Years ago

Michael Redd - risk vs reward


Had a read of this article and got to thinking, is Redd worth a contract for some contending teams next year?

Heck, even in Milwaukee they could use him.

What is the ceiling? What role could he play? How long could he sustain it?

Topic #25395 | Report this topic

Years ago

Id sign him, there have been bigger contracts extended to lesser players over the years in the NBA. Jim Mccalvaine ring a bell!? IF it is a shortended season, then Redd and those knees of his could play slightly more minutes, because they wont be put through the riggers of a 82 game season. Id like to see him retire in Milwaukee, god knows no one else wants to play for them.

Reply #315111 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Redd is going to spend the rest of his years as a role player off the bench.

Personally, it's time for him to go. He's been a sinkhole for money for the team and has unfortunately been paid to sit around and do nothing. Bogut stepped up offensively after Redd was injured in 08-09 and has become the focal point for the team. Milwaukee have been a far better team in the past 2 seasons without him.

The money is better invested in other talent. Besides, John Salmons is doing his job and CDR has proven to be a very handy scorer off the bench along with Corey Maggette.

Reply #315112 | Report this post

Years ago

He might be worth throwing a mill/mill and a half at for a team that wants to bring him off the bench as an impact scorer - but with his injury history not sure too many clubs would invest anything other than spare change on him.

Reply #315113 | Report this post

lickity split  
Years ago

Agree with Redd being a role player, feel kind of sorry for the guy. On the other hand John Salmons hasn't been doing squat! he's one of the reasons the Bucks sucked this year. And to me Milwaukee doesn't seem that smart with their contracts, givin redd that contract when he got it was a stretch, and look how much they spent on Salmons, Maggette and Gooden for gods sake!! what did they get from these signings? a team that went drastically backwards form the year before.
One more point, I called it early last season but noone believed me, Brandon Jennings is a cancer!! Not good for Boguts production...

Reply #315114 | Report this post

No Deal!!  
Years ago

The same question could be asked with relation to Yao. I think both guys would fit well on a contender on small contracts. They both still have a lot to offer, just not in their previous "franchise player" type roles.

Reply #315120 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Jennings could be moving on after this season to play over in Europe. Jennings has said a few times that he's more interested in playing overseas atm than the NBA.

Would be an opportune time for the Bucks to really hunt for a decent PG considering if Jennings heads off, there's the combined salary of Redd and Jennings to offer.

Reply #315133 | Report this post

Years ago

Not quite true that bucks can offer redd's salary to another player. Depends on what the next cap is but it will almost certainly be less than this year. So at most the bucks can offer about $6 mill to a fa before they will hit cap.

Doubt bucks will let Jennings go with couple cheap rookie contract years left. He's not a true pass first PG but he is still a valuable player and has some ceiling left I think.

If redd wants to contribute as a scoring role player off the bench for 1-2 mill I think the bucks should keep him

Reply #315141 | Report this post

Years ago

Orlando fans would have said the same things about Grant Hill, and he's come back to be a very valuable player.

He will snag a role on a roster somewhere

Reply #315145 | Report this post

Years ago

Jennings is not leaving mate

Reply #315206 | Report this post

Years ago

Jennnings isn't going anywhere. The Bucks GM just called him a future star along with bogut he will be up for to some serious coin when his rookie contract expires three times the amount he coul make in Europe. As for Redd I'm in agreement that his contract was too much. Redd is a great player but he along with players such as rashard Lewis and joe johnson should not be earning what their earning. Thats the trouble with the NBA these days, supporting stars are getting paid like superstars players.

As for the critiscm about signing Gooden. To tell you truth I really like Drew Gooden. But Gooden fits the mould of players such as Tim Thomas, Derrick coleman, and Donyell Marshall who have alot talent but just can't seem to get over the hump. Remember Jerry West who drafted and traded for some great players over the years (nick Van Excel, eddie jones, Kobe Bryant, Andrew Byrnum) chose Drew Gooden so he obvisosly saw something in him. This is probably Jerry West biggest blouch on his fantastic GM resume, that he chose him over Amare Stoudmire. Word was Amare Stoudamire did'nt work out for West in the pre-draft workouts because he was injuried. Back to Gooden though I don't think he is lazy unlike some of the players I have mentioned but just inconsistent he certainly has the tools.

Reply #315528 | Report this post

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