Years ago
Hunnerups comments...
In Boti's article today he quoted Bob Hunnerup as saying, "he was adament Paul Bell was the difference between West winning and losing on the weekend..."
If true, these are comments of a desperate, ignorant man searching for different excuses as to why his team keeps losing. Instead of living in a dream world, where you keep saying "but if only...", how about looking at what's in your own backyard and utilise it!
What about saying, "if only I had put more experienced players on the court at the end of the game..."
Paul Bell was a non factor in this game...he WASN"T there! If making stupid comments like this makes losing feel better than go for it.
If you want to compare what would've happened if Paul played, you'd also have to throw in Scott Thur and Aaron Lockyear both of whom weren't playing due to Personal reasons, then they even out.
At the end of the day, South got the 'W'!
Let's hope Bob can think of another excuse next week when Paul's back and the Tigers knock them off...