or worse still the plyers they have picked up, adding strength, and numbers to the competition would not have joined.

Reply #317516 | Report this post

Years ago

Then it would have been in their best interest to organise those players at the start of the season. And then in the following 2 years, they would have moved back into Div 1.

Clubs would just need to be organsied.

Reply #317526 | Report this post

Years ago

And considering they are country players, they would just go and play for eastern, norwood or somewhere else.

Reply #317530 | Report this post

Years ago

Why do kids have to play a mickey mouse summer competition Anon. As the rules stand they knew they could get into Div 1 so why waste time and money on a meaningless summer season??

Reply #317533 | Report this post

Years ago

To appropriately grade team, which would provide superior comeptition and therefore create more closely contested games.

This would then create a greater enviroment for consistant effort and reward performance in an elite competition.

The upshot would be greater development of players and a greater enphasis for clubs on development and recruitment to stop their teams from falling otu of Div 1.

hance clubs like Centrals would stop wasting money on ABL and start investing into their juniors. And rather than just recruit contry kids who may not want to play summer and may not even want to play in 2 years time because they dont make another State team.

Reply #317537 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah a promotion/relegation system would be good it would be a benefit for everyone. I remember when i used to play district for Sturt 2001-2005 i was only Div 3 but i swear our team would've beaten most of the clubs in Div 2. We'd go entire seasons pretty much undefeated and beat teams like Southern, Central and Woodville by 50+ points. Even though winning every game and thrashing teams was fun my ego took over and I got sick of never being given the opportunity to play in the higher divisions. Even when i got to Div 2 i was just a benchwarmer anyway so it was either play 10 minutes a game in Div 2 or play pretty much the entire game playing in Div 3. After a while it gets frustrating, which means you either play for another club or quit. In my case i just quit.
If there was a relegation system it would be better because the worst teams wouldn't get thrashed and top teams would be allowed to play in higher divisions against better standard teams where they deserve to be.

Reply #327754 | Report this post

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